Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20819 Discussions

Elite Dangerous crashes on Arc A770 with driver



Sorry to bother, I was trying to play Elite Dangerous with a friend but the game crashes (and sometimes the whole driver, since there's a chance the screen goes black 1/3 of the times) when it's trying to generate planets. It hints that the time it takes depends on the GPU performance so I guess it's a GPU-bound operation ?

I've recorded a video of the crash happening:

I've fetched the dump file post-crash from Elite Dangerous which gave me the following information (from WinDbg):



Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 10.0.22621.1778 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Loading Dump File [C:\Users\tobia\AppData\Local\Temp\Frontier Developments\EliteDangerous\CrashDumps\3450703136\20230618_142811_MiniDump.dmp]
Comment: '
Elite Dangerous: Odyssey r294054 Final
Comment: '
{12:27:48GMT 0.028s} Build version: r294054 (Win64 Final)
{12:27:48GMT 0.028s} Logging level: 0
{12:27:48GMT 0.032s} Product version:
{12:27:48GMT 0.062s} Version string: r294054/r0 
{12:27:48GMT 0.069s} === GetNetworkParams: Host:DESKTOP-TGQD0S4 Domain: ===
{12:27:51GMT 3.697s} GetPortMapping(63682) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.698s} AddPortMapping(63682, 63682, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.699s} GetPortMapping(64976) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.699s} AddPortMapping(64976, 64976, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.700s} GetPortMapping(64726) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.717s} AddPortMapping(64726, 64726, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.718s} GetPortMapping(49567) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.718s} AddPortMapping(49567, 49567, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.719s} GetPortMapping(59479) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.720s} AddPortMapping(59479, 59479, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.720s} GetPortMapping(58599) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.721s} AddPortMapping(58599, 58599, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.722s} GetPortMapping(60739) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.723s} AddPortMapping(60739, 60739, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.724s} GetPortMapping(59770) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.725s} AddPortMapping(59770, 59770, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.746s} GetPortMapping(50860) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.762s} AddPortMapping(50860, 50860, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.762s} GetPortMapping(50304) failed with code 714 (NoSuchEntryInArray)
{12:27:51GMT 3.763s} AddPortMapping(50304, 50304, failed with code 718 (ConflictInMappingEntry)
{12:27:51GMT 3.763s} failed to initialise upnp
{12:27:53GMT 5.503s} watchdog: 16 5920 12828 13620
{12:28:06GMT 18.531s} [MM] StartMultiplayer
{12:28:06GMT 18.666s} WAN:
{12:28:07GMT 19.398s} WAN:
{12:28:07GMT 19.398s} Set the proper run ID on our local Machine - RunID: 82591972364587
{12:28:07GMT 19.398s} Machine: ''
{12:28:08GMT 20.197s} WebRequest: StatusCode=200; Request-Tag=b70pw2b9gtz66
{12:28:08GMT 20.197s} Webserver game version: Odyssey 4.0.0-dev.3 (version=400000100, dev=3)
{12:28:08GMT 20.197s} UID=10515424 name=New Commander 2719563963
{12:28:08GMT 20.544s} WebRequest: StatusCode=200; Request-Tag=5xygs0sldr5mb
Comment: '***BEGIN F3D CrashDump Handler***

F3D Crash Log:

ID3D12 Warning: Non-S_OK HRESULT 0x887A0005 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED) at: G:\TeamcityWork\ac606358a553ef56\FGDK4\Src\Core\f3d\_private\f3dDevice\f3dFrequencyQuery_DX11.cpp(155), Function: GetData

Optional ID3D11 Remove Reason: 0x887A0006 (DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG)

F3D Status:

fHeapVirtualStore: 0 / 0 MB

Adapter Information: 2 Adaptors found.

