Intel® Fortran Compiler
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Form of licensing and license host server for Intel OneAPI with Fortran compiler


Hi Intel Community

I am not sure if it is the right place to post this question. If not please feel free to remove/relocate, and let me know the right place to ask this.

A company I am going to work for is considering using Amazon Web Services (AWS) for some heavy duty computing needs. Intel Fortran compiler has been an important part of the work flow, and we will need that on AWS too.

Historically we have been using IF12 and IF15, along with other tools. Since IF12 and IF15 are replaced by OneAPI, are we looking at the same form of license arrangement? Currently we have a Intel Fortran license sitting on a license server owned by the company. Is OneAPI also using this form of license? If so, does that mean we need to upload our OneAPI license to AWS server, once we purchase it?

To ask this question in a different way, when we purchase OneAPI license/support, do we have to use similar IT infrastructure to host this license, as previously used for IF12 and IF15? 

I have been told OneAPI has no license, and Intel is using a "Paid Support model". But I am not sure how this is implemented in reality, such as how this paid support can be accessed by users, or how Intel verifies whether a certain user can access premium service, hence the question. 

Edit: I assume we can continue using IF12 and IF15 in the future, once we purchase OneAPI support package, although IF12 and IF15 are not for purchase anymore? Am I correct? I have following on questions depending on the answer to this one:

(1) If no, means IF12 and IF15 are completely obsolete, we have some .lib files previously compiled using IF12 and IF15. We don't have the source code anymore, so can't recompile them using OneAPI. Can we still reuse these .lib files under OneAPI? 

(2) If yes, does IF12 and IF15 still need to use the existing license file sitting on our license server? Or it will use whatever license OneAPI will be adopting.

Sorry for so many questions in one go, and thanks advance for your help.

Kind regards,


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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

There is no license management with the oneAPI compilers. Intel records that you have purchased support, so that when you ask for support they will honor the request. Your use of the compiler is unaffected and needs no infrastructure for license management.

View solution in original post

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8 Replies
Honored Contributor III

There is no license management with the oneAPI compilers. Intel records that you have purchased support, so that when you ask for support they will honor the request. Your use of the compiler is unaffected and needs no infrastructure for license management.

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Hi Steve

Thanks for your reply. Helpful as always.

However I would ask one step further, that if we want to continuing using IF12 for future projects, how does OneAPI cover for IF12, as OneAPI doesn't have a license, but IF12 has?

Our situation is we have existing IF12 licenses that we want to use. When I go on Intel's website for OneAPI purchase, I noticed three options: Priority Support Renewal, Product Upgrade with Priority Support, and Product with Priority Support. Each option brings different pricing, with Product Upgrade being the cheapest, and Product with Support being the most expensive. Which option is suitable for customers with existing IF12 licenses, and wish to renew?

Kind regards,


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Honored Contributor III

There is a 4th Option, Download it and use it free of charge. The Pay options are for direct technical support contracts not software licences. 

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Hi Andrew

Thanks for your reply. I understand OneAPI is free, but what about IF12?

For reason out of my control, I still have to use IF12, and IF12 needs a license. Is this paid support service including IF12 license renewal, or IF12 license can still be purchased/renewed in the old way?

Regarding reasons why I have to use IF12, I am a power system engineer and my use of IVF are associated with PSCAD. All the models I work with include pre-compiled .lib/.obj files by IF12, and I am not sure if they will work as intended with OneAPI, without proper model benchmarking. Most importantly, I don't have ownership of these models nor the source code, therefore it is impossible for me to compile them again. It is almost impossible to convince the model owners to recompile using OneAPI, as it is at the bottom of their priority list. 

In Australian power industry (where I am based), the requirement for simulation models are developed with IF12 in mind. As Intel is moving into OneAPI age, I guess there will be lot more questions like this, if not already. A lot of people already confused the paid support with "software licensing" here.

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Honored Contributor III

Paid support would allow access to older versions however I don't think the downloads go that far back. If you raise a support ticket you might get lucky.

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Honored Contributor III

I have seen Intel employees say in this forum that if you buy a support license, they'll give you access to an older version (within reason.) But nothing I or other non-employees can say mean much here.

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For more information about priority support with PSXE and oneAPI, this FAQ may help.


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Honored Contributor III

The FAQ Barbara points to appears to assume that a customer has an existing PSXE support license. I didn't find text that applies to the case being asked about here - someone without a PSXE license wanting access to an old PSXE version after buying a oneAPI support license. It's not just access to the download, but also a serial number or license file that enables the old version to install and run.

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