Embedded Intel® Core™ Processors
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Driver bug when desktop is in portrait mode


I have submitted an issue for a driver bug here: Support Request (intel.com)

"When the display is in portrait orientation, DirectX 11 does not render correctly in the native resolution. For example, when using a 1920x1080 screen in portrait mode, DirectX correctly initializes a swap chain with 1080x1920 resolution backbuffers. When presenting, the screen is not just rotated, but an extra scaling step seems to be applied. It looks like the width and height are swapped at some point, leading to a loss of resolution. The same code works correctly on other devices, including Intel-based ones. But not on the internal GPU of a Celeron N6210 machine. The problem also does not appear in DirectX 9 mode. An example program written in VS2022 with .NET 8 to reproduce the problem can be found here, including source code: https://tssbv-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/d_de_bruijn_tss_nl1/EdTn-mIIRkVOvT-GHT34C84BYtvblQvX8VNW6Fesev58HQ?e=fpyfWb Using the DXGI_SWAP_CHAIN_FLAG_NONPREROTATED flag to skip automatic rotation and performing the rotation in the application does not work either, as can be seen in the code and the various modes in which the example program can initialize the screen. Press ESC to exit the program when in fullscreen."


But I got redirected to this forum.

I don't think that will be relevant, but still.

This is clearly a driver bug, I have even provided an example program with source code to reproduce the issue (which I have also attached here). When you run it on various systems, you'll see that the Celeron N6210 (and probably related products) has different behaviour from many other GPUs, including Intel ones (for example the Atom x5-Z8350 renders correctly).


So what I like is to get into contact with people from the driver development team to pinpoint the issue, so we can get a bugfix in an upcoming driver release.

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3 Replies

Hello,  @DennisT:


Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.


We have received your questions, but we want to address the following questions:


Could you please clarify if this request is related to a design developed by you, or if it is developed by a third-party company?


Could you please let us know the name of the manufacturer, the part number, and where we can find the information if this request is related to a third-party design?


In case it is your design, where do you purchase the Intel® Celeron® N6210 Processors related to your consultation?


What is the procedure followed to obtain the DirectX related to the reported situation?


We are waiting for your reply.


Best regards,


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I am a software developer. This is a software issue, that affects the software we develop and use. But apparently it does not appear to be possible to report a driver issue to you directly.

As I already added to the issue that I linked to: aside from the Celeron N6210, I could also reproduce the problem on a Dell Inspiron 7501 laptop, with an Intel® Core™ i7-10750H CPU, and an integrated 'UHD Graphics' GPU.

This is not an 'embedded' machine according to Intel parlance, but rather a 'mobile' machine.

That is not relevant however, since they both use GPUs and drivers from the same family, and therefore exhibit the same behaviour and bugs.

So had I discovered the bug on the i7-10750H first, I would not have been redirected here to the 'embedded' section, but somewhere else.

I just need to get into contact with the graphics driver team. I don't know how or where.

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Hello, @DennisT:

Thanks for your clarification.

Based on your last communication, you should address your questions through the Intel Graphics forum.

It can be found on the following website:


Best regards,


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