Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20775 Discussions

How to center my display screen again?


Presently, my display screen shifted over to the left, cutting off a good chunk of it, and leaving the right side with a bar of black. This happened when I went full screen in a game, I tried to fix this by opening the intel graphics control panel, planning to switch the resolution, full screen scale it (and if I couldn't go check out the advanced settings.)

1) The full screen scaling wasn't even an option in any resolution

2) My display doesn't support advance settings

3) My monitor has no menu. Or it does, but it's in chinese and I doubt it can operate properly

4) I did try and restart and shut down a few times

5) Should I open the game again - going into full-screen uncentered mood - and then try to fix the display from there?

EDIT: I'm trying to use 1920 x 1080 [for game and display screen]

my processor is intel core i5-4440S

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1 Reply

It is more likely that your issue is caused by the monitor image position settings because there is no feature in Intel® HD Graphics Control Panel to do this. Still, you may reset it by pressing Ctrl + Alt + F8 or try uninstalling and reinstalling Intel® HD Graphics drivers.

Point # 5 makes sense in some way since the issue started within the game, right? However, you may consider contacting the monitor manufacturer or trying to get its user guide online.

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