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how to invoke ILP64?


Can anyone tell me how to switch MKL to ILP64 on linux?  I've set MKL_LP64_ILP64=ilp64 in the environment before starting python

I'm getting errors which googling hints at using ILP64 instead of LP64 may solve the issue. The python line is amat=bmat+scalar*(amat-bmat) where the dimensions are 46717 square.

Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 1 was incorrect on entry to vsSub.

Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 1 was incorrect on entry to vsLinearFrac.

Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 1 was incorrect on entry to vsAdd.

2.7.13 |Intel Corporation| (default, Apr 27 2017, 15:33:46)
[GCC 4.8.2 20140120 (Red Hat 4.8.2-15)]


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1 Reply

Thank you. We have reproduced the issue, and are working towards a resolution. We will update this post to notify you of a fix.

The choice between LP64 and ILP64 is made at the time of compilation, so setting the variable in the environment will not make a difference for Python. 

Thank you,

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