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Opencl program stops after executing 2 to the power of 32 times


I tried to run a simple OpenCL program on UHD630 GPU and it stopped after a certain number of runs. The log is like this.


[2022-04-25 00:14:23.874] [info] test_kernel_func count: 33294318 errcode 0
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.874] [info] clEnqueueWriteBuffer()
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.874] [info] clSetKernelArg()
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.874] [info] clEnqueueNDRangeKernel()
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.874] [info] clFlush()
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.874] [info] test_kernel_func count: 33294319 errcode 0
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.875] [info] clEnqueueWriteBuffer()
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.875] [info] clSetKernelArg()
[2022-04-25 00:14:23.875] [info] clEnqueueNDRangeKernel()

[2022-04-25 00:14:23.875] [info] clFlush()

[2022-04-25 00:14:23.875] [info] test_kernel_func count: 33294320 errcode 0


The number of executions at stop times the number of kernel operations is 2 to the power of 32

kernel operations is clSetKernelArg and clEnqueueNDRangeKernel.

Looks like there's an Overflow happening somewhere

Is there a maximum limit for Command Queues?


Detailed software and hardware information is as follows:

SDK: intel_sdk_for_opencl_applications_2020.0.245

OpenCL Platform: Intel(R) OpenCL, version:OpenCL 2.1

GPU: Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630

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22 Replies


Thanks for your reply.

I have tried it by the following steps.

  1. In the Visual Studio IDE, select the project in the Solution Explorer window.
  2. On the menu bar, choose Project > Properties.
  3. In the Property Pages dialog box, select the Configuration Properties > C/C++ > Command Line property page.
  4. In Additional options, add /analyze:stacksize 32768. Choose OK to save the changes.
  5. Rebuild the project.
  6. Run the new application

It seems that it does't work(can't run over 3hours) on my computer which also have Intel(R) Iris(R) Xe Graphics card on Windows.

Cloud you help to confirm my Visual Studio setting.


If possible, can you share with me the project of your modified test program?


Thanks & Regards,

0 Kudos



Could you share with me the project of your modified test program?

I want to confirm whether the reason for this problem is due to the difference in PC specs.

Only the exe file is OK.


Thanks & Regards,

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