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20815 Discussions

HD6000 3D Blu ray performance issue


Using PowerDVD 15 I am seeing inconsistent playback of 3D blu ray. When I start a 3D movie (TV is a Vizio M801D-A3; 1080p/24Hz; frame-packing), the image may distort frequently and cause an image that appears to almost look like its viewed underwater. Depth of the image is also incorrect for seemingly random parts of the image. If I then pause the movie for a few seconds, or back up to the beginning of the chapter, the issue so far resolves itself, but sometimes it takes a few tries to do so.

This seems like a driver bug. I did not have this issue using PowerDVD 15 with Nvidia graphics on my previous build. Attached is my Intel system profile and dxdiag report if that helps. I'd appreciate any assistance.


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153 Replies

Hi all,

I've notified the devs of the mixed results. It appears we have multiple root causes. To better narrow this, I'd ask for a new dispDiag from the failing cases if you're able/willing. The trick to these is they only capture from boot or the last time they were run, so I'd advise in this situation please reboot your system, wait until all drivers are loaded, then run dispDiag. Reproduce the failure and then run dispDiag again to capture the clean log and upload in a reply to this post or a PM to me.

I'm seeing success with Kodi, some success with MadVR, and failure with PowerDVD. I'll see about pulling in our PowerDVD rep since this could be an app issue.

I've got a few NUC's lined up to see if I can get a failure on one of them to help with the logs too. Also, in the meantime, are you guys seeing the same failure with KMP and/or VLC?

If you need help with capturing a dispDiag the instructions are here -> .

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2,955 Views DispDiag-Intel-Issue.dat

I have a i7-5500u and exact same problems, was really looking forward the fix and being able to watch my 3d blurays on my projector again (also benq w1070), however 3d mode is still broken for me. 😞

Like others my only work around is if I play the file through a media player then I select OU or SBS in my projectors settings. Using frame packing in powerdvd 15 still doesn't work for me, opening bluray disk or a SBS/OU file (then selecting 3D mode in powerdvd) both results in the 'water effect' out of sync problem. I did notice a difference with the new drivers they seems almost always out of sync now (I think less than before) but scene changes aren't triggering it directly or causing it to get any worse, it seems it is always just out a 'little' now rather than the ' perfect - terrible - perfect' cycle it seemed to be before although it is still very much unwatchable.

Edit: I dont think I have the stuttering problem anymore not sure what was causing it but if I can reproduce it ill report back later. 3d is still the most important thing here but im wondering now if its actually fixed (since others have said it works using madvr and I assume thats with frame packing) so wonder if its now just a powerdvd compatibility problem. Im also running latest powerdvd update from 2016-09-25 if it matters. Im going to try madvr later see if I can somehow get my 3d blurays working that way.

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Hey Johnny.5

Thanks for your input. I gave the dispDiag to my debug engineer. They'll be picking this back up shortly. In the meantime, you mentioned trying several things in troubleshooting this. Would you mind posting your findings? They could help.

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After much messing about I believe I have mostly fixed the problem, I think this new problem is caused by the frame rate. It seems to me it is a 23.976hz problem with powerdvd and reclock seems to fix the problem if I turn on vsync and set it to 24hz.

Long story;

After much screwing about I got 3d MVC test files from the kodi link to work using MPC-HC + lav filters + madvr & frame packing, I couldn't get any other files I have working in mpc (didn't swap to 3d for anything other than MVC and getting bluray working seems a headache)

The MVC (MKV) file I tried from that link did seem to work perfectly when I played it a few times over in MPC so I then went back to powerdvd and played a file I had tried before and this time it seemed to be working fine at first then it was either after a little while, or possibly after I paused it started getting the 'out of sync issue'. It was perfect for minutes on end then after I did something it was bad. It seemed that if I played the same file sometimes it would be ok to begin with but the majority of times I tried it would just be bad so after reading some more I discovered and decided to try reclock which I think has helped a lot, setting vsync ON and setting it to 24hz it seems to mostly fix the problem for me. I have just watched resident evil 4 bluray in 3d and it looked good the entire time, I must say though I still think there is possibly something not 'quite right' doing it this way, its possible I'm imagining things but I'm not entirely convinced it looks exactly the same in moving scenes as when using my older amd pc, and there is also some other issues, reclock causes sound to not work at the start and to get it working again I have to 'reset' it to 24hz in reclock settings, I've also noticed its still sometimes out of sync and I have to either pause/skip or restart the movie or mess around with reclock but it seems 99% now compared to what I think was a complete fail for me before and my bluray was actually watchable the whole way through using reclock and powerdvd and locking it to 24hz.

Just another thing when I set reclock to 23.976Hz the image instantly became bad and no matter what I did (unless putting it back to 24) it stayed bad. ReClock - Download

I have read 3D bluray are encoded at 1080p24 so if this is true why does it swap to 23p for 3D?

By the way I've had a second person watch ~10min of a bluray and they said to me it 'looked fine' the whole time and I will watch some more when I have the time and report back.

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Hi Bryce,

Did the diag files helped ?

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Hi Bryce,

Did you received my answer ?

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I have a newly built pc with Asus H110T motherboard and core i5-6600T. It has windows 10 installed with win64_154028.4501 graphics drivers. All video is fine apart from 24p 3D bluray which is unwatchable. I have many of the same symptoms already described here. I'm using Coral Win DVD Pro v11 to play the video.

Just wanted you to know that this seems to be a general HD530 graphics problem and not just affecting NUC machines.

