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Error in running openVX code generated by VAD


I have created a simple graph to read and render image using VAD.

It is reading and displaying image in VAD tool. I have generated openVX code using VAD tool. But when I am running compiled binary, I am getting following errors:

ERROR: cannot load kernel module openvx-debug
ERROR: cannot load kernel module lane_detection_nodes
ERROR: cannot load kernel module motion_detection_user_nodes_module
VXLOG: vxGetKernelByName: Failed to find kernel org.khronos.debug.fread_image
VXLOG: Kernel 0xc22c40 was invalid!
ERROR: cannot create org_khronos_debug_fread_image_0 node (vx_status=-12)
ERROR: failed to create graph workload [Graph()]
ERROR: graph creation failed (vx_status=-1)
ERROR: cannot release graph (vx_status=-1)
ERROR: cannot release context (vx_status=-1)

May I know the reason for this ?


Thank You.

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1 Reply

Hi Deepak,

First of all, please notice that render will not be generated to the generated code since when calling the code from command line you need to create wrapper code for render in order for it to know which SW would you like to use to present the image. Within VAD, you can use render freely as you can use VAD GUI to view the output. i suggest you use image write kernel instead... 

as for the issues you had- did you follow the VAD user guide as to defining the environmental  parameters? 

Could you please supply more details regarding OS, CPU and SDK Version so i can try to reproduce? 




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