Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.
6404 Discussions

Exporting Faster R-CNN to Movidius NCS graph


Hi everyone!


I am trying to do what the title says, trying to export a tensorflow retrained model using Faster R-CNN model to recognize an object and run it in a Raspberry  Pi3 which uses a Movidius NCS.

I have my frozen model in .pb format, and I think that in order to do the export, what I have to run is:

sudo python3 --input_model ~/frozen_inference_graph_great.pb

I have tried with different options, but it always gives me the following output:

[ ERROR ]  Node Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/unstack has more than one outputs. Provide output port explicitly. 

Could you help me with this?
Thanks in advance!

0 Kudos
1 Solution

Hi José, 

have you tried the solution described in the documentation regarding Faster RCNN? You can find it at the root of the software: deployment_tools/documentation/TensorFlowObjectDetectionFasterRCNN.html

As indicated there, the solution is : 

./ --input_model=<path_to_frozen.pb> --output=detection_boxes,detection_scores,num_detections --tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config extensions/front/tf/faster_rcnn_support.json

The last parameter is because the conversion requires to replace subgraphs by higher-level layers.



View solution in original post

0 Kudos
10 Replies

Hi Jose,

Can you show the full error message from Model Optimizer by running: 

sudo python3 --input_model ~/frozen_inference_graph_great.pb --log_level INFO > error.txt

Kind Regards,

Monique Jones

0 Kudos


Hello and thanks for your comment.

Here is the log output:

[ INFO ]  Importing extensions from: /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk_2018.2.300/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/extensions
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Correlation
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: CTCGreedyDecoder
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SimplerNMS
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DetectionOutput
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SpatialTransformer
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: GRN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PowerFile
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBoxClustered
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PReLU
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Normalize
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Resample
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Accum
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Interp
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Proposal
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReLU
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: RegionYolo
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PSROIPooling
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: DataAugmentation
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ReorgYolo
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Reshape
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: MVN
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PredictionHeatmap
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: PriorBox
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SquaredDifference
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Eltwise
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: SquaredDifference
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Sub
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Activation
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Const
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Crop
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Input
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: OpOutput
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ExtractImagePatches
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FIFOQueueV2
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ResizeBilinear
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ResizeNearestNeighbor
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ArgMax
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pack
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: RealDiv
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Tile
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'>
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  Importing extensions from: /opt/intel/computer_vision_sdk_2018.2.300/deployment_tools/model_optimizer/mo
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: ScaleShift
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Clamp
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Convolution
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Split
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Pooling
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Memory
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: FullyConnected
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.scale_shift.ScaleShiftOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder.CTCGreedyDecoderOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.permute.Permute'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.grn.GRNOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.softmax.Softmax'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.resample.ResampleOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.eltwise.Eltwise'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.mvn.MVN'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox_clustered.PriorBoxClusteredOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.power_file.PowerFileOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.clamp.Clamp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.accum.AccumOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.power.Power'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.normalize.NormalizeOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.crop.Crop'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.convolution.Convolution'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.output.Output'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.concat.Concat'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.split.Split'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.DetectionOutput.DetectionOutput'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.const.Const'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.spatial_transformer.SpatialTransformOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.pooling.Pooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.simplernms.SimplerNMSOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.tile.Tile'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.memory.Memory'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prelu.PreluOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.activation.Activation'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.lin_op.LinOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.interp.InterpOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.prediction_heatmap.PredictionHeatmapOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.relu.ReLU'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.expand_dims.ExpandDims'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.proposal.ProposalOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.psroipooling.PSROIPoolingOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.data_augmentation.DataAugmentationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.reorgyolo.ReorgYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.correlation.CorrelationOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.regionyolo.RegionYoloOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.argmax.ArgMaxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.input.Input'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.inner_product.InnerProduct'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.roipooling.ROIPooling'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.priorbox.PriorBoxOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.ops.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.reshape.Reshape'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.ops.squeeze.Squeeze'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Tanh
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Elu
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ INFO ]  New subclass: <class ''>
[ INFO ]  Registered a new subclass with key: Sigmoid
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.Sub.Sub'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.SquaredDifference.SquaredDifference'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementSubgraph'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.StandaloneConstEraser.StandaloneConstEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'mo.front.common.replacement.FrontReplacementOp'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.front.NoOpEraser.NoOpEraser'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class ''> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.middle.FusedBatchNormNonConstant.FusedBatchNormNonConstant'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.EltwiseBroadcast.EltwiseBroadcast'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.kaldi_remove_memory_output.KaldiRemoveMemoryOutputBackReplacementPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Skipped <class 'extensions.back.remove_last_softmax_pattern.RemoveLastSoftMaxPattern'> registration because it was already registered or it was disabled. 
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [0]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Broadcast of scalar to shape: [1]
[ WARNING ]  Instructions/layers that do not have attribute extractors:
[ WARNING ]      CropAndResize (1)
[ WARNING ]          CropAndResize
[ WARNING ]      LogicalAnd (1)
[ WARNING ]          FirstStageFeatureExtractor/LogicalAnd
[ WARNING ]      NextIteration (15)
[ WARNING ]          map/while/NextIteration_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration_2
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/NextIteration
[ WARNING ]          map/while/NextIteration
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/NextIteration_2
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/NextIteration
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration_5
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration_3
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/NextIteration_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/NextIteration_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration_5
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/NextIteration
[ WARNING ]      All (1)
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/assert_equal/All
[ WARNING ]      Exit (10)
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Exit_2
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Exit_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Exit_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Exit_3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Exit_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Exit_5
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Exit_1
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Exit_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Exit_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Exit_5
[ WARNING ]      TensorArrayV3 (22)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_7
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_5
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArray
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArray_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_1
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArray
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArray_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_4
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_9
[ WARNING ]          map_1/TensorArray
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArray_2
[ WARNING ]          map_1/TensorArray_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArray_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_9
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_5
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_6
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArray_4
[ WARNING ]      LoopCond (5)
[ WARNING ]          map/while/LoopCond
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/LoopCond
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/LoopCond
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/LoopCond
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/LoopCond
[ WARNING ]      Enter (55)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_2/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_1/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Less/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Less/Enter
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Less/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter_5
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_4/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Enter_2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Less/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/strided_slice/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_4/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_3/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_4/Enter
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter_3
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/TensorArrayReadV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_1/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_4/Enter_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter_5
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_4/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Less/Enter
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Enter
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_4/Enter
[ WARNING ]      Max (1)
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/Max
[ WARNING ]      Assert (6)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Assert/Assert
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Assert/Assert
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Assert/Assert
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/assert_equal/Assert/Assert
[ WARNING ]          FirstStageFeatureExtractor/Assert/Assert
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Assert/Assert
[ WARNING ]      TensorArraySizeV3 (10)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_2/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          map_1/TensorArrayStack/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_4/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_4/TensorArraySizeV3
