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Hi, iam newbie in programming especially in fortran. i have a code from my lecturer like this :
program Source1 implicit none c include 'head.h' integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer t_max,time,k ! This array defines which lattice positions are occupied by fluid ! nodes (obst=0) ! or solid nodes (obst=1) integer obst(lx,ly) ! Velocity components real*8 u_x(lx,ly),u_y(lx,ly) ! Pressure and density real*8 p(lx,ly),rho(lx,ly) ! The real fluid density ! which may differ from the velocity components in the above; refer ! toSCmodel real*8 upx(lx,ly),upy(lx,ly) ! The force components: Fx, Fy for the interaction between ! fluid nodes. ! Sx, Sy are the interaction (components) between the fluid nodes ! and solid nodes ! ff is the distribution function real*8 ff(0:8,lx,ly),Fx(lx,ly),Fy(lx,ly),Sx(lx,ly),Sy(lx,ly) ! TT0W is the value of T/T0; RHW and RLW are the coexisting ! densities ! in the specified T/T0. ! For initialization, \rho_l (lower density) ! and \rho_h (higher density) are supposed to be known. real*8 TT0W(12), RHW(12), RLW(12) !-------------------------------------------! Author: Haibo Huang, Huanghb@ustc.edu.cn !-------------------------------------------! The below data define the D2Q9 velocity model, xc(ex), yc(ey), ! ! are the components of e_{ix}, e_{iy},, respectively. data xc/0.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, -1.d0, 1.d0 / data yc/0.d0, 0.d0, 0.d0, 1.d0, -1.0d0, 1.d0, 1.d0, -1.d0, -1.d0 / data ex/0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 1, -1, -1, 1 / data ey/0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1 / ! This array gives the opposite direction for e_1, e_2, e_3, ! .....e_18 ! It implements the simple bounce-back rule we use in the collision ! step ! for solid nodes (obst=1) data opp/2,1,4,3,7,8,5,6/ !C-SEOS ! RHW and RLW are the coexisting densities in the corresponding ! specified T/T0. data TT0W/0.975d0, 0.95d0, 0.925d0, 0.9d0, 0.875d0, 0.85d0, &0.825d0, 0.8d0, 0.775d0, 0.75d0, 0.7d0, 0.65d0/ data RHW/0.16d0, 0.196084839d0, 0.23d0,0.228020456692401d0, &0.265d0,0.279d0,0.29d0, 0.314d0, 0.30d0, 0.33d0, 0.36d0, 0.38d0/ data RLW/0.08d0,0.066227359d0,0.05d0, 0.0449597449711991d0, &0.038d0, 0.032d0,0.025d0, 0.0245d0, 0.02d0, 0.015d0, 0.009d0, &0.006d0/ ! Speeds and weighting factors cc=1.d0 c_squ=cc*cc/3.d0 t_0 = 4.d0 / 9.d0 t_1 = 1.d0 / 9.d0 t_2 = 1.d0 / 36.d0 ! Weighting coefficient in the equilibrium distribution function t_k(0) = t_0 do 1 k =1,4 t_k(k) = t_1 1 continue do 2 k =5,8 t_k(k) = t_2 2 continue ! Please specify which temperature ! and corresponding \rho_h, \rho_l in above ’data’ are chosen. ! Initial T/T0, rho_h, and rho_l for the C-S EOS are listed in above ! ’data’ section k = 4 ! important TT0 = TT0W(k) rho_h = RHW(k) rho_l = RLW(k) c===================================================================== c Initialisation c===================================================================== write (6,*) '@@@??2D LBM for single component multiphase @@@' write (6,*) '@@@ lattice size lx = ',lx write (6,*) '@@@ ly = ',ly call rparam(t_max) call robst(obst) call indens(obst,u_x,u_y,rho,ff) open(40,file='d:\TM\Kuliah\8\SKRIPSI\LBM\D2Q9\joh.txt') !c===================================================================== ! Begin iterations do 100 time = 1, t_max if ( mod(time,Nwri) .eq. 0 .or. time .eq. 1) then write(*,*) time call resul2(obst,rho,p,upx,upy,time) end if call stream(obst,ff ) ! streaming (propagation) step ! Obtain the macro variables call getuv(obst,u_x ,u_y, rho, ff ) ! Calculate the actual velocity call calcup(obst,u_x,u_y,Fx,Fy,Sx,Sy,rho, upx,upy) ! Calculate the interaction force between fluid nodes, ! and the interaction force between solid and fluid nodes. call calFxy(obst,rho,Fx,Fy,Sx,Sy,p) ! BGK