Intel® Business Client Software Development
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USB File creation

New Contributor I
Hello everybody,

The SCS console has an USB Wizard which writes to a file the PID/PPS settings to be load in the AMT machine.
In the SCS solution code there is a file called UsbUtils.cs which implements some read/write operations on the usb device.
Is it possible to write (direclty in the usb) other configuration information to be (automatically) load by the AMT machine? - other information like: hostname, TCP/IP settings (domain, dhcp, etc.); is there any document/specification to have into account?

Thanks a lot,
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6 Replies
Hello everybody,

The SCS console has an USB Wizard which writes to a file the PID/PPS settings to be load in the AMT machine.
In the SCS solution code there is a file called UsbUtils.cs which implements some read/write operations on the usb device.
Is it possible to write (direclty in the usb) other configuration information to be (automatically) load by the AMT machine? - other information like: hostname, TCP/IP settings (domain, dhcp, etc.); is there any document/specification to have into account?

Thanks a lot,

Hi Javier,
I know you can write other files to the key as long as the setup.bin was written first (after the format) so maybe you could put an exe on it that runs and sets this information. But hang on - this is not my final answer - I'm checking with other folks as well.

0 Kudos

Hi Javier,
I know you can write other files to the key as long as the setup.bin was written first (after the format) so maybe you could put an exe on it that runs and sets this information. But hang on - this is not my final answer - I'm checking with other folks as well.


Hi Javier,
It turns out that you can bypass the wizard and create your own USB file. There is a folder in the AMT SDK with the following path: ..WindowsIntel_Manageability_ConfigurationConfigurationUSBFile. Go to the USBFile folder and take a look at the ReadMe.txt file.

You can apply the following parameters to your USB Key using this utility:

Version 2.1 (Setup fileversion)parameters:
-hostname : host name max length is 63.
Note: this option is not valid when generating an inconsumable record.
-domname : domain name max length is 255.
-dhcp 0|1 : disable/enable DHCP.
-pm 0|1: enterprise provisioning / small business(SMB), 0 (enterprise) by default.
-fwu 0|1: disable/enable Firmware Local Update.
-fwuq 0|1|2: Always|Never|Restricted Firmware Update Qualifier.
-sfwu 0|1 : disable/enable Secure Firmware Update.
-ito <4 byte of idle time out> : 4 char of idle time out (valid values: 1-65535).
Note: this setting may not be applicable under some power packege definitions.
-pspo provision server port number.
-psadd :ip address for provision server e.g
Notes: This option is not valid when generating an inconsumable record.
DHCP flag must be disabled.
-passPolicyFlag<0|1|2> : Default/block in post/always open.
-vlan : VlanStatus disable/enable, e.g 0-4011.
-pp : set the power packege ,GUID length should be 16.
the GUID should be in network order just as it returns from the enumarate power package soap command

---Check this out and let us know if this helps?

0 Kudos
New Contributor I

Hi Javier,
It turns out that you can bypass the wizard and create your own USB file. There is a folder in the AMT SDK with the following path: ..WindowsIntel_Manageability_ConfigurationConfigurationUSBFile. Go to the USBFile folder and take a look at the ReadMe.txt file.

You can apply the following parameters to your USB Key using this utility:

Version 2.1 (Setup fileversion)parameters:
-hostname : host name max length is 63.
Note: this option is not valid when generating an inconsumable record.
-domname : domain name max length is 255.
-dhcp 0|1 : disable/enable DHCP.
-pm 0|1: enterprise provisioning / small business(SMB), 0 (enterprise) by default.
-fwu 0|1: disable/enable Firmware Local Update.
-fwuq 0|1|2: Always|Never|Restricted Firmware Update Qualifier.
-sfwu 0|1 : disable/enable Secure Firmware Update.
-ito <4 byte of idle time out> : 4 char of idle time out (valid values: 1-65535).
Note: this setting may not be applicable under some power packege definitions.
-pspo provision server port number.
-psadd :ip address for provision server e.g
Notes: This option is not valid when generating an inconsumable record.
DHCP flag must be disabled.
-passPolicyFlag<0|1|2> : Default/block in post/always open.
-vlan : VlanStatus disable/enable, e.g 0-4011.
-pp : set the power packege ,GUID length should be 16.
the GUID should be in network order just as it returns from the enumarate power package soap command

---Check this out and let us know if this helps?


Hello Gael,

Thanks a lot, that's what I need.

Javier Andrs Cceres Alvis
0 Kudos

Hello Gael,

Thanks a lot, that's what I need.

Javier Andrs Cceres Alvis

There's also a post on the vPro expert center that could be useful for this. Teri McFaul posted a tool that leverages the USBFile utility and some documentation on this on the vPro expert center that might be worth looking at regarding USB File creation:

Even thoughthis documentation istargetted at SMB mode, since it's building off of the USBFile utility that Gael mentioned, it has some good examples of calls that could also be used for provisioning in Enterprise mode as well. Note that the restriction for an AMT 4.0 system in the Teri's documentation only applies if you're provisioning in SMB mode. The Readme file in the folder in the SDK that Gael mentioned goes into a bit more details as to what versions of AMT support certain USBFile features. Everything in the list Gael provided is supported in AMT 4.0 and onward, not all are supported in prior versions, and the USBFile utility was first introduced with AMT 2.0.
0 Kudos
New Contributor I

There's also a post on the vPro expert center that could be useful for this. Teri McFaul posted a tool that leverages the USBFile utility and some documentation on this on the vPro expert center that might be worth looking at regarding USB File creation:

Even thoughthis documentation istargetted at SMB mode, since it's building off of the USBFile utility that Gael mentioned, it has some good examples of calls that could also be used for provisioning in Enterprise mode as well. Note that the restriction for an AMT 4.0 system in the Teri's documentation only applies if you're provisioning in SMB mode. The Readme file in the folder in the SDK that Gael mentioned goes into a bit more details as to what versions of AMT support certain USBFile features. Everything in the list Gael provided is supported in AMT 4.0 and onward, not all are supported in prior versions, and the USBFile utility was first introduced with AMT 2.0.

Hello Andrew,

This is a very useful resource,
Thanksa lot,

Javier Andrs Cceres Alvis
0 Kudos

Hello Andrew,

This is a very useful resource,
Thanksa lot,

Javier Andrs Cceres Alvis

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