Embedded Server
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Xeon D boot problem




I'm trying to bring-up a new PCB that using Xeon D-1559 as #561394, #544042 document.


However for some reason PROCPWRGD_PCH and PLTRST_N never go inactive.


I checked some strap pin and critical output from CPU but there is no problem except CATERR_N is asserted after the rising edge of PCB_PWROK ~7ms. And SPI bus does not work, it means SPI_CS0_N is not asserted and there is no clock on SPI_CLK pin and no data on SPI_MOSI pin.


Can anyone advise how to root cause the reason why PROCPWRGD_PCH is not deasserted by the SOC? e.g. which signals to check?


The part-number that I'm using is GG8067402570801S R2M5 and it is my CRB, I refer as TQQ CRB (#556656), it is used for embedded server that Viettel Group is enduser.


My email is khanhcq@viettel.com.vn. I created some IPS about this problem but have not received how to resolve yet. Please help me.


Thank you so much.

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1 Reply

Hello, @khanhcq​:


Thank you for contacting Intel Embedded Community.


We have contacted to give you a suggestion that may help you in the best way possible.


Best regards,


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