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VTune 7.2 with WinCE 5.0 and PXA27x doesnt run in TDLC mode

i am using VTune 7.2 analyzer for monitoring the applications on PXA270 based platform, which has WinCE 5.0.
I have installedVTune from the web andable to copy the target related files onto my device.I use Microsoft active sync for host<->target connection.
I am tryingthis usingTLDC (target local data collection) mode of VTune. I run the VTuneTDC.exe on the target and in the Data collector window, i configure for sampling some finite number of samples for a finite duration.
When i start the sampling, nothing actually is captured and the stop, pause, resume optionsnever gets enabled.
Somehowtwo files itgenerates .rsf and .rmf (.rmf file size is always zero).
Same things happen when i try in Stand alone Remote data collection mode.
Can you please help in this regard.
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5 Replies

I believe the basic problem is that the XScale technology update for the VTune analyzer that is available on the web does not yet support WinCE 5.0. Please review the Release Notes for the XScale update (PXA2xxReadme.htm) that you have installed (should also be available from the Help menu of the 7.2 analyzer UI).

Also, are you using Windows Mobile* 5.0 for Pocket PC or Smartphone? Is this a custom device oran off-the-shelf device?


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Thanks for your reply.
Yes, in the Release notes of VTune 7.2, it doesnt tell anything about the WinCE 5.0.
But what executables we are testing are of the WinCE 4.2 OS Version, which should be upward compatible i believe.
We are using aPXA270bulverde processor based Custom platform.
Is there any other means of testing PMU stuffs on the PXA270 based platform with WinCE 5.0 operating system provided by Intel?
Please help,
Many Thanks.
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Currently, Intel does not have a BSP for WinCE* 5.0. Intel has BSPs for Pocket PC* 2004 and Smartphone* 2004. Microsoft* has a BSP for WinCE 5.0 but we do not know if the PMU is enabled and are not supporting it with the VTune analyzer. Sorry. No doubt we will support it some time in the future, but I can't guarantee it or give you a date.

Message Edited by DaveA on 12-07-2005 05:09 PM

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Hi Dave,

Regarding the VTune 7.2/WinCE 5.0/PXA270 combination, we have a serious problem. The following is the detailed approach of how we are testing.

We have copied the PMU Source code from WM_50_PPC BSPinto Microsoft BSP(MAINSTONEII). And have done the following changes to reflect onto our platform.

1. copied the directory INTEL_DBPXA27Xpubliccommonoakcsparmintelpxa270pmu to our folder structure

2. copied the directory INTEL_DBPXA27Xplatformcommonsrccommonioctlpmu to our folder structure

3. Included the ioctl_pmu.lib in the Kernel Sources

4. added the include header file ioctl_tab.h

5. in file platformsrckerneloalintr.c, added a function OALIntrStaticTranslate(SYSINTR_PMU, IRQ_PMU) for mapping PMU interrupt

6. copied the cab files given for Pocket PC (VTuneXSCDC.PPC2002.CAB) to the target and installed on target

7. Run the VTRemoteServer.exe on the target and run XscVTuneHostDC.exe on the host side

8. After configuring the XscVTuneHostDC.exe for connection, the connection gets established between the target and host, VTRemoteServer.exe says "Connected with Host"

9. When we configure XscVTuneHostDC.exe for collecting data samples, first time it doesnt give any error and doesnt start the activity too (start button doesnt go in disable mode). second time it throughs an error, "Start Activity Failed" and doesnt really capture anything.

10. After this, two files are being generated .rsf and .rmf (.rmf file size is always zero)

11. Ideally speaking, the code meant for pocket PC should work for the WinCE 5.0 too. I have attached my log report along with this query. Please suggest me for any modifications to be done for this.

Thanks a lot.

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Hi senthil_iwave:

This is thorough information, but this is the type of problem where you need to use Intel Premier Support. Premier Support provides confidentiality, guaranteed response times, and security.

FYI: I wouldn't expect PPC2002 to work with WinCE 5.0, since PPC2002 was based on WinCE 4.2. PPC2004 is derived from WinCE 5.0.


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