Embedded Intel Atom® Processors
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1202 Discussions

Information on chemical substances contained in products related to CPUs


In Japan, the "chemSHERPA" is widely used as a management tool related to chemical substances contained in products. It is an information-sharing scheme for chemical substances in products and is short for Chemical information Sharing and Exchange under Reporting Partnership in the supply chain.

Intel provides MDDS to determine compliance with regulations such as RoHS and REACH as a means of managing chemical substances contained in products in CPUs, but MDDS only provides true/false information and does not provide specific content data on chemical substances.

How can I obtain specific content data related to chemical substances contained in CPUs?






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1 Reply

Hello, @Seiji1:

Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.

We received your consultation but we want to address the following questions to understand it:

What are the part numbers of the Intel processors related to your question?

Where did you buy these devices?

We are waiting for your answer.

Best regards,



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