Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.
6527 Discussions

Can the video preview for NCS open full screen?


I'm looking to use the stick for a backup camera on my car. I have a small monitor mounted on my dash. The program enables and the video comes on the screen...however it is windowed and small in the corner. Can I make the video full screen automatically?

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3 Replies

Hi James,


Thank you for reaching out.


I can see that you have opened a discussion thread in the OpenVINO™ toolkit communities, the response given in is the way to display the video in full screen.


In C++:

cv::namedWindow("Detection results", cv::WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN); cv::setWindowProperty("Detection results", cv::WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv::WINDOW_FULLSCREEN); cv::imshow("Detection results", frame);



You asked: "Where does that go for the C++ script? I can't edit it in the text editor...", may I ask which C++ script are you trying to modify? It could be that you need Administrator (or sudo access in Linux) to make changes to the script. Let me know so we can further assist you.



David C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

0 Kudos
I don't think you quite answered my question. There are two ways you apply something to a script.... 1.) the command line 2.) the script file Where does this get applied to? I tried pasting it into the command and that doesn't seem to work. I also don't believe I can edit the c++ file.
0 Kudos

Hello James,


Thank you for your reply.

To get this to work, you will need to add that code into the C++ main.cpp file that corresponds to the sample you are using, save it and rebuild the project for the executable files to be updated. Could you please tell me which OS are you using?

In my case, I tested it with the interactive face detection demo following this steps:



  1. Go to the file location:


2. Open the file as administrator (or sudo access for Linux).


4. At line 344, you have to add the code specified, it would look like this:

if (!FLAGS_no_show) {   // ORIGINAL LINE: cv::imshow("Detection results", prev_frame);   //LINES ADDED   cv::namedWindow("Detection results", cv::WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN);   cv::setWindowProperty("Detection results", cv::WND_PROP_FULLSCREEN, cv::WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);   cv::imshow("Detection results", prev_frame);   //END OF ADDED LINES   }   }

    4. Save your changes, then rebuild the project.


     5. Run the demo as usual and see the result.


If you have questions about this process, please let me know.




David C.

Intel Customer Support Technician

A Contingent Worker at Intel

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