Please let me know if you need more info as I am keen to get this sorted asap.



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Hi Bryce,

Here 3 diags files.

Juste after reboot

after using PowerDVD 14 (water effect)

then using MPC-HC/madVR/LAV (blink and position move of right eye. Left eye is ok. 3D ok at last when seek bar is displayed)



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Hi guy's I posted here a while back with the same 3d blurry and flash across the screen on camera scene change issues with the on-board 530GPU via a I7 6700, using Powerdvd 15/16 that never got resolved to date.

I have been using a normal 3D bluray player but recently I purchased an AMD RX 480 and this GPU worked perfectly with 3d and Powerdvd15/16, no watery rippling on peoples limbs/hands when they moved and no flash across the screen when the camera changed between scenes.

I wish you the best of luck for those still waiting and hope this eventually gets fixed, I had enough of waiting for nearly a year.

I note a mention of 23.976 and 24, 3D and non-3d movies are all predominately 23.976fps only a minor few are 24p, I tried 24fps anyway but made no difference, the only best temp fix was to keep pausing or rewinding the movie until it worked but frustratingly would start doing it again and go out of sync again.

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for Bryce,

The diag file

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Honored Contributor II

Thank you for this information, I can see that this issue was escalated to get a solution, unfortunately it seems that there is no positive results yet, please allow me to further investigate on this, meanwhile, I suggest you to try the Beta driver, you can download it here:



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I've tried the latest drivers 4542 on my windows 10 64 box. Still no luck. The playback experience is exactly the same. Are we still hoping for a fix by the end of the year ?

It's been a year now since this bug was first pointed out. I think we're being more patient than intel deserve !

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Well, here we are about 2 years after I posted this issue the first time (different thread and I can't find it). Anyhow, very sad to see this still hasn't been resolved. For those of you that want a cheap solution and only are looking for a HTPC, buy a Beebox. I just got the N3000 and it works flawlessly with 3d. Pretty funny how a BRASWELL can do what a freaking i5 cannot. Very disappointed in you Intel. Oh, and get this. They finally fixed HD audio running on the Celeron chipsets - including Brawell - so this is a COMPLETE solution. 125 for the Beebox, plus HDD, memory and OS. Or you can buy one with memory and HDD for about 220.

I know sclaws went with a Zotac, which also would be good solution but a bit more expensive. That's my 2 cents. I gave up on this a year ago, but am pleased to see I can watch a 3d movie again if I want now. The nuc has been retired to my bedrooms 4k TV. THAT is something it does well. Especially with a 4k 60hz mini display port to hdmi 2.0 adapter.

Randy C.

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I know it's been a while, so I wanted to pop in to let you know I'm still driving this with Development it's just slow going. We've tested several systems and are unable to see the failure with 4539 so it lowered priority for a while. I'm trying to get this looked into by our Cyberlink reps as well though they can't repro this either. I'm still pushing this though to try more configs. Hopefully other players like Kodi are filling the gap in the meantime.

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New Contributor I

Thanks for checking in Bryce, but I find it hard to believe you can't reproduce this, seeing as how anyone here that's tried a 3D BluRay Disc with PowerDVD or other BluRay playing software has this issue.

Are you sure your set up is as follows:

1) NUC5i5RYH (other NUCs have the same problem)

2) Latest Cyberlink PowerDVD (doesn't really matter on this either as several past versions noted in this thread also have the problem)

3) Latest Windows 10 64-bit with latest updates (just in case)

4) Any Intel video driver you want to try

5) A 3D BluRay Disc (not file!) that plays at 24fps (23.976 I guess to be exact)

6) Obviously a 3D BluRay capable external drive

I don't think the 3D TV/projector matters, but if it does, mine is a BenQ W1070.

Can anyone confirm one way or another if this is fixed in newer NUC generations, or is this a systemic design flaw of the NUC or HD graphics chipsets?

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Hi Tony,

Yes, I've had the NUC5i3syh, the NUC5i5syk and the NUC6i5syk. All of them have the same issue.

Oh and as for my previous post about the Beebox. I sent that back - overheating issues - but the fact remains that the BRASWELL chipset can playback 3D MVC without issue.



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No report back from INTEL indicating that anything has happened since Bryce@Intel said back in January: "I'm pushing the bug forward and have increased internal priority. I'll update you further here as they come. Thanks for your patience."

Now the issue is showing "Assumed Answered". Ha. That is one way of handling it. Pretend it has gone away.

Meanwhile the same runaround is going on (promises to look into 3D HDMI 2.0 failure with repeated delays and nothing actually done) in at least one other discussion here: INTEL NUCi7 3D MVC ISSUE. At least that one has not been declared answered yet with no answer.

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Hi all,

Just to let you know...

The last version of madVR with LAV and mpc-hc is working correctly for 3D on my NUC6i5SYH.

madVR has made some corrections for bypassing Intel driver bugs.

With PowerDVD 15,16,17 the bug is still there.


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I have also tried on a GigaByte BRIX GB-BKi3A-7100 with the same bug.

It is unbelievable that you can't reproduce it with one of your PC.

You didn't found any tips in the diag files we sent you ?

What can we do more to help you as WE can reproduce it everytime ? 🙂



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We're able to repro now! I'm pushing the bug forward and have increased internal priority. I'll update you further here as they come. Thanks for your patience.

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I certainly hope you get it fixed before I get my new Nuc7i5bnk. I will be severely disappointed to see the same issue yet again. And thank you Bryce, for the update, though I can't say I've really been "patient".


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