model (a single relaxation parameter) is used call collis(tau,obst,u_x,u_y,rho ,ff ,Fx ,Fy ,Sx,Sy ) ! collision step , 100 continue !c=====End of the main loop close(40) write (6,*) '@@@@** end **@@@@' end !c------------------------------------- subroutine rparam(t_max) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer t_max real*8 visc open(1,file='d:\TM\Kuliah\8\SKRIPSI\LBM\D2Q9\params1.in') ! Initial radius of the droplet. read(1,*) RR ! \rho_w in calculation of fluid-wall interaction read(1,*) rho_w ! Relaxation parameter, which is related to viscosity read(1,*) tau ! Maximum iteration specified read(1,*) t_max ! Output data frequency (can be viewed with TECPLOT) read(1,*) Nwri close(1) visc =c_squ*(tau-0.5) write (*,'("kinematic viscosity=",f12.5, "lu^2/ts",2X, "tau=", &f12.7)') visc, tau end !---------------------------------------------------! Initialize which nodes are wall node (obst=1) and ! which are fluid nodes (obst=0) subroutine robst(obst) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer x,y,z,obst(lx,ly) do 10 y = 1, ly do 40 x = 1,lx obst(x,y) = 0 if(y .eq. 1) obst(x,1) = 1 40 continue 10 continue end !-------------------------------------------------- subroutine indens(obst,u_x,u_y,rho,ff) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer i,j,x,y,k,n,obst(lx,ly) real*8 u_squ,u_n(0:8),fequi(0:8),u_x(lx,ly),u_y(lx,ly),rho(lx,ly), &ff(0:8,lx,ly) do 11 y = 1, ly do 10 x = 1,lx u_x(x,y) = 0.d0 u_y(x,y) = 0.d0 rho(x,y) = rho_l if(real(x-lx/2)**2+real(y-5)**2< RR**2) then rho(x,y) = rho_h endif 10 continue 11 continue do 81 y = 1,ly do 80 x = 1,lx u_squ = u_x(x,y)*u_x(x,y) + u_y(x,y)*u_y(x,y) do 60 k = 0,8 u_n(k) = xc(k)*u_x(x,y) + yc(k)*u_y(x,y) fequi(k) = t_k(k)* rho(x,y) * ( cc*u_n(k) / c_squ & + (u_n(k)*cc) *(u_n(k)*cc) / (2.d0 * c_squ *c_squ) & - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ)) + t_k(k) * rho(x,y) ff(k,x,y)= fequi(k) 60 continue 80 continue 81 continue end !---------------------------------------------------streamcollision.for !c=========================================================== subroutine stream(obst,ff) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer k,obst(lx,ly) real*8 ff(0:8,lx,ly),f_hlp(0:8,lx,ly) integer x,y,x_e,x_w,y_n,y_s do 11 y = 1,ly do 10 x = 1,lx ! y_n = mod(y,ly) + 1 x_e = mod(x,lx) + 1 y_s = ly - mod(ly + 1 - y, ly) x_w = lx - mod(lx + 1 - x, lx) c......... Propagation f_hlp(1 ,x_e,y ) = ff(1,x,y) f_hlp(2 ,x_w,y ) = ff(2,x,y) f_hlp(3 ,x ,y_n ) = ff(3,x,y) f_hlp(4 ,x ,y_s ) = ff(4,x,y) f_hlp(5 ,x_e ,y_n) = ff(5,x,y) f_hlp(6 ,x_w ,y_n) = ff(6,x,y) f_hlp(7 ,x_w,y_s) = ff(7,x,y) f_hlp(8 ,x_e,y_s ) = ff(8,x,y) 10 continue 11 continue c---------------------Update distribution function do 21 y = 1, ly do 20 x = 1, lx do k = 1, 8 ff(k,x,y) = f_hlp(k,x,y) enddo 20 continue 21 continue return end !c----------------------------------------- subroutine getuv(obst,u_x,u_y,rho,ff) c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey,ez, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer x,y,obst(lx,ly) real*8 u_x(lx,ly),u_y(lx,ly),rho(lx,ly), & ff(0:8,lx,ly) do 11 y = 1,ly do 10 x = 1,lx rho(x,y) = 0.d0 if(obst(x,y) .eq. 0 ) then do 5 k=0,8 rho(x,y) = rho(x,y) + ff(k,x,y) 5 continue c---------------------- if(rho(x,y) .ne. 0.d0) then u_x(x,y)=(ff(1,x,y)+ ff(5,x,y)+ ff(8,x,y) &-(ff(2,x,y) + ff(6,x,y) + ff(7,x,y) ))/rho(x,y) u_y(x,y) = (ff(3,x,y) + ff(5,x,y) + ff(6,x,y) &-(ff(4,x,y) + ff(8,x,y) + ff(7,x,y) )) /rho(x,y) endif endif 10 continue 11 continue end !c----------------------------------------- subroutine calcup(obst,u_x,u_y,Fx,Fy,Sx,Sy,rho,upx,upy) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer x,y ,obst(lx,ly) real*8 u_x(lx,ly),u_y(lx,ly),rho(lx,ly), upx(lx,ly), upy(lx,ly), &Fx(lx,ly), Fy(lx,ly), &Sx(lx,ly), Sy(lx,ly) do 10 y = 1, ly do 11 x=1,lx if(obst(x,y) .eq. 