Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Intel HD Graphics 530 driver causing screen flickering


Dear Intel Support Team,

I have recently purchased a new laptop, a custom built product-specs X BOOK.

The laptop is fitted with an Intel Core i7-6700HQ quad-core and a GeForce GTX 960M 2GB.

The graphics adapter is an Intel® HD Graphics 530.

The operating system is a Windows 10 Pro 64 bits.

I have a flickering screen problem that is very annoying, the screen keeps flashing on and off, even sometimes showing thin green horizontal lines and this doesn't

go away with a restart or a shutdown.

I disabled the adapter and everything worked fine.

I have the latest version of the driver for the 64 bit CPU architecture.

One thing worth mentioning, is that I didn't have the problem until I installed Visual Studio 2015 !!

I reset my operating system and everything was fine until I installed Visual Studio 2015 again.

Kindest Regards,

Ibrahim Najjar

109 Replies

bugdestroyer1234 (and Amy_Intel), you have the exact same Laptop as me and have described the symptoms pretty much to the letter as I had. I am however using a 4K external monitor over HDMI as well (which flickers too).

I installed the new driver Amy pointed to (build date 2/5/2106) and the flickering has reduced IMO. From maybe the same 10 an hour as you have down to maybe two or three but it is still most obvious just after starting the (or waking up) to laptop...

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Regarding the HD530 video flickering issue. I can create it and eliminate it at will now that I know exactly what is causing the issue. As for why it happens that is for Intel to figure out.

It turns out to be the DDR4 memory speed. The issue will begin intermittently at 2600MHz and gets progressively worse as I increase the speed. At the maximum speed for my kit 3466MHz the screen just vibrates wildly.

I solved it permanently by installing a nvidia GTX 750 graphics card and disabling the HD530 in the BIOS. Now I have triple the video speed and no more flicker issue. On a personal note I do feel cheated by Intel as was I expecting the video to work properly and did not want, or should have had to spend an extra $139 to solve Intel's video issue.

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I think any graphic driver can't solve the problem. There's problem with voltage/clock between cpu and dram.

Switch off XMP and change profile manually.

In my pc i have try 2133, 2666 and still flickering only 2400 with my dram have proply setting and pc working fine.

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After trying A LOT of things, I found this video ( ) that led me to a working solution.

I disabled the Windows error reporting service and it seemed to help a bit! My screen was still flickering once in a while, *but less*. At that point, I was pretty sure that the issue would not be fixed by changing the graphics driver itself. I had tried a lot of older versions without any success. In the following solution I use the most recent version of the driver (as installed by the "Intel Driver & Support Assistant").

What I then did is to disable a lot of other services (only those that were not required in my opinion) AND I uninstalled a lot of apps that were installed but that I was not using. Some of them are: IOBit Unlocker, AutoHotKey, A second browser, etc, etc. I sadly don't have the exact list of the
services and apps I did uninstall, but it worked!!!!

I have no more flickering *at all*.

I hope my 2 cents may help someone, one day.

(I use Intel HD graphics 500 in a Azulle Byte3 mini PC)

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**bleep**. Started flickering again 2 days after! 😞

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