Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
20783 Discussions

Loud noise and freezing


Hey, please i need help... My toshiba tecra laptop was working just fine till i decided to reinstall new window 7 and my computer has been acting up since. It will freeze up while am watching video online and start making this loud noise for about minute, it did this for about 3 days and its was shutting down afterward with blue screen STOP:0x000000F4. I tried to troubleshoot it and I found it was drivers error and the pc was also telling me it couldn't update drivers and when i clicked the icon it took me to media driver, and Intel HD driver subsequently. I went to intel website to download the driver update. Now, the pc doesn't shut down anymore with the blue screen but it keep freezing and making noise but not so loud as usual and it doesn't freeze long as well, it also freezes frequently now without the noise. I also got this message intel accelerator graphics has stopped. Here is my dxdiag below:


System Information


Time of this report: 8/26/2017, 16:00:01

Machine name: ME-PC

Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_ldr.170707-0600)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: TOSHIBA

System Model: TECRA A11

BIOS: Default System BIOS

Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 520 @ 2.40GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz

Memory: 4096MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 3824MB RAM

Page File: 3003MB used, 4643MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 64bit Unicode


DxDiag Notes


Display Tab 1: No problems found.

Sound Tab 1: No problems found.

Input Tab: No problems found.


DirectX Debug Levels


Direct3D: 0/4 (retail)

DirectDraw: 0/4 (retail)

DirectInput: 0/5 (retail)

DirectMusic: 0/5 (retail)

DirectPlay: 0/9 (retail)

DirectSound: 0/5 (retail)

DirectShow: 0/6 (retail)


Display Devices


Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics

Manufacturer: Intel Corporation

Chip type: Intel(R) HD Graphics (Core i5)

DAC type: Internal

Device Key: Enum\PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_0046&SUBSYS_00021179&REV_12

Display Memory: 1696 MB

Dedicated Memory: 64 MB

Shared Memory: 1632 MB

Current Mode: 1366 x 768 (32 bit) (60Hz)

Monitor Name: Generic PnP Monitor

Monitor Model: unknown

Monitor Id: TOS5091

Native Mode: 1366 x 768(p) (60.156Hz)

Output Type: Internal

Driver Name: igdumd64.dll,igd10umd64.dll,igdumdx32,igd10umd32

Driver File Version: 8.15.0010.2189 (English)

Driver Version:

DDI Version: 10

Driver Model: WDDM 1.1

Driver Attributes: Final Retail

Driver Date/Size: 7/28/2010 21:10:36, 6547968 bytes

WHQL Logo'd: Yes

WHQL Date Stamp:

Device Identifier: {D7B78E66-4306-11CF-447A-0820B2C2C535}

Vendor ID: 0x8086

Device ID: 0x0046

SubSys ID: 0x00021179

Revision ID: 0x0012

Driver Strong Name: oem3.inf:Intel.Mfg.NTamd64:iILKM0_IHN:\ven_8086&dev_0046&subsys_00021179

Rank Of Driver: 00E60001

Video Accel: ModeMPEG2_A ModeMPEG2_C ModeWMV9_B ModeWMV9_C ModeVC1_B ModeVC1_C

Deinterlace Caps: {BF752EF6-8CC4-457A-BE1B-08BD1CAEEE9F}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YUY2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend

{BF752EF6-8CC4-457A-BE1B-08BD1CAEEE9F}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(UYVY,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend

{BF752EF6-8CC4-457A-BE1B-08BD1CAEEE9F}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(YV12,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend

{BF752EF6-8CC4-457A-BE1B-08BD1CAEEE9F}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(NV12,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend

{BF752EF6-8CC4-457A-BE1B-08BD1CAEEE9F}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_BOBVerticalStretch

{5A54A0C9-C7EC-4BD9-8EDE-F3C75DC4393B}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC1,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend

{BF752EF6-8CC4-457A-BE1B-08BD1CAEEE9F}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,1) Caps=VideoProcess_YUV2RGB VideoProcess_StretchX VideoProcess_StretchY VideoProcess_AlphaBlend DeinterlaceTech_EdgeFiltering

{335AA36E-7884-43A4-9C91-7F87FAF3E37E}: Format(In/Out)=(IMC2,YUY2) Frames(Prev/Fwd/Back)=(0,0,0...

0 Kudos
6 Replies
Honored Contributor II

Some Toshiba laptops require customised drivers.

Go to Tecra Support | Toshiba and select the right A11 model, there are 10 different ones.

Also check the links in the red box you see on the right hand there.

Regarding to your processor, it has reached "End of Interactive Support" according to Intel® Core™ i5-520M Processor (3M Cache, 2.40 GHz) Product Specifications

At least Intel offers a newer driver than that you have installed: Download Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator Driver, Windows 7* 64, Windows Vista* 64 (exe)


In other words, installed driver from Microsoft Update Catalog is 3 years older

0 Kudos

Thanks a lot for your response.. I tried installing the driver card already from toshiba tecra site but the problem persist, so am now trying to download from microsoft with the link you gave me, the ones i downloaded are difx64.dll difx32.dll, i don't know what file it is or how to install it. I tried getting help online how to install it but it didn't work. I also tried to download the new software from the second link you gave me but it said the driver being installed is not validated for this computer. Please obtain the appropriate drivers from the computer manufacturer. Is it possible the programs are 32bits and the system 64 bits? I would really be glad if you can help me resolve this problem.. thanks

0 Kudos
Honored Contributor II

Your system is 64bit, so you need 64bit drivers.

Don't download from Microsoft, it's the driver you have already installed.

Go again to the Intel link, download in ZIP format

Install the driver build via "have disk method" as described at:

(ignore prolog about MS surface)

0 Kudos

Good morning Stefan, I did what you told me and i followed the instruction on that link, but it always encounter a problem at the end of the installation. I tried download the previous versions to see if anyone would match but the problem keep occurring at the end of the installation: Window encountered a problem installing the driver software for your device...... Window found driver software for your device but encountered an error while trying to install it....... Intel (R) HD Graphics....... The driver selected for this device does not support this version of window..... If you know the manufacturer of your device you can visit it website and check the support section for driver software.

0 Kudos

Hello Kuti,



I am sorry to hear you are still having issues installing the graphics driver.



I would like you to try installing the graphics driver on a different way. Please download the graphics driver that is on this link



As soon as the graphics driver has been downloaded on the keyboard press WinLogo key + r, then type in devmgmt.msc, double click on Display Adapters -> Intel HD Graphics -> Driver tab -> Uninstall -> Select the check box Delete the driver software for this device -> OK, restart the computer, and then reinstall the graphics driver with the steps that are on this YouTube video



The content on the above site is not controlled by Intel. This information is offered for your convenience and should not be viewed as an endorsement by Intel for the merchants or services offered there.



Let me know if issue persists or not.





Fred D.
0 Kudos

Hello Fred, good morning. I already install window 10 on it and its working perfectly again. Thanks for your efforts...



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