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Azure stack HCI e810 25g double mac address problem


Hello, we are encountering a problem on Azure Stack HCI, where 1 of the 4 ports on one of the two e810's seems to be having a double mac address. We can't use the support utility on Azure Stack HCI because it says "unsupported", but here is an image of the problem:



Ethernet adapter 6 and 5 have the same mac address, this is causing network issues on the server. If we change the macaddress, it works, the adapter says it is connected, however after a reboot,  one of the ports is disconnected again.  We installed the latest lan drivers (Intel® Ethernet Adapter Complete Driver Pack)

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10 Replies

Hello Macro

Thank you for posting in Intel Ethernet Communities. 

First of all, we apologize for the delay in our response in this thread.

And before we proceed with, can you confirm if you are using an embedded network controller or a stand alone PCI network card?

If you have questions, please let us know. In case we do not hear from you, we will make a follow up after 3 workings days. Thank you.

Best regards,


Intel Customer Support

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Hello Marco,

Regarding your case, we are following up to find out if you were able to complete the actions we previously recommended.

Please reply to this thread to confirm, so we can continue helping with a resolution. Looking forward to receiving your reply!

Best Regards,


Intel Customer Support

0 Kudos

Hello, we use a standalone card, but we were able to solve the issue: SRIOV was disabled on the pcilane. Apparently Azure Stack HCI needs SRIOV enabled even when just installed the raw version without any machines on it, else this bug will appear, it is solved.

0 Kudos

(SRIOV was enabled on the cards, but not on pci lane)

0 Kudos

About the error:


Went through the data analysis, and below are the findings. Please if you have any questions do let me know.



The setupapi installed the NIC driver successfully on the system, however the device is still in pending state to start. The network drivers reported that this service icea does not have a valid address and class on the system.

The error was received are :


  • Device pending start: Device has problem: 0x38 (CM_PROB_NEED_CLASS_CONFIG), problem status: 0x00000000. In the case of some device setup classes, after the device is installed with a driver package, additional class configuration operations are required to make the device operational. When configuration is complete, the device will be restarted and should no longer have this problem code.


This issue related to the installed driver on the system. Also, the PCI reported that the Driver returned invalid ID for a child device. The transport rejected the network address specified as invalid.



  1. Open a ticket with provider of this NIC’s (they need to check why the OS not able to start these devices and we receive DRIVER_INVALID_CRUNTIME_PARAMETER error, more information under analysis)


Data Analysis :


Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP -- > checking…

Intel(R) Ethernet Controller X710 for 10GBASE-T



//All addresses for this adapter are :

0x5A000000-0x5BFFFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP                     OK

0x5E030000-0x5E03FFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP                     OK

0x5D800000-0x5DFFFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP                     OK

0x5E400000-0x5E4FFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP                     OK

0x58000000-0x59FFFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #2              OK

0x5E020000-0x5E02FFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #2              OK

0x5D000000-0x5D7FFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #2              OK

0x5E300000-0x5E3FFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #2              OK

0x56000000-0x57FFFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #3              OK

0x5E010000-0x5E01FFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #3              OK

0x5C800000-0x5CFFFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #3              OK

0x5E200000-0x5E2FFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #3              OK

0x54000000-0x55FFFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #4              OK

0x5E000000-0x5E00FFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #4              OK

0x5C000000-0x5C7FFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #4              OK

0x5E100000-0x5E1FFFFF             Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #4              OK

0xB4000000-0xBE4FFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #8              OK

0xBA000000-0xBBFFFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #5              OK

0xBE030000-0xBE03FFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #5              OK

0xBC000000-0xBC7FFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #5              OK

0xBE100000-0xBE1FFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #5              OK

0xB8000000-0xB9FFFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #6              OK

0xBE020000-0xBE02FFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #6              OK

0xBC800000-0xBCFFFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #6              OK

0xBE200000-0xBE2FFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #6              OK

0xB6000000-0xB7FFFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #7              OK

0xBE010000-0xBE01FFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #7              OK

0xBD000000-0xBD7FFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #7              OK

0xBE300000-0xBE3FFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #7              OK

0xBE000000-0xBE00FFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #8              OK

0xBD800000-0xBDFFFFFF           Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #8              OK

0xBE400000-0xBE4FFFFF            Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #8              OK


//details of the NIC :

Name          [00000007] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

Adapter Type                 Ethernet 802.3

Product Type                 Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

Service Name               icea

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:45:06

Driver         C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DRIVERSTORE\FILEREPOSITORY\ICEA.INF_AMD64_176803563AC6A2C2\ICEA.SYS (, 2.18 MB (2,284,128 bytes), 12/20/2023 5:43 PM)


Driver :

icea              Intel(R) PRO/100GbE PCIe-A Network Connection Driver                        c:\windows\system32\driverstore\filerepository\icea.inf_amd64_176803563ac6a2c2\icea.sys                      Kernel Driver                 Yes                        Manual      Running     OK                 Normal      No                 Yes



// MAC addresses are ok

[00000005] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:45:04

[00000006] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:45:05

[00000007] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:45:06

[00000008] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:45:07

[00000009] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:44:94

[00000010] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:44:95

[00000011] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:44:96

[00000012] Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

MAC Address                ‪7C:C2:55:E0:44:97


Caption                     : Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #3