Adapter 0 information:  (Active): 

Device Description: Intel(R) Arc(TM) A770 Graphics
Vendor ID         : 00008086
Device ID         : 000056a0
SubSys ID         : 10208086
Revision          : 00000008
AdapterLuid       : 00000000000147ae
Dedicated Video   : 16256 MB
Dedicated System  : 0000 MB
Shared System     : 16347 MB
Total Memory      : 32603 MB

Adapter 1 information: 

Device Description: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
Vendor ID         : 00001414
Device ID         : 0000008c
SubSys ID         : 00000000
Revision          : 00000000
AdapterLuid       : 0000000000014b47
Dedicated Video   : 0000 MB
Dedicated System  : 0000 MB
Shared System     : 16347 MB
Total Memory      : 16347 MB

F3D Resource Type Memory Usage:

RenderTarget/UAV: 00206419 KB
DepthTarget/UAV : 00037737 KB
Texture/UAV     : 00134080 KB
Immutable       : 00000588 KB
Texture         : 00384136 KB
Vertex          : 00133571 KB
Index           : 00038493 KB
Buffer          : 00132131 KB
Shader          : 00094488 KB
Descriptor      : 00000000 KB
CommandList     : 00000000 KB
Unknown         : 00000000 KB

Total           : 01161643 KB (Max: 01161646 KB)

f3dGPUHeap Information:

GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Capacity:             4.000 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Used:                 0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap High Water Mark:      0.008 MB
GPUData:: AnimDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block:   3.992 MB

GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Capacity:           124.000 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Used:                 2.073 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark:      2.073 MB
GPUData:: VertexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block: 121.927 MB

GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Capacity:            32.000 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Used:                 0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap High Water Mark:      0.574 MB
GPUData:: IndexDataHeap Heap Largest Free Block:  31.426 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Capacity:             2.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Used:                 0.081 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark:      0.081 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: IndexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block:   1.919 MB

frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Capacity:             4.000 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Used:                 0.255 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap High Water Mark:      0.255 MB
frGFx4MeshCache:: VertexBufferHeap Heap Largest Free Block:   3.745 MB

***END F3D CrashDump Handler***
Comment: '
Comment: '




Comment: '
  <Object class="RootGameObject" id="0000000100000000" role="Local" />

Comment: '
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/GalaxyMapUIResources/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/Effects/SupercruiseEffects/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/AIStates/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/AmbientShipData/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/AmbientTrafficData/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/GroupMembers/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/SkimmerGroups/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/Formations/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/Planet_Materials/GeneratedMiniatures/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/Planet_Terrains/Coarse_Level/ProbabilityData/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items/Effects/ScanSignals/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/PlanetDecisionTreeResources/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/PropNPC_PropDatabase/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/CharacterVoiceInfo/Data
5.518: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/HumanoidTaskMetadataDefinitions/Data
5.535: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Horizons/PlanetSurfaceMaterials/Ice/Default/Data
5.535: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Horizons/PlanetSurfaceMaterials/Rock/Default/Data
5.535: StartLoading: Win64/Items_Horizons/PlanetSurfaceMaterials/Metal/Default/Data
5.535: StartLoading: Win64/Items/Effects/StarTexGen/Data
6.653: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/AIStates/Data
6.656: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/AmbientShipData/Data
6.656: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/AmbientTrafficData/Data
6.692: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/GroupMembers/Data
6.692: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/SkimmerGroups/Data
6.718: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/Formations/Data
6.722: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/Effects/SupercruiseEffects/Data
6.722: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/Planet_Materials/GeneratedMiniatures/Data
6.722: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/Planet_Terrains/Coarse_Level/ProbabilityData/Data
6.751: Unloading: Win64/Items_Watson/Planet_Terrains/Coarse_Level/ProbabilityData/Data
6.751: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/Effects/ScanSignals/Data
6.755: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/GalaxyMapUIResources/Data
6.755: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/PlanetDecisionTreeResources/Data
6.784: Unloading: Win64/Items_Watson/PlanetDecisionTreeResources/Data
6.784: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/PropNPC_PropDatabase/Data
6.784: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Horizons/PlanetSurfaceMaterials/Ice/Default/Data
6.784: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/HumanoidTaskMetadataDefinitions/Data
6.784: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Watson/CharacterVoiceInfo/Data
6.788: Unloading: Win64/Items_Watson/PropNPC_PropDatabase/Data
6.818: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Horizons/PlanetSurfaceMaterials/Rock/Default/Data
6.818: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items_Horizons/PlanetSurfaceMaterials/Metal/Default/Data
7.004: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/Effects/StarTexGen/Data
9.199: StartLoading: Win64/Items/Audio/MusicSystem/Data
9.331: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/LoadingSpinner/Data
9.348: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/BasicMenu/Data
9.348: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/TextDisplay/Data
9.348: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Vignette/Data
9.364: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/Audio/MusicSystem/Data
9.466: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/LoadingSpinner/Data
9.466: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/BasicMenu/Data
9.498: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/TextDisplay/Data
9.499: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Vignette/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/StateMachines/GalaxyMap/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon0/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon1/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon2/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon3/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon4/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon5/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon6/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon7/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon8/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon9/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon10/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon11/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon12/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIconDeceased/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/SystemMapResources/Data
10.056: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/VoiceChatPanel/Data
10.149: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/StateMachines/GalaxyMap/Data
10.199: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIconDeceased/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/VoiceChatPanel/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon0/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon1/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon2/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon3/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon4/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon5/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon6/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon7/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon8/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon9/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon10/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon11/Data
10.212: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIStreams/PowerIcons/PowerIcon12/Data
10.289: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/SystemMapResources/Data
14.531: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Splash_Legal_Neutral/Data
14.537: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/DialogBox/Data
14.632: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Splash_Legal_Neutral/Data
14.698: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/DialogBox/Data
18.666: StartLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Splash_Shader/Data
18.698: Unloading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Splash_Legal_Neutral/Data
18.767: FinaliseLoading: Win64/Items/UIMovie/Splash_Shader/Data
Comment: '
Comment: '
Comment: '<SymbolTableInspector>
  <fSymbol Table="000001CC19550130">
  <KSymbol Table="000001CC195503D0">
User Mini Dump File: Only registers, stack and portions of memory are available

