Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

32-bit Compiler on 64-bit OS

We are trying to install the 32-bit ifort compiler on a 64-bit system. The installer keeps
finding the 64-bit libraries, even though the 32-bit libraries are installed.

what is the proper procedure to install the 32-bit compiler on a 64-bit system?

Ed Parlette
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1 Reply
Honored Contributor III
It's explained in the installation notes, which are found in the unpacked installer directory, and will be installed with the 64-bit compiler. Also, at the top of this forum, there are instructions for the most common "unsupported" operating systems.
On unsupported 64-bit OS versions, it may not be possible to have both icc and ifort 32-bit installed together and working correctly. If your OS doesn't comply with LSB and is not recognized as being Ubuntu compatible, the 32-bit libraries may not be found in non-standard locations.
On Red Hat or similar, basically, you must install the full 32-bit ("legacy") g++ development system, and the libcompat for 32-bit g++. If you're installing by package groups, there could be 3 of them: development system (64-bit compilers), "legacy" compilers, "compatibility" libraries. The 32-bit g++ isn't self-sufficient.
On the 64-bit OS, the 64-bit idb is used, so the requirements aren't different for 32-bit compiler. A Sun-compatible 64-bit jre must be the default installation seen by "java -version"
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