FPGA, SoC, And CPLD Boards And Kits
FPGA Evaluation and Development Kits

DE1-SOC Power Consumption

Honored Contributor II

Hello all, 


I measured power consumption from 12v AC/DC adapter, here are the results: 


fpga configured from EPCS with default demo 0.3A 

fpga configured from EPCS with default demo + sd inserted 0.42A 

fpga configured from HPS with no SD 0.25A 

fpga configured from HPS with SD with Linux Console 0.37A 

fpga configured from HPS with SD with Linux Console with ethernet cable connected 0.51A 

fpga configured from HPS with SD with Linux Console with ethernet cable connected + cpu1 100% 0.52A 

fpga configured from HPS with SD with Linux Console with ethernet cable connected + cpu1 100% + cpu2 100% 0.53A 


With fpga only are 12*0.3=3.6W, a lot of power. Someone can confirm this is normal and my board is not wrong? Where go all of this power? 

Power consumption seem a lot of independent from cpu load... this seem hard to be right! 


Anyway with 12*0.5A=6W an heatsink is indinspensable when using ARM cores!
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor II

I did some amount of power consumption in idle mode of IC on DE1-SOC: 


component description voltage current power 

AD7928 adc 3.3 0.0027 0.00891 

WM8731 audio codec 3.3 0.0002 0.00066 

Si5350C-B clock 3.3 0.085 0.2805 

43TR16256A-85120AL ddr3 sdram 0.08 

EPCS128 flash 3.3 0.0003 0.00099 

ksz9021rl ethernet 1.2 0.015 0.018 

3.3 0.045 0.1485 

ADXL345 accelerometer 3.3 0.00014 0.000462 

IS42R16320D fpga sdram 3.3 0.05 0.165 

FT232R uart to usb 3.3 0.015 0.0495 

USB2512B 3.3 0.05 0.165 

USB3300 3.3 0.025 0.0825 

1.8 0.046 0.0828 

ADV7123 video dac 3.3 0.08 0.264 

ADV7180 video decoder 0.044 

USB Blaster usb blaster 3.3 0.1 0.33 


Total 1.720822 


I don't know if this numbers are so realistic... but 1.7W is what is left from PowerPlay Early Estimator that say me that system take 1.7W (max not typical but cyclone v yield make max typical) :) 


(Clock), Ethernet and Video DAC are very power-hungry :(
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