0) then upx(x,y) = u_x(x,y) + (Fx(x,y)+Sx(x,y))/2.d0/ rho(x,y) upy(x,y) = u_y(x,y) + (Fy(x,y)+Sy(x,y))/2.d0/ rho(x,y) else upx(x,y) = u_x(x,y) upy(x,y) = u_y(x,y) endif 11 continue 10 continue end !c----------------------------------------- subroutine collis(tauc,obst,u_x,u_y,rho,ff,Fx,Fy, Sx, Sy) ! implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer l,obst(lx,ly) real*8 u_x(lx,ly),u_y(lx,ly),ff(0:8,lx,ly),rho(lx,ly) real*8 Fx(lx,ly),Fy(lx,ly), Sx(lx,ly), Sy(lx,ly) real*8 temp(8) integer x,y,k real*8 u_n(0:8),fequ(0:8),fequ2(0:8),u_squ,tauc,ux,uy do 5 y = 1,ly do 6 x = 1,lx if(obst(x,y) .eq. 1) then do k =1, 8 temp(k) =ff(k,x,y) enddo do k =1,8 ff(opp(k),x,y) = temp(k) enddo endif if(obst(x,y) .eq. 0) then ux = u_x(x,y) +tauc * ( Fx(x,y)+Sx(x,y) ) / rho(x,y) uy = u_y(x,y) +tauc * ( Fy(x,y)+Sy(x,y) ) / rho(x,y) u_squ=ux*ux+uy*uy do 10 k = 0,8 c...........Equillibrium distribution function u_n(k) = xc(k)*ux + yc(k)*uy fequ(k) = t_k(k)* rho(x,y) * ( cc*u_n(k) / c_squ &+ (u_n(k)*cc) *(u_n(k)*cc) / (2.d0 * c_squ *c_squ) & - u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ)) + t_k(k) * rho(x,y) c...........Collision step ff(k,x,y) = fequ(k) + (1.d0-1.d0/tauc)*(ff(k,x,y) -fequ(k)) 10 continue endif 6 continue 5 continue end !c----------------------------------------- subroutine getf_equ(rh,u,v,f_equ) c include ’head.inc’ integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 rh, u,v,u_squ, f_equ(0:8),u_n(0:8) u_squ =u*u +v*v do 10 i =0,8 u_n(i) = u *xc(i) +v *yc(i) f_equ(i) = t_k(i) * rh *( u_n(i)/c_squ &+ u_n(i) *u_n(i) / (2.d0 * c_squ *c_squ) &- u_squ / (2.d0 * c_squ)) + t_k(i) * rh 10 continue end !force.for !c=========================================================== subroutine calFxy(obst,rho,Fx,Fy,Sx,Sy,p) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer x,y,z,obst(lx,ly),yn,yp,xn,xp, i,j,k real*8 Fx(lx,ly),Fy(lx,ly),psx(lx,ly), sum_x, sum_y, psx_w & ,rho(lx,ly), Sx(lx,ly), Sy(lx,ly) % , Fztemp, R,a,b, Tc, TT, alfa, omega, G1,p(lx,ly) ! Parameters in YUAN C-S EOS R =1.0d0 b=4.d0 a=1.d0 Tc = 0.3773d0*a/(b*R) TT= TT0 *Tc do 5 j = 1,ly do 6 i = 1,lx if (obst(i,j ) .eq. 0 .and. rho(i,j).ne. 0.d0) then if( (R*TT*(1.d0+(4.d0* rho(i,j)-2.d0* rho(i,j)* rho(i,j) &)/(1.d0- rho(i,j))**3 ) % -a* rho(i,j) -1.d0/3.d0) .gt. 0.) then G1= 1.d0/3.d0 else G1= -1.d0/3.d0 endif c+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ psx(i,j) = sqrt( 6.d0* rho(i,j) * ( R*TT* &(1.d0+ (4.d0* rho(i,j)-2.d0*rho(i,j)*rho(i,j) ) &/(1.d0-rho(i,j))**3 ) &-a* rho(i,j) -1.d0/3.d0) &/G1) c Yuan C-S EOS p(i,j) = rho(i,j)/3.d0 + G1/6.d0 * psx(i,j) *psx(i,j) endif 6 continue 5 continue psx_w = sqrt( 6.d0* rho_w * ( R*TT* & (1.d0+ (4.d0* rho_w-2.d0*rho_w * rho_w ) & /(1.d0- rho_w)**3 ) & -a* rho_w -1.d0/3.d0) &/G1) do 20 y=1,ly do 10 x = 1,lx c.........interaction between neighbouring with periodic boundaries Fx(x,y) =0.d0 Fy(x,y) =0.d0 if (obst(x,y) .eq. 0) then sum_x = 0.d0 sum_y = 0.d0 do 11 k=1,8 xp=x+ex(k) yp=y+ey(k) if(xp .lt. 1) xp = lx if(xp .gt. lx) xp =1 if(yp .lt. 1) yp = ly if(yp .gt. ly) yp =1 if (obst(xp,yp) .eq. 1) then ! Interact with solid nodes (obst=1) sum_x = sum_x + t_k(k)*xc(k) sum_y = sum_y + t_k(k)*yc(k) else ! Interact with fluid nodes (obst=0) Fx(x,y)=Fx(x,y) +t_k(k)*xc(k)* psx(xp,yp) Fy(x,y)=Fy(x,y) +t_k(k)*yc(k)* psx(xp,yp) endif 11 continue ! Final wall-fluid interaction Sx(x,y) = -G1*sum_x *psx(x,y) *psx_w Sy(x,y) = -G1*sum_y *psx(x,y) *psx_w ! Final fluid-fluid interaction Fx (x,y)= -G1 *psx (x,y)* Fx(x,y) Fy (x,y)= -G1 *psx (x,y)* Fy(x,y)-(0.000020) endif 10 continue 20 continue end ! output.for !c=================================================== subroutine resul2(obst,rho,p,upx,upy, n) implicit none c include "head.inc" integer lx,ly PARAMETER(lx=61,ly=61) common/AA/ G,tau,Gads(2),ex(0:8),ey(0:8),opp(8) real*8 G,tau,Gads