Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20781 Discussions

HD Graphics 5500 su Lenovo


Salve a tutti.

Non riesco a connettere il pc ad un proiettore tramite cavo HDMI (il cavo non viene rilevato).

Tempo fa avevo risolto sistemando i driver della scheda video in oggetto ed eliminando quelli della seconda scheda video del mio laptop (Nvidia - le 2 forse andavano in conflitto) ma ora il problema si è ripresentato, probabilmente a causa di Windows Update che deve aver reinstallato l'altra scheda.

Ho riprovato a sistemarlo ma non c'è modo di aggiornare i driver Intel, qualunque versione io provi ad installare (ne ho scaricate più versioni sia dal sito Intel che da quello Lenovo) il sistema mi da sempre errore comunicando che non sono i driver corretti.

Qualcuno mi può aiutare?


0 Kudos
2 Replies

Hello, lurch78



By translating your post, I understand you are having some issues connecting your Lenovo laptop to a projector. Allow me to help you regarding this issue.


In order to bypass the "You already have the correct drivers installed" message we can perform a manual installation of the drivers but first, please verify which is the graphics controller for your display. In order to verify so please go to Device Manager and double-click on Display adapters.



In the case that the controller that appears on the drop-down is NVIDIA, I will highly recommend you to verify if there is any update for the drivers from NVIDIA.


If in the drop down, the Intel® HD Graphics and NVIDIA are showed or just the Intel® HD Graphics then you can perform the manual installation of the graphics drivers.



First, you can download the latest Graphics Drivers using the following link:



Then, in order to complete the installation please follow the instructions on the following YouTube video:



Please be aware that the driver I am sharing with you is a generic driver from Intel® and some features of it might not be available for your machine, we always recommend verifying if there is any update with the manufacturer of the computer. Nevertheless, we can try to perform this troubleshooting step.



Please let me know the results.



Antony S.
0 Kudos

Hello, lurch78.



I would like to double check if you were able to perform the troubleshooting steps that I attached in the last email I sent you and the results.



Antony S.
0 Kudos