Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Unable to Download Drivers from Iran


To whom it may concern,


I have a laptop with an Intel CPU. I attempted to download it's drivers, but Intel's website prompts me with how sorry they feel that they have to ban my IP because of my location, Iran; essentially telling me that I shall not access the drivers of a product that I paid intel for?! What am I to do in this most dire situation? Perhaps I should overthrow the regime you helped install in the first place? Or, should I ask the most benevolent Russians and the British to do something about it? Or, perhaps, brother China could supply me a counterfeit driver in return for all the dirt-cheap oil they get over here? Truly dazzling times, ain't it? ...


P.s. Yes, I know about manufacturers providing drivers. The latest is from 2016, and I do not want that, thank you. 🙂

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1 Reply
Super User

If your processor is that old, you don't need any drivers from Intel regardless. Everything you need is built into Windows 10 and built into most Linux distros.


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