integer ex,ey, opp common/b/ error,vel,xc(0:8),yc(0:8),t_k(0:8) real*8 error,vel,xc,yc,t_k common/vel/ c_squ,cc,TT0,rho_w,Ca,RR, Nwri real*8 c_squ,cc,TT0, rho_w, Ca,RR integer Nwri common/app/ t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l real*8 t_0,t_1,t_2, rho_h, rho_l integer x,y,i,n real*8 rho(lx,ly),upx(lx,ly),upy(lx,ly) real*8 p(lx,ly) integer obst(lx,ly) character filename*16, B*6 write(B,'(i6.6)') n c filename='out/2D’//B//'.plt’ open(41,file='d:\TM\Kuliah\8\SKRIPSI\LBM\D2Q9\Pinned2.txt') c write(41,*) 'variables = x, y, rho, upx, upy, p, obst' c write(41,*) 'zone i=', lx, ', j= ', ly, ', f=point' do 10 y = 1, ly do 10 x=1,lx write(41,9) x, y, rho(x,y),upx(x,y), upy(x,y),p(x,y), obst(x,y) 10 continue 9 format(2i4, 4f15.8, i4) close(41) end
but the code got error when running and appears error like this :
Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error error #5082: Syntax error, found END-OF-STATEMENT when expecting one of: ( : % [ . = => C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 1
Error error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
Error error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 1
Error error #5118: First statement in file must not be continued C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 1
Error error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
Error error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
Error Compilation Aborted (code 1) C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 1
Error error #5149: Illegal character in statement label field
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 68
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 69
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 70
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 71
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 72
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 74
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 75
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 76
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 77
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 78
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 79
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 80
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 85
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 86
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 87
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 88
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 92
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 93
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 94
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 95
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 96
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 97
Error error #6274: This statement must not appear in the specification part of a module. C:\Users\prima andreanto\source\repos\Console2\Console2\Source1.for 98
please help me, iam so confuse to fix this...
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Please look in your textbook for the rules regarding Fortran fixed-form source. They are quite specific that the statement field starts in column 7, and the continuation indicator (your example uses &) must be in column 6. Many of your source lines do not follow those rules.
Please also read about free-form source, which is the ONLY thing you should be using in new development. Admittedly, you are using code you got from someone else, but they should know better. You can make this work with fixed-form if you follow the column rules. (Don't go past column 72 in any line, also.)
One last thing - these errors occurred when you tried to compile (build) the program, not run it.
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