Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Display corruption with Intel 530 and Sharp TV LC60LE835U


I upgraded my HTPC last friday . I'm having several problems with the graphics with my Sharp TV .

1) There is display corruption all over - like digital snow, white or red, and Windows not repainting. properlyThis is intermittent. When it does happen, it won't go away even after a reboot. It can happen as early as during the Windows boot process before even logging in, or later on. I have not found a trigger for it. It is extremely annoying. It was very bad on the first day, last friday. Did not happen at all on saturday. Then it happened again on monday ...

2) not really a "problem" per-se, but I notice that in the TV's input menu, the "HDMI2" input to which the PC is connected is renamed to "9xxx" . This happens only after Windows boots up - when the PC first comes up with the BIOS screen, it shows as "HDMI2"

I am using Windows 10, July 2016 update, with latest patches from Microsoft.

I am using the latest Intel graphics 530 video release drivers (clicked support, and downloaded them) and unfortunately, they didn't fix it.

I am using 1920x1080 @ 60 Hz, 2D mode. The TV is a 3D TV, but I run the desktop in 2D.

The TV has the latest firmware. This is a 4-year old TV, so I don't expect any more updates from Sharp.

If I revert to using my older graphics card, an Asus GT630 PCI-E 2.0 x8, everything is fine - none of the above problems occur. But I don't want to use that card anymore. I bought the new motherboard so I could use the built-in graphics card.

The brand new hardware I have is as follows :

- Asus Z170-A motherboard with latest 1801 BIOS

- Corsair LPX DDR4-2666 2x8GB (16GB total)

- Intel i5-6400 CPU with stock cooler

- Patriot Ignite 240GB SSD

Other relevant hardware in this machine :

- Hauppauge HVR-2250 PCI-E video capture card

- LG BD-ROM drive

- Themaltake DH101 case

- Iogear GKM 561R USB wireless keyboard/mouse

I have tested the RAM with memtest , and it passed several passes (8 hours).

Also tried downclocking it do DDR4-2133, but it did not solve the graphics corruption when I was seeing it.

One hour of Prime95 found no problems, and I think the CPU is good. The CPU is running at stock clock, not OC.

At this point, I'm out of ideas. I suspect either a defective motherboard, or some software compatibility problem between the Intel 530 graphics and my TV.

I do have another Skylake machine in the house - with a very similar motherboard, a Z170-AR, and i5-6600k CPU. It is on a different floor of the house and somewhat heavy. I may try to move it upstairs and hook it up to the TV to see if those problems occur too.

But in the meantime, I would really appreciate feedback from Intel. Is this any kind of known issue ? And if so, is a software fix forthcoming ?

Or should I return my motherboard to the store ? It is a pain to disconnect everything and get another mobo. The store where I bought it from doesn't have a liberal return policy either, unfortunately. So, I thought I would check here first.

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24 Replies



It has been 3 weeks since you last update

Have you been able to obtain the correct hardware (Z170 motherboard & Hauppauge capture card) ?


And if so, did you reproduce the issue ?



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Hi Julein,

I contacted Hauppauge Computer Works Inc* to let them know of this situation, and also to ask them for 1 HVR-2250 PCI-E video capture card for testing.

They confirmed to me that this card is discontinued and they no longer have any in stock.

Since we do not have one of these cards in our test lab inventory either, I'll try to find one through other means. I apologize for this taking so long.


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Hello Julein,

I apologize for answering until now.

Let me double check this one, because I believe this was closed since Hauppauge didn't want to pursue this since their card is discontinued and couldn't send us the hardware required for validation.

By the way, did you get a chance to test with a different card make or model? From our side, we released a new driver branch (i.e. new code) so I invite you to try it out: Download Intel® Graphics Driver for Windows* [15....


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Thanks. I was able to try the latest driver. In fact, I installed it last friday. So far, no corruption problem with the same Hauppauge capture card. I believe the problem has actually been solved in these latest drivers !


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