Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
21741 Discussions

Installation problem on NUC7ixBN with installing Intel(R) Graphics Driver:


I've got a NUC7ixBN here. Trying update to 
Intel(R) Graphics Driver:

Error msg is attached as png ...



2023/02/25 22:41:38.029|INFO|Logging started on 2023/02/25 22:41:37.996 ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.060|INFO|Installer version: 1.0.634.3 ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.060|INFO|The application has been launched with the parameters: NULL ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.060|INFO|Language of the user interface: [de-DE]. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.071|INFO|Operating system specification: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.19045.0 ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.184|INFO|CPU base clock: 2208Mhz. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.184|INFO|Test Signing: OFF. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.196|INFO|Windows Media Player status: Installed ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.262|INFO|No Unknown PCI devices were found. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.281|INFO|
List of Graphics and Other Devices in Device Manager: {
Device detected: Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640
Device Instance Path: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5926&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_06\3&11583659&0&10
Device manufacturer: Intel Corporation
}} ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.291|INFO|Any platform is DG2: False ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.303|INFO|Any platform is Gen12: False ||
2023/02/25 22:41:38.303|INFO|Dynamic background: False ||
2023/02/25 22:41:39.295|INFO|No Unknown PCI devices were found. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:39.295|INFO|
List of Graphics and Other Devices in Device Manager: {
Device detected: Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640
Device Instance Path: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5926&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_06\3&11583659&0&10
Device manufacturer: Intel Corporation
}} ||
2023/02/25 22:41:40.119|INFO|
Found INF files in installer location:
2023/02/25 22:41:41.421|INFO|
Found Intel INF files in DriverStore location:
2023/02/25 22:41:41.437|INFO|

List of found Graphics and Other devices with matching INF files:
Device name: Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640
Device instance path: PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5926&SUBSYS_20688086&REV_06\3&11583659&0&10
Device manufacturer: Intel Corporation
Matching Driver Store INF:
INF file path: "C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\igdlh64.inf_amd64_9af403f73c0e9f69\igdlh64.inf"
INF file date: "08/15/2018"
INF file version: ""
INF Models Section: "IntelGfx.NTamd64.10.0...14393"
INF Models Entry: "Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640 = iKBLD_w10_DS,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5926&SUBSYS_20688086"
Matching Installer INF:
INF file path: "C:\Users\andreasw\Downloads\GFX-Win10-\Graphics_Gen9_Gen11\iigd_dch.inf"
INF file date: "07/19/2022"
INF file version: ""
INF Models Section: "IntelGfx.NTamd64.10.0...16225"
INF Models Entry: "Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640 = iKBLD_w10_DS,PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_5926"
2023/02/25 22:41:41.471|INFO|No Unknown PCI devices were found. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.484|INFO|

List of found Intel Audio and Other devices with installer matching INF files:
Device name: Intel(R) Display-Audio
Device instance path: INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B&SUBSYS_80860101&REV_1000\4&1A0C962&0&0201
Device manufacturer: Intel(R) Corporation
Matching Driver Store INF:
INF file path: "C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\intcdaud.inf_amd64_3b876fb0bfb3390a\IntcDAud.inf"
INF file date: "07/18/2018"
INF file version: ""
INF Models Section: "Intel.NTAMD64.6.2"
INF Models Entry: "Intel(R) Display-Audio = IntcAudModel,INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B&SUBSYS_80860101,INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B"
Matching Installer INF:
INF file path: "C:\Users\andreasw\Downloads\GFX-Win10-\Graphics_Gen9_Gen11\DisplayAudio\10.27\IntcDAud.inf"
INF file date: "11/21/2021"
INF file version: ""
INF Models Section: "Intel.NTAMD64.6.2"
INF Models Entry: "Intel(R) Display-Audio = IntcAudModel,INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B&SUBSYS_80860101,INTELAUDIO\FUNC_01&VEN_8086&DEV_280B"
2023/02/25 22:41:41.642|INFO|Checking if any device needs reboot. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.654|INFO|Checking if any device needs reboot has been successfully completed. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.664|INFO|Checking how much space needs the specified .INF file. Path = C:\Users\andreasw\Downloads\GFX-Win10-\Graphics_Gen9_Gen11\iigd_dch.inf ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.719|INFO|Checking how much disk space needs the specified .INF file has completed. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.719|INFO|Checking the amount of free space on the system disk has begun. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.730|INFO|Checking the amount of free space on the system drive was successful. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.730|WARN|The specified devices don't need any additional space for installation. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.741|INFO|Checking types of the driver for device. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.741|INFO|Checking types of the driver has been successfully completed. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.741|INFO|Checking legacy 4ID to DCH 2ID protection. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:41.763|ERROR|At least on one device is try to install 2ID DCH driver on 4ID legacy driver. Device name = "Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640". ||
2023/02/25 22:41:45.674|INFO|Closing the user interface window. ||
2023/02/25 22:41:45.694|INFO|Cleaning of temporary folders... ||
2023/02/25 22:41:45.753|INFO|Exiting application with exit code 1... ||
2023/02/25 22:41:45.760|INFO|Logging completed on 2023/02/25 22:41:45.759

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3 Replies

Hello andreaswa,


Thank you for posting on the Intel️® communities. 


Due to this product being discontinued, Intel Customer Service no longer supports inquiries for it. Fellow community members may have the knowledge and they can jump in and help. You may also find the Discontinued Products website, website helpful to address your request.  


You can get the specifications and verify this product's discontinuance status at the Intel® Product Specifications website > Product Status > "Discontinued".


Please keep in mind that this thread will no longer be monitored by Intel. Thank you for your understanding.


Best regards,

Jean O. 

Intel Customer Support Technician

0 Kudos

I know, it's disconinued.

But the driver is recommended by the intel support pages and by 




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Hello andreaswa,

I saw your posting and thought: maybe this can help:

2 days ago I faced the same problem and solved it (NUC7i5BNH)

Basically the 'installer' tells you that the NUC7ixBNH contains OEM-specific customizations that are not compatible with the new DCH drivers. It's in one of the last lines in the report:

|ERROR|At least on one device is try to install 2ID DCH driver on 4ID legacy driver. Device name = "Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640".


You can get the installer to continue but it needs some preparation. I quote instructions from this Intel-page:

"Another option follow these steps carefully:

  • Go to Device Manager > Display Adapters > Right-Click [the Intel graphics-adapter] and select Update Driver (Browse my computer for drivers).
  • Choose Let me pick from a list of available drivers on my computer.
  • Select Microsoft Basic Display Adapter and click NEXT.
  • Once the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter successfully replaces the OEM driver: RUN THE INSTALLER which you downloaded from the NUC7ixBNH drivers-page
  • Important: Leave the Execute Clean Installation unchecked while performing the installation."

After the install finishes, reboot and check if the Intel Graphics Command Center is installed (automatically). If not: go to Microsoft Store and look for this APP and install it.

You can verify the version of the new graphics-driver in Device Manager > Display Adapters > Intel(R) Iris(R) Plus Graphics 640 : right-click for properties, version:


I checked the settings in the new Intel Graphics Command Center:  they are the same as my previous settings. I noticed that game-specific settings and some 'global' settings are not present. Fine by me, this is not a computer for games...

I am happy with the DCH graphics update. Not a single issue found so far. It works very well, no: better, more efficient. The CPU/GPU load is LESS. Typical: Firefox + Youtube, a 4K movie like: 'Elements of Iceland', GPU-load was 50-75%, no reduced to 25% (resolution set to 3840x2160, 30 Hz).

I am pleased with the efforts of Intel to make the DCH drivers compatible and available for the NUC7i5BNH. (NUC7ixBNH)


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