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bootutil reporting "FLASH Not Present" on brand new PRO/1000 ET adapters



I have just taken delivery of two Intel PRO/1000 ET dual port ethernet adapters from a retailer on Amazon, having researched their capabilities first to ensure they support iSCSI remote boot.  I have installed them into my servers (running Linux) and am trying to use bootutil to flash the iSCSI firmware onto them.

However, bootutil returns the following:

[root@hyp2 BootUtil]# Linux_x64/bootutil64e

Intel(R) Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
BootUtil version
Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Intel Corporation

Type BootUtil -? for help

Port Network Address Location Series WOL Flash Firmware Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
1 A0369F0F6320 7:00.0 Gigabit NO FLASH Not Present
2 A0369F0F6321 7:00.1 Gigabit NO FLASH Not Present

Attempting to enable flash returns the following:

[root@hyp2 BootUtil]# Linux_x64/bootutil64e -fe -all

Intel(R) Ethernet Flash Firmware Utility
BootUtil version
Copyright (C) 2003-2020 Intel Corporation

Enabling boot ROM on port 1...
ERROR: Unsupported feature

Enabling boot ROM on port 2...
ERROR: Unsupported feature

Port Network Address Location Series WOL Flash Firmware Version
==== =============== ======== ======= === ============================= =======
1 A0369F0F6320 7:00.0 Gigabit NO FLASH Not Present
2 A0369F0F6321 7:00.1 Gigabit NO FLASH Not Present

Am I doing something wrong, or have I possibly been sold counterfeit adapters?  I have attached a photograph of one of them.

Edit: two more photos attached, showing plain packaging and the back of the adapter, showing no hologram label like my genuine PRO/1000 CT desktop adapters have.



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2 Replies
Super User
No, you've been sold a version of the card that does not have a remote boot ROM. Whether they came this way from Intel or the ROM was removed after the fact, I can't say. If you need the remote boot capability, then you need to return these.
Hope this helps,

Thank you for your response.

Intel's product brief document for the PRO/1000 ET Server Adapter makes no mention of variants that lack a boot ROM.

However, I've noticed that the brief says the adapter is PCIe x4 and the product photos match, but what I've received are clearly PCIe x1.  This also makes me wonder if I've received a counterfeit, mislabelled product.

I'll send them back.

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