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Any documetation or sugestion to load new caffe or tensorflow model into NCS?


I have installed the SDK successfully,and run the examples in the SDK successfully.Now,I want to run a new caffe model within the NCS.And I typed " mvNCProfile lenet.prototxt -w lenet_iter_10000.caffemodel -s 12 -in input -o lenet.graph ".However it gives me the error of "[Error 24] Toolkit Error: >1 image inference not supported."


So,I am wondering about is there any documentations to tell new users about how to bring new caffe or tensorflow model into NCS?
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3 Replies

I am with you. I have seen Youtube examples on how to install the apps and run make files but


nothing on the end to end implementation.


Steps are Run build and run graph in tensorflow export from


tensorflow an inception.meta file and Inception.graph file


Then use those to run mvNCCompile


mvNCCompile inception-v1.meta -s 12 -in=input -on=InceptionV1/Logits/Predictions/Reshape_1 -is 224 224 -o InceptionV1.graph


You can then run mvNCProfile to see the preformance


and run


mvNCCheck network.meta [-s Max Number of Shaves] [-in Input Node Name] [-on Output Node Name] [-is Input-Width Input-Height] [-o Output Graph Filename] [-i image filename] [-id Top-1 Validation ID] [-S scale factor] [-M Mean Subtraction Number or npy filename] [-cs Color Sequence]


mvNCCheck inception_v1.meta -s 12 -in=input -on=InceptionV1/Logits/Predictions/Reshape_1 -is 224 224 -o InceptionV1.graph -cs 0,1,2


to do the actual inference.. So I think


And why do they use the word "network " when everyone else uses GRAPH?


And why do I always have to compile? Cant I precompile load and run?


I am STILL very new to all of this so anything I mention can be WAY off base.
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@chicagobob123,thanks for your reply.So you mean that when I get a new tensorflow model, I need to do it with mvNCCompile firstly,and then do it with mvNCCheck.And if I want to see the performance and all layers,I can do it with mvNCProfile,right?


And another question is that which parameter can be omitted,such as -o,-is,-i,-id and -M,when is needed and when can be omitted?
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I got my information from here


I am on the run today but this should give you an answers.
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