Symbol search path is: srv*
Executable search path is: 
Windows 10 Version 22621 MP (16 procs) Free x64
Product: WinNt, suite: SingleUserTS
Edition build lab: 22621.1.amd64fre.ni_release.220506-1250
Machine Name:
Debug session time: Sun Jun 18 14:28:11.000 2023 (UTC + 2:00)
System Uptime: 0 days 0:57:54.605
Process Uptime: 0 days 0:00:24.000
This dump file has an exception of interest stored in it.
The stored exception information can be accessed via .ecxr.
(321c.5494): Access violation - code c0000005 (first/second chance not available)
For analysis of this file, run !analyze -v
00007ffd`31a30b64 c3              ret



Please note I've attached the SSU report to this post however the forum prevents me from providing the dump file:

The attachment's 20230618_142811_minidump.dmp content type (application/octet-stream) does not match its file extension and has been removed.

It is, however, available at this link. I'll stay available to give more information if needed.


Thanks a lot,


Labels (1)
0 Kudos
7 Replies

Hello Afranche,


Thank you for posting on the Intel®️ communities. I am sorry to hear that you are having game crashing issues with your Intel® Arc™ A770 Graphics, I will be happy to help you. 

We appreciate for letting us know the issue that you are having, and for proving us with all the files. Intel is investigating this issue, we are working very hard to solve it as soon as possible, we recommend keeping the drivers up to date.

Let me know if you have further questions.



Andres P.

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

I understand, it's alright though. I just noticed some other people were experiencing the same issue and I wanted to provide more information regarding it. You can close the thread if you don't need more information, but otherwise I'll be happy to provide any info I can 🙂


Thanks for the great work and have a nice day,


0 Kudos

Hello Afranche,


Thank you for your response, all the information you have provided has been really helpful.

As much information as you can provide will be useful, and we will appreciate it a lot.

For now, we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored.



Andres P. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Afranche,



Thank you for your time.

We have been working really hard on a solution for this issue, and the fix is in our latest graphics driver Update it following the article How to Install an Intel® Graphics Driver in Windows® 10 & Windows 11 (Method 2).

Let me know the results.





Andres P. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

Hello Andres_Intel, I downloaded the update tonight on intel Arc A770 16gb, and at first elite said it had crashed during planet generation, but after i closed the crash reporter the game loaded just fine 🙂 Tell the team they are legends!

0 Kudos

Hello Afranche,



Were you able to update the graphics driver to version

Let us know if you still need assistance.    



Best regards,   


Andres P.   

Intel Customer Support Technician 

0 Kudos

Hello Afranche,



We have not heard back from you, so we will close this thread. If you need any additional information, please submit a new question as this thread will no longer be monitored. I want to let you know this fix for this issue is included in graphics driver 101.4644 and newer drivers.



Best regards, 


Andres P.   

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos