Intel® graphics drivers and software, compatibility, troubleshooting, performance, and optimization
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Very strange problem with UHD Intel® drivers.


Hello to everyone! This is a very strange fact that happened to me. First to start I want to excuse me for the English, 'cause it isn't my original language. 

So...I bought an HP Notebook 15-dy1005nl (here you can find all the hardware informations of the product [   ]). It is a very good product. One day a friend shared me that Tom Clancy's The Division was for free on Ubisoft Connect app for Windows. I played with that game for like a month with low settings but with good FPS (20 - 25, the necessary to play without get angry). A problem showed up and I had to reset everything! Unfortunately I don't know why but I wasn't be able to perform a reset from the "F10 recovery management". So what I have done? Simply used Microsoft Creation Tool to create a USB for the reset with the latest Windows version (something like 20H2). Everything was going good except the fact that during the phase where you have to select the partition where to install Windows, the cursor didn't show up and I had to navigate with keyboard. Same thing when Windows, after the reset, started up. So...after updated everything trough Windows Update and HP Support Assistant every single thing was fine! A clean Windows version were finally on my notebook! I even downloaded again Ubisoft Connect and The Division. Everything worked good (even better than before).

Now the "tragedy"...the day after the reset, i turned on my notebook. What happened? The screen started flickering! Instantly I understood that was a problem with the graphic driver so I simply downgraded it and the flickering disappeared, but I could not use a Notebook without drivers because all the things were lagging. Tried to update the drivers again with Windows and just after the installation the flickering didn't show up. When I turn off and turn on the PC, the flickering appear. So I got an idea...I updated the driver with Intel Support and Driver Assistant. Updated...turned off and on the PC like ten times and the flikering didn't show up!

A problem has been resolved. Another day I decided to play The Division. Started the benchmark function in the game settings and I got a score of 0,4 average FPS with very low GPU using (i can't remember all the data and I can't do again the benchmark because I uninstalled the game, but if you need other information I can download again the game). There is no doubt...the new driver caused this problem. In fact I downgraded the driver again to the "flickering version", a version dated Febbruary 2020 and the game works perfectly, but if I turn off and on the notebook i get flickering. Updated again with Intel Support and Driver Assistant that install a version dated October 2020, flickering disappear but game is unplayable.

Tried even install the OEM divers from HP website but there are only two avaiable. One can't be installed cause it need a old Windows 10 version. The other driver is the same of Febbraury 2020 that causes flickering.

Right now I installed, obviously, the latest driver of October 'cause I like play games but working is more important. I can add that I have never touched the The Division settings. Never! So it is not a wrong setting, because they are the same before and after the reset. Another thing that I can say to you is that I bought Far Cry 4 after the reset and it works fine! Setted high graphics settings in the game and I get playable 20 FPS.


I do not know what to do to make again The Division playable. Any idea? Ever happened to you?


Thanks for paying attention and sorry for the long writing. I tried explain everything happened and everything I tried to fix.


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6 Replies

Michtuc, Thank you for posting in the Intel® Communities Support.

In order for us to provide the most accurate assistance on this scenario, we just wanted to confirm a few details about your system:

Is this a new computer?

When did you purchase it?

You mentioned "A problem showed up and I had to reset everything", what was the problem?

When did that issue start?

Was it working fine before with games, before re-installing Windows*?

Did you make any recent hardware/software changes besides re-installing the Operating System?

This problem only happens while running Tom Clancy's The Division, correct?

Also, you said "One can't be installed cause it needs an old Windows 10 version", did you check with HP before installing OS version 20H2 to make sure it is fully compatible with their platform? Keep in mind that HP does customizations to the laptop, so if the Windows* version installed is not validated by them their drivers will not work.

Regarding the Intel® Driver and Support Assistant, that tool was designed and created to work alongside Intel® products, like for example Intel® NUCs, when you use it on a laptop, the tool might not be that accurate in finding and installing the proper drivers for your system.

We always recommend to install the graphics driver provided by the manufacturer of the computer, since that driver was customized by them work with your specific platform. Even though you mentioned that you already tested the drivers provided by HP, we can always try to do a clean installation of Graphics driver version Rev.A following the instructions in the link below:

If the problem persists, we can try once again a clean installation this time of the Intel® Generic Graphics driver version

If the issue remains, please provide the SSU report so we can verify further details about the components in your platform, please checkmark all the options in the report, including the one for "3rd party software logs": 

Any questions, please let me know.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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Hi Alberto_R_Intel1, thank you for the reply and sorry for the delay. I'll answer to all the questions in order like written.

Yes, it is.

I bought it on March 2020.

The problem was that I wasn't able to uninstall the preinstalled McAfee antivirus to use the original Windows one.

The issue started after the clean installation of Windows 10 with the USB created by Microsoft Creation Tool.

Yes, It was working everything fine.

No, never touched the hardware or installed other software (leaving out disappeared software like McAfee that were preinstalled in the previous stock HP Windows).

Yes, it happens only with The Division. I played even Far Cry 4, with graphics sets on HIGH and games is playable with no lag or crash.

I know that 20H2 is compatible because before the reset, in Windows Update, this update were installed by the PC without forcing it. This update was installed when I was using the original stock HP Windows version preinstalled on the PC when I bought it. So I can guess it is compatible.


Tried all the step written by you but nothing has changed. I'll wait another driver update and I will know to you if the problem will be solved. How I said in the original message, this problem is not so serious. I can use all the way the Notebook but I only can't play The Division. But most importantly I deleted every trace of McAfee!


Thanks for support, I'll update you in case of new developments.

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Hi Michtuc, You are very welcome, no problem at all, thank you very much for providing that information.

We are glad to hear that you were able to fix the first and original issue, which is to delete all the traces of the application you wanted to delete.

Additionally, you mentioned that " I'll wait another driver update and I will know to you if the problem will be solved", perfect, go ahead and take your time to install those updates and once you get the chance, please let us know the results so we can further assist you.


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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Hello Michtuc, I just wanted to check if you were able to install the updates you mentioned previously and if you need further assistance on this matter?


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

0 Kudos

Hello Michtuc, I just wanted to check what were the driver updates you were referring to and if you were able to install them?


Albert R.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

0 Kudos

Hello Michtuc, Since I have not heard back from you, we are closing the case, but if you have any additional questions, please post them on a new thread so we can further assist you with this matter.

If the issue persists, then the next thing to do will be to get in contact directly with the manufacturer of the laptop for physical inspection to determine if there is any faulty hardware component



Albert R.


Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel


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