Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ Toolkit
Community assistance about the Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit, OpenCV, and all aspects of computer vision-related on Intel® platforms.

Neural Compute Stick 2


I am really looking forward to this new stick but noticed you can not buy one from any of the links provided




Many questions come to mind.


1) Do these Sticks work together to speed things up? If so how?


2) Is it finally easier to retrain and existing Neural network for them?


My complaint with the first version is if I retrain and classify my images using Inception save the results to a PB file I could not find a way to use that graph.


So is there an end to end accelerated retain and classify the network with your own images and the stick will easily use the file. Or is it going to continue to be


a fight up hill. Does anyone else feel a real disconnect with Intel and the customers or is it just me?


The website points to Open Vino - googlenet - OpenCV SDK code samples and I have no idea how they work with the stick in fact most say GPU CPU.
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