Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Unique Problem: Intel HD Graphics won't open for me


Long story short, when I was trying to play a game, I noticed that the frame rate was running at 40 frames per second, even though I'm about to get 60 minimum. I was all "Okay that's fine. I'll just go to the Intel Control Panel and change the refresh rate from 40 to 60"


Here's the issue: The Control Panel flat out refuses to open up and it's not like its even on my computer anymore. I tried to access it directly, but it's greyed out.


So not only am I stuck playing my games in 40 frames per second, but I can no longer access the control panel, leaving me doomed to play my games at a less than optimal frame rate.


I desperately need help here. And I bet no one will bother to help because it's a problem no one has ever witnessed.


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1 Reply

Hello, Naedox:

I would like to recommend you to do the following:

1. Go to the device manager and uninstall the graphics driver, from display adapters.

2. Restart the system and look for the latest driver for your unit.


How to do this (step 2):

2.1. Find the brand of your CPU here: ARK | Your Source for Intel® Product Specifications

2.2. Check under graphic specifications the engine for your CPU (Intel HD Graphics xxxx).

2.3. Access the and look for the graphics engine your CPU has.

2.4. Download and install the latest driver.

If you require any further support, feel free to let me know.


Esteban C

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