Description                 : Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

InstallDate                 :

Name                        : Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP #3

Status                      : OK

Availability                :

ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0

ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False

CreationClassName           : Win32_PnPEntity

DeviceID                    : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&SUBSYS_1C4015D9&REV_02\000100FFFF00000002

ErrorCleared                :

ErrorDescription            :

LastErrorCode               :

PNPDeviceID                 : PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&SUBSYS_1C4015D9&REV_02\000100FFFF00000002

PowerManagementCapabilities :

PowerManagementSupported    :

StatusInfo                  :

SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem

SystemName                  : WIN-QODH60P8TV6

ClassGuid                   : {4d36e972-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}

CompatibleID                : {PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&REV_02, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593, PCI\VEN_8086&CC_020000,


HardwareID                  : {PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&SUBSYS_1C4015D9&REV_02, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&SUBSYS_1C4015D9,

                              PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&CC_020000, PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&CC_0200}

Manufacturer                : Intel

PNPClass                    : Net

Present                     : True -- > OK

Service                     : icea

PSComputerName              :



// through the installation we were not able to start the device :

>>>  [Device Install (UpdateDriverForPlugAndPlayDevices) - PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&SUBSYS_1C4015D9&REV_02]

      cmd: "D:\HCI stack drivers 2024\INTEL\Release_28.3\APPS\SETUP\SETUPBD\Winx64\SetupBD.exe"

     dvi:                DevDesc      - Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

     dvi:                          Description - Intel(R) Ethernet Controller E810-C for SFP

     dvi:                          InfFile     - d:\hci stack drivers 2024\intel\release_28.3\procgb\winx64\ws2022\icea.inf

     dvi:                     Install Device: Configuring device completed. 08:10:35.773

     dvi:                     Device Status: 0x01802000

     dvi:                     Install Device: Starting device 'PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_1593&SUBSYS_1C4015D9&REV_02\000100FFFF00000000'. 08:10:35.773

     dvi:                     Install Device: Starting device completed. 08:10:35.820

!    dvi:                     Device pending start: Device has problem: 0x38 (CM_PROB_NEED_CLASS_CONFIG), problem status: 0x00000000. -- > SERIAL_DRIVER_INTERNAL

     dvi:           Device Status: 0x0180200a




Log Name:      System

Source:        NetBT

Date:          1/9/2024 3:22:36 PM

Event ID:      4307

Task Category: None

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      WIN-QODH60P8TV6


Initialization failed because the transport refused to open initial addresses.

Binary data:

In Words


0000: 00000000 00320001 00000000 C00010D3 --- > EVENT_NBT_CREATE_ADDRESS

0010: 00000001 C0000207 00000000 00000000

0020: 00000000 00000000  

In Bytes

0000: 00 00 00 00 01 00 32 00   ......2.

0008: 00 00 00 00 D3 10 00 C0   ....Ó..À

0010: 01 00 00 00 07 02 00 C0   .......À

0018: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ........

0020: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ........


C0000207  STATUS_INVALID_ADDRESS_COMPONENT              The transport rejected the network address specified as invalid.


// NIC drivers are experiencing failures on the system

Log Name:      System

Source:        icea

Date:          1/9/2024 3:22:42 PM

Event ID:      272

Task Category: None

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:      WIN-QODH60P8TV6


In Words


0000: 00040000 00300002 00000000 E0040110 -- > DRIVER_INVALID_CRUNTIME_PARAMETER

0010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

0020: 00000000 00000000 E0040110  

0 Kudos

Hello Marco,

We received update from the engineering team, we would like request more details as below:

Model/PBA# of the card so that we can determine the exact model used

Windows OS version

Driver version

NVM version

Additional OS/application configuration details


SSU Logs

Help Guide for the Intel® System Support Utility

Thanks and regards,


Intel Customer Support

0 Kudos

Hello Marco,

Regarding your case, we are following up to find out if you were able to complete the actions we previously recommended.

Please reply to this thread to confirm, so we can continue helping with a resolution. Looking forward to receiving your reply!

Best Regards,


Intel Customer Support

0 Kudos

Hello Srri,


Sorry for the long wait for reply:


I can't get the logs anymore because we stepped away from Azure Stack HCI (apparently AS HCI is not allowed for service providers), but here is some information on the setup we had:

1. SRIOV was disabled on the PCI lane in the bios

2. The OS was Azure Stack HCI stable version
3. The newest drivers were installed (28.3)

4. get-netadapter showed one of the macs to be the same


After setting SRIOV to enabled in the pci lane on the bios, the error dissappeared, no more double mac addresses.


When  SRIOV was disabled on windows data center 2022, the error didn't appear, so it seemed to be only related to azure stack hci in combination with SRIOV.


But since we stepped away from azure stack hci, you can close this case.



Marco Okker

0 Kudos

If the engineering team wants to reproduce it, they can reproduce it this way:

install windows azure stack hci, with a pci network card plugged in, e810, than disable sriov on the pci lane in the bios. run powershell command get-netadapter and look at the mac addresses, there is one double mac address.

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Hello Marco,

Thank you for the updates, and we will proceed to close the case.

If you have any more questions in the future, please don't hesitate to post a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.


Thank You & Regards


Intel® Customer Support 

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