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Here and Back Again: Lulu Chang on Rejoining Intel Taiwan after an Internship

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A chance encounter with Intel as a postgraduate student led Lulu Chang to a meaningful internship—which kickstarted her career in technology. This is Lulu’s Intel experience.

When I was younger, I didn’t imagine a career in IT or engineering. I was just an ordinary girl who tried her best at school and loved to travel. When it came time for college, I chose to pursue a degree in computer science after discussing the topic extensively with family and friends and considering my interests as a gamer.

I graduated from the National Taiwan Normal University with a master’s degree in computer science in 2018. When an opportunity to pursue my second postgraduate study in Sweden came knocking, the adventurer inside me jumped at the chance.

Stepping into a reputable institute like Uppsala University was such an exciting experience. It was my first time in Sweden, and every turn brought novelty and adventure. Many wonderful weekends were spent getting to know the local community and exploring the area. My favorite thing about Sweden to this day is the snow!


Intel by chance

During my first postgraduate program in Taiwan, I spent a lot of time helping my professor with projects and events. I first met my eventual Intel colleagues during such an event: a campus exhibition organized by my faculty.

While combining our efforts, I found the Intel team very welcoming and supportive. I also learnt a great deal in terms of the real-world applications of our exhibition material. It was a humbling experience to work with industry professionals who were inclusive and generous with their knowledge.

I did not expect my future boss to offer an internship placement within Intel’s WiFi and Bluetooth Hardware Validation department. When they did, there was nothing to do but say yes while being thankful for the amazing opportunity.


A taste of Intel

I remember feeling both excited and nervous while heading to my first day at the Taiwan office. To my surprise, the team was even more welcoming than they were during the exhibition!

As an intern, I was taken through our department roles and responsibilities, as well as Intel’s internal processes. I soon realized that being efficient and able to learn on the job were very useful traits in the real world.

I had much to learn to keep pace with my other colleagues, especially concerning hardware knowledge, as my studies were more software focused. To catch up, I spent nights and weekends reading about the latest hardware innovations.

Even as an intern, I was expected to rely on my own logic and knowledge as much as possible in assigned tasks. For this I was very grateful to my team, who were always ready to help and provide valuable insight if problems cropped up. They encouraged me to ask questions, pitch ideas and share suggestions to innovate at work.

I was honored to receive the Intel Validation Recognition Award for my work in developing an automated schematic review tool during my internship. This tool has since been adopted into our internal processes to increase overall efficiency.


Familiar pastures, new horizons

My internship with Intel ended in 2018, and I returned to Sweden to complete my master’s degree. I found myself missing my colleagues and the warm and energetic atmosphere at Intel Taiwan.

It did not take long to rejoin the company as a full-fledged employee. Today, I am with the Mobile Broadband Engineering department responsible for Intel’s LTE & 5G solutions. Despite joining a new department, I feel that being adaptable will help me prepare for anything in this fast-evolving field. As my role involves managing feedback, I am currently learning how to communicate effectively with customers and other stakeholders.

I genuinely believe that Intel is a good environment for young engineers and professionals to begin and advance their careers. I truly enjoyed my internship and came away well-equipped with knowledge and practical skills derived from real-life experience. The spirit of collaboration, so alive at Intel Taiwan, ensures endless opportunities for everyone to learn and flourish.


Are you interested in growing your career at Intel Taiwan? Explore our open opportunities today.

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1 Comment

Great narrative. I agree Intel is a great place for young engineers like us.