[ WARNING ]      Equal (5)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Equal
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Equal
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/assert_equal/Equal
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Equal
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Equal
[ WARNING ]      Fill (14)
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid/ExpandedShape_1/ones
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid_2/ExpandedShape/ones
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ones
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/zeros
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid_1/ExpandedShape/ones
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid/ExpandedShape/ones
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid_3/ExpandedShape/ones
[ WARNING ]          ones
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid_1/ExpandedShape_1/ones
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/zeros
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid_2/ExpandedShape_1/ones
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/zeros
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Meshgrid_3/ExpandedShape_1/ones
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/zeros
[ WARNING ]      Sqrt (1)
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/Sqrt
[ WARNING ]      Exp (4)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/Decode/Exp_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/Decode/Exp
[ WARNING ]          Decode/Exp_1
[ WARNING ]          Decode/Exp
[ WARNING ]      Greater (14)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Greater
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/Greater
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Greater
[ WARNING ]          ClipToWindow/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Greater
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/Greater
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Greater
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/Greater_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/Greater_3
[ WARNING ]      Round (4)
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/Round
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/Round_3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/Round_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/Round_2
[ WARNING ]      Size (2)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Size
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Size
[ WARNING ]      TensorArrayReadV3 (12)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_4
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayReadV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_4
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/TensorArrayReadV3
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayReadV3_1
[ WARNING ]      GreaterEqual (2)
[ WARNING ]          FirstStageFeatureExtractor/GreaterEqual_1
[ WARNING ]          FirstStageFeatureExtractor/GreaterEqual
[ WARNING ]      NonMaxSuppressionV2 (2)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/non_max_suppression/NonMaxSuppressionV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/non_max_suppression/NonMaxSuppressionV2
[ WARNING ]      TopKV2 (2)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/TopKV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/TopKV2
[ WARNING ]      TensorArrayWriteV3 (10)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_4/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/TensorArrayWrite/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_1/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_4/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_2/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/TensorArrayWrite_1/TensorArrayWriteV3
[ WARNING ]      ZerosLike (5)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/zeros_like
[ WARNING ]          zeros_like
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/zeros_like
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/zeros_like_1
[ WARNING ]          zeros_like_1
[ WARNING ]      Merge (24)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/Merge
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Merge
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Merge
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Merge_1
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Merge
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Merge_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Merge_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge_3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge_5
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge_5
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Merge_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Merge_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/Merge
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Merge
[ WARNING ]      Cast (26)
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToInt32_2
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/ToAbsoluteCoordinates/Cast
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Cast
[ WARNING ]          ClipToWindow/Cast
[ WARNING ]          ToFloat_5
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/ToFloat_1
[ WARNING ]          map/while/ToNormalizedCoordinates/Cast
[ WARNING ]          ToFloat_4
[ WARNING ]          ToFloat
[ WARNING ]          map/while/ToNormalizedCoordinates/Cast_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToFloat_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Cast
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToInt32_3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToInt32_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/ToFloat
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/ToFloat_1
[ WARNING ]          ToFloat_1
[ WARNING ]          ToFloat_3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToFloat
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/ToAbsoluteCoordinates/Cast_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Cast
[ WARNING ]          ToFloat_2
[ WARNING ]          GridAnchorGenerator/ToFloat
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Cast
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToFloat_1
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/ToInt32
[ WARNING ]      GatherV2 (25)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather_1/GatherV2_3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather_1/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather_1/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Gather/GatherV2_3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Gather/GatherV2_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          ClipToWindow/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather_1/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/SortByField/Gather/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/GatherV2
[ WARNING ]      Switch (45)
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/cond/strided_slice/Switch
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/GatherV2/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/cond/sub/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch_5
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/strided_slice/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/sub/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/concat/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch_3
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Switch_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/sub/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/Shape/Switch
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/cond/Switch_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/GatherV2/Switch
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Switch_2
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch_2
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Shape/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/cond/strided_slice/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/GatherV2/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch_5
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Shape/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/concat/Switch
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/cond/Switch_2
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/GatherV2/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/Switch
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Switch_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/cond/concat/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/cond/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/cond/concat/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/cond/sub/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_3/Shape/Switch
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Switch_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/cond/Switch
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond/cond/strided_slice/Switch
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Switch
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Switch_1
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/PadOrClipBoxList/cond_1/Switch
[ WARNING ]      Where (5)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Where
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/ClipToWindow/Where
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Where
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/MultiClassNonMaxSuppression/FilterGreaterThan/Where
[ WARNING ]          ClipToWindow/Where
[ WARNING ]      TensorArrayGatherV3 (10)
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_1/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          map_1/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_2/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_4/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayStack_4/TensorArrayGatherV3
[ WARNING ]      Rank (6)
[ WARNING ]          Decode/transpose/Rank
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/Decode/transpose/Rank
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/Decode/transpose_1/Rank
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/Decode/get_center_coordinates_and_sizes/transpose/Rank
[ WARNING ]          Decode/transpose_1/Rank
[ WARNING ]          Decode/get_center_coordinates_and_sizes/transpose/Rank
[ WARNING ]      Less (5)
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/while/Less
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Less
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/while/Less
[ WARNING ]          map_1/while/Less
[ WARNING ]          map/while/Less
[ WARNING ]      TensorArrayScatterV3 (12)
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack_4/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack_4/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          Preprocessor/map/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack_1/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          map/TensorArrayUnstack_1/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack_1/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          SecondStagePostprocessor/BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack_3/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          BatchMultiClassNonMaxSuppression/map/TensorArrayUnstack_3/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]          map_1/TensorArrayUnstack/TensorArrayScatter/TensorArrayScatterV3
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'SSDToolboxDetectionOutput' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'SSDToolboxDetectionOutput'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'ConvFlatten' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'ConvFlatten'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNProposalAndROIPooling' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNProposalAndROIPooling'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'PreprocessorReplacement' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'PreprocessorReplacement'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIDetectionOutput' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIDetectionOutput'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIFasterRCNNProposalAndROIPooling' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIFasterRCNNProposalAndROIPooling'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'SecondStagePostprocessorReplacement' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'SecondStagePostprocessorReplacement'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNDetectionOutput' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNDetectionOutput'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNROIPoolingSecond' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNROIPoolingSecond'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNSigmoid' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNSigmoid'
[ ERROR ]  Node Preprocessor/map/while/ResizeToRange/unstack has more than one outputs. Provide output port explicitly. 


