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ITP-XDP3 debugger not working with target


Hello, trying to use my ITP-XDP3 device to debug any developers board. ITP-XDP3 device not working, it can't connect to target device. I trying to use Intel System Studio 2020 Up-3. USB driver work correctly, Windows device manager see ITP-XDP, Intel system debugger device

Screenshot 2024-09-26 142001.pngUntitled.png


When i start DAL diagnostic test, i get next log:


>>>Launching hardware recognition...

24.09.2024 18:08:31 Server.HI: PodPlugged [51542046]

Devices Found:
*) serial # --- Link Type
a) 51542046 --- USB

Choose ITP-Hardware from the above list: <string>:1: DeprecationWarning: object.__new__() takes no parameters

Connection Detected
Pod Type = XDP3B
Pod ID = 51542046
Link Type = USB
FPGA version(Pod)= None
FPGA version(Xml)= 09020215
Driver version = 02000300
Assembly version = 00


>>>Launching MEM CONFIG test...

*** FAILURE *** Sending Vendor Request.

ERROR occured during script!

>>>Launching Customer Diagnostics loopback test...
XDP3 Customer Diagnostics Software Version 1.0
24.09.2024 18:11:10

XDP3 FPGA Image Revision: None

XDP3 Board Type is XDP3B

TEST: test_CUST_SETUP_XDP3 2024-09-24 18:13:31-HostWrapper CRITICAL: Exception XDP3B[312781e].WriteMemory( 0,5,0,False,None,None)
Xdpa Write DMA request failed
2024-09-24 18:13:41-HostWrapper CRITICAL: Exception XDP3B[312781e].WriteMemory( 256,43,0,True,None,None)
Xdpa Write DMA request failed
2024-09-24 18:14:26-HostWrapper CRITICAL: XDP3B[312781e]HostInterface.cancelRead(chn=0) Timeout45(s)
2024-09-24 18:14:36-HostWrapper CRITICAL: XDP3B[312781e].ResetAll-[fff9fff9]
2024-09-24 18:14:46-HostWrapper CRITICAL: XDP3B[312781e].Reset-USB[40004]




I tested ITP-XDP debugger with two targets with Core i5 processors and it can't see both targets.

Is my ITP-XDP device is broken? Maybe i need to update FPGA firmware on device? I bought it in used condition to education embedded devices.

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2 Replies

Hello,  @Sergio_Triales:


Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Support. 


We have received your request but we need to address the following questions to understand it:


Could you please clarify if this request is related to a design developed by you or by a third-party company?


Could you please let us know the name of the manufacturer, the part number, and where we can find the information if this request is related to a third-party design?


If it is your design, please let us know the place of purchase of the cited Intel processors and their part numbers.


How do you obtain the Intel® In-Target Probe (Intel® ITP) eXtended Debug Port (XDP)?

Based on the email address related to your account, could you please confirm if your phone number is: +7 843 227 40 80?


We are waiting for your reply.


Best regards,


0 Kudos

Hello @Sergio_Triales,


I was checking this forum, besides my co-worker mentioned, I think you may try looking for any available guide first.


You can try looking for public information like the following:

You can check the "Get started..." documents:



Here is a video:



I hope this may be of help.


Best regards,



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