Embedded Intel Atom® Processors
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1184 Discussions

Need USB 2.0 xDCI device specific capability details


Hello Support Team

Can you please share us the document which gives detailed information on E3900 USB 2.0 Device Mode (xDCI) specific registers, device capabilities and the supported vendor commands?

I have the document which has all the necessary details of USB 2.0 Host mode "pentium-celeron-n-series-j-series-datasheet-vol-2". Specifically looking for USB Device mode specific details.


Thank you

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1 Reply

Hello, @AMeno2​:


Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.


We want to know more details to help you in the best way possible. Due to this fact, could you please clarify if this thread is related to a technical problem? In case that answer is affirmative, please give a detailed description.


Could you please tell us if the affected designs have been designed by you or by a third-party company? In case that they are third-party units please give the part number, model, name of the manufacturer, where it is stated the information related to it. In case that it is your design, could you please clarify it has been reviewed by Intel and list the sources that you have used to develop it?


We are waiting for your reply.


Best regards,


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