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Intel B560 chipset drivers


Are there EVER going to be proper native Windows 11 drivers for this chipset, or should i just assume I am well and truly screwed? This Asus motherboard with that chipset is unstable as all get out with Windows 11 installed, the OS which those convivial idiots at Microsoft are DEMANDING we use. The internet on my computer has apparently taken a psychosis break. Except for Steam when it is downloading a game, EVERYTHING else internet related on this computer has absolutely ABYSMAL download rates.  Not upload rates, mind you. Just download rates. Needless to say, this whole situation has made me absolutely LIVID for days.

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7 Replies
New Contributor II

Hey @ANC52, which model ASUS B560 mobo you are using? Have you check the driver is the latest one? normally the old driver can cause the issue surface. Lets figure out together.


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TUF GAMING B560M-PLUS WIFI. Sadly, there ARE no chipset drivers for this mobo that are specific to Windows 11. Only Windows 10 drivers that appear to have deliberately mislabeled or otherwise repurposed. The same goes for the rest of the motherboard hardware. Best I can tell, the older windows 10 drivers are making this PC HIGHLY unstable. Unfortunately, without them, the computer wont' really function at all. So this appears to be very much a "You absolutely, positively, can't win" situation. Especially since being disabled and out of work for months, and with DEI being a thing, will probably NEVER work again, I will never be able to afford a computer that actually IS Windows 11 ready.

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New Contributor II
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Unfortunately, I already tried that long ago. No change. I gave up and downgraded to Windows 10. STILL the same problem.

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Hi ANC52,

Greetings for the day!

I hope you're doing well. Unfortunately, your system falls under OEM (ASUS) support, so I'm unable to assist directly. Please reach out to your OEM team for the support you need. Thank you for understanding.

Note: If you purchased an OEM branded server or appliance, contact your OEM for a SW driver version that is compatible with your exact FW version. Using SW and FW versions that have not been validated to work together will affect performance, feature availability, and system stability

Best Regards,


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Because of COURSE. You people send me to Asus, Asus sends me to you, and nobody does a THING to actually help a customer who bought a custom computer with an Intel CPU and chipset because they were actually GULLIBLE enough to trust Intel as a company, it cost them over a grand, and they were assured it would work with Windows 11. They then find out years later that the shop owner lied to them, and by then it was for all intents and purposes too late to DO anything about it. To make matters worse, they have since then lost their job by being pushed out of a position, they had for YEARS by an incompetent diversity hire superior with an agenda, haven't worked for months on end, and because the DEI cult dominates most major businesses, they will likely never be ALLOWED to work again because they are male and are so white they look like they bathe in Clorox. So, let's summarize, shall we? I will NEVER be able to afford to buy a computer that actually IS designed for Windows 11 stuck with pittance Social Security Disability doles out, that Rosemary's Baby OS Microsoft will be forcing us all to use starting in 2025 or be stuck with Windows 10 and no more security updates. So,, essentially, I get a Hobson's Choice of either Windows 10 and risking my computer being compromised with no way to prevent it , or upgrading to Windows 11 which my hardware doesn't support because neither Asus or Intel can be bothered to provide actual stable Windows 11 drivers for their own hardware to make it so, Asus and Intel play repugnant games by pointing  the finger at each other, and I get stuck with a wildly unstable computer that malfunctions randomly and can't even manage internet at a useable speed because it is so screwed up by the "gift that keeps on giving" of Windows 11. Some choice. It's yet another notable example of the "You Absolutely, Positively Can't Win" principle How VERY convenient for all parties involved. Well, except for disabled poor people like me, anyway.

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Hi ANC52,

Greetings for the day!

I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused. Since your query pertains to a desktop product and ASUS has directed you to Intel, we recommend posting your question in the desktop community forum. Here's the link for your reference. Thank you for your understanding.

Note: If you purchased an OEM branded server or appliance, contact your OEM for a SW driver version that is compatible with your exact FW version. Using SW and FW versions that have not been validated to work together will affect performance, feature availability, and system stability

Best Regards,


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