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Ubuntu 16.04 VM + openVino R4: ldconfig - is not a symbolic link issue


Fresh VM (virtualbox) based on Ubuntu 16.04 iso file.

openVino R4 downloaded and installed (2018.4.420).

During sudo ldconfig I get a few messages related to shared object files that are not a symbolic link.

In Google this shows up but needs another and different login to see the content:

(today I get Error ID: 1598019524-31963 (1532450222) when visiting that page)

This post seems to confirm it is a R4 issue that was not present in R3.

I use chrome to browse, hence I cannot upload media files.

So the info is here, it shows the terminal window with the ldconfig link issues (when installing vim, but that is irrelevant).

I tried the demo anyway and then I get an error on car.png, the first demo that is in the get started. Screenshot of the terminal window also on Linkedin.

Anyone else seeing this issue?

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