Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
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Correct w_cprof_p_11.1.0.65 download (a)


I have been using the Intel VFC 11.0 compiler - Visual Studio Partner Edition (2005) on a 32 bit Windows Vista machine.

I have started to move over fromthis older machineto a new Windows 7 ultimate, 64 bit machine. I have just installed the basic software from my old install CD onto the new machine. Which version of the latest (April 24, 2010) update should I now downloadand install?

Presumably, this is the w_cprof_p_11.1.065_novsshell.exe version ... for users who have Microsoft Visual Studio Installed. Right?

Would there by any additional advantages/diffuclties,if I next I buy the full visual studio 2008 edition and do an appropriate install on top of that?

Rod Mason

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2 Replies
Honored Contributor III
The upgrade from ifort 10.1 PPE would be to 11.1 with VS2008 shell. "visual studio installed" refers to one of the full vs2005 or 2008 versions.
You could easily remove the VS2008 shell integration and redo your installation after adding full VS2008 plus service packs. The primary advantage of full VS2008 is support for C and C++ development.
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Just to add to what Tim said - if you do not have a retail version of Visual Studio (2005 or 2008), then you want the full download that includes Visual Studio Shell. As Tim said, if you buy Visual Studio, you should uninstall Fortran, VS Shell and the "Tools and Libraries" component (this will be three uninstalls), install VS2008 and then reinstall Fortran. You can use the same download - it will skip the shell install. Once you have VS installed, either the shell or full, then you want the _novsshell downloads.

If you buy Visual Studio, make sure you select a Custom install and select the Visual C++ > X64 Compiler And Tools component.
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