Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20810 Discussions

Freeze with Intel Arc GPU with Photolab 7 + Reshape


Hello, I'm working for DxO, a photography software editing tool. We discovered recently that our Windows application is freezeing with all the Arc GPU we have in the office (but apparently not the previous Intel HD GPU) when using the Reshape feature.


On my computer I have a UHD Graphics 770(it's embedded in a i9 12900K CPU) , with driver . It also happens with a 1270P laptop. It also happened with previous version of drivers.


We also found out that the issue doesn't happen when using Remote Desktop Protocol.

From what I understand Arc GPU doesn't support D3D9 natively, so it uses the D3D9On12 layer for WPF code, which might conflict with the D3D12 code we use for reshape.

Since the HW acceleration is disabled with RDP, it explains why we don't have any issue in such environment.


For some reason, enabling the debug layers via dxcpl fix the issue too. We fixed a couple issues reported by the GPU Validation layer in the meantime, but it didn't help.


Here is a video showing the issue :

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4 Replies

Hello DXO_Vincent, 


Thank you for posting in our Intel communities.


To help me further identify the problem and offer you a solution, kindly provide the following details:


  • Was DXO working fine before on your Arc A770? 
  • What version of DXO are you using? Are all versions having the same issues?
  • And just to confirm, what do you mean that the issue does not occur when using the Remote Desktop Protocol? 
  • Please generate an SSU report to help me further analyze important details on your system, such as the OS build number, graphics driver version, errors logged in the system, etc. To generate the SSU report, please refer to the article How to get the Intel® System Support Utility Logs on Windows*. Please send us the generated SSU.txt file.


I look forward to your response!


Thank you, and have a great day ahead!



Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Helloo DXO_Vincent,

We are checking in with you to see if you already have the answers to our questions so we can further isolate our issue.

Thank you, and have a great day!

Best regards,

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello DXO_Vincent, 

We are checking in with you, as we have not heard any response from you. 

Thank you, and have a great day!


Best regards, 

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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Hello DXO_Vincent, 


We have not heard back from you, so we will close this enquiry now. If you need further assistance, please submit a new question, as this thread will no longer be monitored.

Thank you, and have a great day ahead. 

Best regards, 

Carmona A.

Intel Customer Support Technician

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