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OVERSCAN, try fix it with H/V sliders but screen is blurry (interpolated)

3 099Просмотр.

Hi guys,

i bought new NUC DC3217IYE last week. I have latest BIOS ver.:0042 and latest HD4000 graphic driver.

I have problem with overscan (my TV doesnt have 1:1 mapping, only 16:9 with overscan.).

My old PC with ATI Radeon have in driver menu overscan correction option, after apllying it, screen was sharp and clear!! like 1:1 mapping.

But with NUC it doesnt works! I can see horizontal and vertical sliders, if I correct it with this, size is OK, but screen is blurry, like interpolated, text is fuzzy and hard to read. I tryed every combination of H/V sliders (from 80-100%) without success = still blurry image.

Is thery any option which could help me?

Thanks for any help!

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7 Ответы
1 034Просмотр.


so, ATI graphic has overscan correction which doesnt affect sharpness, its like 1:1.

and Intel doesnt have it...only interpolated crap.. 😞

i am disappointed about intel graphic

1 034Просмотр.

Hi prachart,

What display are you using (exact model # please!). Also, what resolution are you trying to set it to?



1 034Просмотр.

it doesnt matter what type of display I am using .. important is that I need functional overscan correction, without degrading srceen parametrs, like ATI Radeon have!

I tryed connect new TV, which have "Just Scan" (1:1 maping) function, but there is another problem!!!

I have satellite receiver, blue-ray player and NUC htpc connected through YAMAHA receiver (with HDMI 1.4a) with Samsung TV.

So If I switch HDMI input on receiver, for example to blueray player, TV redetect HDMI input and set "16:9" mode (with overscan) again. Then I switch to NUC and I need set again "Just scan" mode. ITS SOOOO ENOING !!!!! grrrr

On old HTPC with ATI Radeon, I have to just set overscan correction and everythink was OK, screen was sharp like needle!

I have one idea yet! I will try remove 19 pin (hot-plug) in HDMI cable which connected receiver and TV.

I hope it cause that TV doesnt notice that HDMI input device was changed so there isnt any redetection and "Just Scan" doesnt switch back to "16:9" mode

1 034Просмотр.

It sounds like you have an AV/R device between your system and your display. This could be causing your problem. Can you post a copy of your Intel® Graphics Driver Report please? Here is a document on how to provide that information;



1 034Просмотр.

Yes, I have AV receiver YAMAHA, but it doesnt cause this problem!

I tryed connect NUC directly to the TV.

Problem is HD4000 in NUC (DC3217IYE) which can´t correct (H/V slieders) overscan without degrading final screen, its interpolated!

ATI Radeon in old Lenovo Q180 fix overscan (in Catalyst Control Center) without any problem! everythink was sharp, like 1:1 mapping.

Why NUC (HD4000) doesnt support this ?

1 034Просмотр.

Hi prachart,

Can you provide the Intel® Graphics Driver Report as detailed in the link of my previous post? Also, to clarify - the issue you're having is that regardless of whether you use the YAMAHA* receiver or a straight-through connection, your screen is blurry due to your display not having 1:1 mapping with your resolution? Are you running in the native display resolution for your TV? What model is your Samsung* TV?



1 034Просмотр.

The problem was resolved. I had to set name on HDMI2 to "PC" and then TV stay in "16:9" mode, but it behave like "Just Scan", so everythink is OK. Problem were in TV, not in NUC, I am sorry INTEL.