Best regards

0 Kudos

Hi José, 

have you tried the solution described in the documentation regarding Faster RCNN? You can find it at the root of the software: deployment_tools/documentation/TensorFlowObjectDetectionFasterRCNN.html

As indicated there, the solution is : 

./ --input_model=<path_to_frozen.pb> --output=detection_boxes,detection_scores,num_detections --tensorflow_use_custom_operations_config extensions/front/tf/faster_rcnn_support.json

The last parameter is because the conversion requires to replace subgraphs by higher-level layers.



0 Kudos

Hi Severine, thanks for your response.

I didn't found that! It seems great :)

Nevertheless, I am obtaining the following error:

[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNProposalAndROIPooling' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'TFObjectDetectionAPIMaskRCNNProposalAndROIPooling'
[ WARNING ]  Configuration file for custom replacement with id 'ConvFlatten' doesn't exist
[ INFO ]  Failed to find custom replacement description with id 'ConvFlatten'
[ INFO ]  There is image scaling node in the Preprocessor block.
The Preprocessor block has been removed. Only nodes performing mean value subtraction and scaling (if applicable) are kept.
[ INFO ]  Node "FirstStageBoxPredictor/concat" does not exist in the graph. Failed to match sub-graph by points "TFObjectDetectionAPIFasterRCNNProposalAndROIPooling".
[ ERROR ]  Found the following nodes '[]' with name 'swapped_proposals' but there should be exactly 1.

I have tried with the faster_rcnn_support.json without modifying and then I changed the num_classes to 1, which is what I am using in my frozen model.

Any further help would be appreciated! :)
Thanks a lot

0 Kudos

Hi José, 

the subgraph replacement has been designed for the community models that you can find at the end of the documentation file. Is your topology from those models? If yes, have you changed layers names or modify the topology? Error like: Node "FirstStageBoxPredictor/concat" does not exist in the graph. seems to show that the topology (or naming) changed. Those changes should then be reported in the json file. 



0 Kudos

Hi Severine

I think I might have changed the layer name or the topology. My steps to obtain the model were:

  1.  Download the pre-trained model for faster rncc model coco
  2. Retrain the model with custom layers (an unique layer, called cone)
  3. Freeze the model

How can I modify the json file according to this?

Thanks a lot

0 Kudos

Hi José, 

the json file is replacing a set of layers (subgraph) by a higher level known layer (in our list of supported layers in tensorflow). However, if you have a single custom layer, the procedure is then different, I invite you to read our documentation regarding this: /deployment_tools/documentation/CustomizeMO.html . Several options are possible for you such as registering the custom layer to the Model Optimizer or offloading the layer computation to TF. 



0 Kudos

Hi again Severine,

Thanks a lot for your answer. I have been researching about the error: 

[ INFO ]  Node "FirstStageBoxPredictor/concat" does not exist in the graph. Failed to match sub-graph by points "TFObjectDetectionAPIFasterRCNNProposalAndROIPooling".

It is strange that the error appears, since my graph does have the FirstTageBoxPredictor/concat, according to the tensorboard image:

Captura de pantalla 2018-07-16 a las 10.58.56.png


Moreover, if I quit the FirstStageBoxPredictor/concat and those that triggers similar errors, I obtain the following:

[ ERROR ]  Sub-graph contains network input node "image_tensor". 

 For more information please refer to Model Optimizer FAQ (<INSTALL_DIR>/deployment_tools/documentation/docs/MO_FAQ.html), question #75.



But I don't think that this is the right way, since my graph contains the concat boxes. 

How can I check the correct layer inputs/outputs/start_points etc?

Thanks again

0 Kudos

Hi José, 

I sent you a PM.



0 Kudos

Hi Severine,

I met same issue, did the issue resolved?


0 Kudos