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How Meta Cloud Can Help Solve MLOps Challenges

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On this episode of the Heavy Networking podcast, we consider a new platform for artificial intelligence workloads, announced in late 2021.

The podcast covers Metacloud, a full stack machine learning operating system. As a computing platform, it is typical of a hybrid cloud design that’s increasingly common - where data on-premises is being processed in the public cloud.

The episode tackles questions like:

  • How do you design a network infrastructure that plumbs up the on-prem environment you own with the SaaS environment you don’t?
  • How do you make it performant, secure, and resilient?
  • Do you just slap up a VPN tunnel? That’s often the go-to, but when you’re dealing with specialized workloads and large datasets, is that really what you want to be doing?

Co-founder and CEO at Yochay Ettun chats with Ethan Banks, co-founder of Packet Pushers and enterprise IT influencer. They discuss Metacloud and then wrap up this episode kicking around some architectural considerations.