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Intel oneAPI AI Tools and Frameworks Quick Reference

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The world of AI development tools and frameworks continues to evolve rapidly. It can be challenging to keep up with new tools, new versions, what is compatible with what, or what is supported on which processors. You may not even be aware that Intel contributes software optimizations to your favorite tools and frameworks, which unlock the highest performance from Intel processors and facilitate portability to different devices.

Intel oneAPI libraries such as Intel® oneAPI Deep Neural Network Library (oneDNN) and Intel® oneAPI Data Analytics Library (oneDAL) deliver this multiarchitecture performance. Often these libraries are built right into the software that you use, but might require starting with a newer version to take advantage of the performance optimizations. Sometimes the latest and greatest features require adding a couple lines of code or an add-on extension.

To help keep track of all this, a few of our engineers created a helpful quick reference sheet to provide an overview of what’s available, which versions, and links for installing, getting started, and examples. It also has links to command cheat sheets for TensorFlow*, PyTorch*, scikit-learn*, XGBoost, Modin*, and Intel® Neural Compressor.

You can download this AI Quick Start Reference Sheet from our AI Frameworks page:



We plan to frequently update and add to this reference sheet with additional tools and framework optimizations. If you want to learn more about Intel’s software portfolio for AI and machine learning, check out the AI development tools and resources page.


About the Author
Technical marketing manager for Intel AI/ML product and solutions. Previous to Intel, I spent 7.5 years at MathWorks in technical marketing for the HDL product line, and 20 years at Cadence Design Systems in various technical and marketing roles for synthesis, simulation, and other verification technologies.