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For those who want to use Intel's Fortran compiler with Abaqus on Windows, read this blog for detailed instructions.
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That file is not owned by the compiler development team. It's part of the oneAPI files. I opened a bug report to get the Forum link fixed:
bug ID is ONEAPI-835
Link Copied
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A really good set of instructions. The young lady who developed the notes does some interesting work on unusual materials.
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In the past this did not always work, with issues related to uppercase and lowercase letters. The user subroutine(s) could then not be found. If the .log file shows that the compiler is linked, and the .msg file mentions that the user subroutine is missing, then try this workaround (mentioned by Raul Munoz on our previous blog):
The following line can be added at the end of your environment file:
compile_fortran += ['/names:lowercase',]
AUGH! DO NOT DO THIS!!!!!! It will make things increasingly difficult for you. If you do have this issue, I'd suggest BIND(C) for your routine, or maybe !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS. Lots of things won't work if you make everything lowercase.
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Hi Steve, I did everything as the link said except the lowercase stuff. ABAQUS verification shows errors related to user subroutines. I have no idea where is the problem... Any suggestion? Many thanks
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Steve is suggesting using !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS.
As an example, let's say you have a subroutine "AbbyNormal" that you want to call and you want the subroutine name in all lower case, "abbynormal". The code would look like this, roughly
!DEC$ ATTRIBUTES ALIAS:'abbynormal' :: AbbyNormal
subroutine AbbyNormal( x, n )
real :: x(n)
!do stuff
end subroutine AbbyNormal
I do not know Abaqus. I was assuming somewhere in your Abaqus code/script you want to call your Fortran subroutine AbbyNormal with this example. I was just showing how to use ATTRIBUTES ALIAS to force the symbol for AbbyNormal to be all lower case.
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I followed all the steps mentioned in the link you provided, except for the lowercase modification. However, when I ran the ABAQUS verification, I encountered errors related to user subroutines. I am unsure where the issue lies. Do you have any suggestions?
Thank you very much.
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There is not much that can be said based on "I encountered errors". You have to describe what commands you used, and report the exact wording of the error messages, if they are from the Intel Fortran compiler or other tools in the Fortran build system.
If the error messages are from Abaqus routines, you will have to wait until one of the few Abaqus users in this forum reads your post or, perhaps better, ask in an Abaqus forum.
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Dear Sir,
I think I have been able to link my Abaqus with the Fortran since I can run subroutine called UMAT. However, in some case, it will show error like this
Begin Linking Abaqus/Standard User Subroutines
Creating library standardU.lib and object standardU.exp
libirc.lib(fast_mem_ops.obj) : warning LNK4210: .CRT section exists; there may be unhandled static initializers or terminators
End Linking Abaqus/Standard User Subroutines
and after that, Abaqus is not linked with the subroutines, which lead to error.
If you need more information, I'd be happy to provide it.
Best regards
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Another developer suggests:
I had trouble running Abaqus with a “user subroutine” that I had built using oneAPI (on Windows in this case). The simulation would start and then abruptly end without any error message.
The root cause was as follows. I had (incorrectly) used a Fortran “stop” statement in my Abaqus user subroutine instead of the vendor-recommended XIT() procedure (I should have used “call XIT()”).
In oneAPI versions of ifort, the “stop” statement is linking to a for_stop_quiet() procedure in the runtime libs. Apparently, older compilers called for_stop() and it seems for_stop_quiet() is new to oneAPI versions so the new procedure does not exist in older ifort runtime libs.
The problem is that recent versions of Abaqus are still distributed with older (pre-oneAPI) versions of the ifort runtime which do not contain the needed for_stop_quiet() procedure. As a result, if you compile your user subroutine with oneAPI but then do not make sure the oneAPI runtime libs are first in the Abaqus path, the dll will try to link to the older ifort runtime that is missing the needed for_stop_quiet() procedure so the code just aborts.
I believe the newest versions of Abaqus finally have a oneAPI version of the ifort runtime libs.
The forum user may be able to resolve their issue by eliminating any “stop” or “error stop” statements and replacing with “call XIT()”. Alternatively, they could also make sure that the oneAPI “setvars” is properly integrated into the Abaqus environment.
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Thank you very much for your suggestion. I tried to change all "stop" or "error stop" statement and replacing them with "call XIT()" as instructed. I still see the "warning LNK4210" BUT my Abaqus analysis was COMPLETED instead of reporting error. I was wondering whether that warning means something. Anyway, so far the result showed convergent with the expected result. I am grateful for all the help I get in this forum. Thank you again for your help and everyone in this forum, I hope you and your family are well.
In case you need my script, I'd be happy to provide it...
Best regards
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In the past, many years ago, when I experienced linker issues with names not matching between what I compiled and what the library had for entry points, I found it useful to produce the ASM listing to see what the compiler was generating. While this may have been done by looking at a linker map or one of the various object file tools (e.g. DUMPBIN.EXE), I found it more informative to look at the assembler listing. YMMV
Jim Dempsey
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Dear Mrs. Barbara,
I have read the blog you mentioned and I found the instruction in the blog is no longer relevant. For instance, the blog instruct us to download the one API Base of 2019 in accordance to the Visual studio we are using. But when I click the link, I could not find the one API Base of 2019 and they only provide the newest version which is 2023. Is there any way to obtain the old version of 2019?
Best regards,
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The current release of oneAPI should work just fine with Abaqus.
You can only get previous versions if you pay for priority support.
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I am trying to link Abaqus 2021 with Fortran in Windows 10 system. VS version is 2022 and the tool kit is the latest version 2025, after following every prescribed step. while verification asks me to add the infortvars.bat file which is not available in the present version. even I tried with setvars
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setvars.bat is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel\oneAPI - ifortvars.bat (correct spelling) is obsolete.
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ifortvars.bat (correct spelling) is obsolete. True.
@Echo off
rem Copyright © Intel Corporation
rem SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
rem Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
rem of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
rem in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
rem to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
rem copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
rem furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
rem The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all
rem copies or substantial portions of the Software.
rem ===========================================================================
rem location of this bat file, without a trailing \ (backslash character)
set "ONEAPI_ROOT=%~dp0"
set "script_name=%~nx0"
set topargs=%*
goto :EndUsage
rem ===========================================================================
rem To be called if we encounter bad command-line args or user asks for help.
echo: usage: setvars [--force] [--config=file] [--help] [...]
echo: --force force setvars to re-run, doing so may overload environment
echo: --config=file customize env vars using a setvars configuration file
echo: ... additional args are passed to individual env\vars.bat scripts
echo: additional args must follow this script's arguments
echo: --help display this help message and exit
echo: -? or /? display this help message and exit
echo: The oneAPI toolkits no longer support 32-bit libraries, starting with the 2025.0 toolkit release. See the oneAPI release notes for more details.
goto :eofCleanup
rem ===========================================================================
rem setup default arguments
set configpath=""
set config_arg_found=""
set force=-1
set ia32=0
rem Parse command-line arguments passed to this script.
rem --config removal from topargs may result in a dangling ' = ' that is safely ignored.
rem Unable to capture path/filenames containing right parenthesis characters.
rem see: https://ss64.com/nt/syntax-brackets.html
rem see: https://www.dostips.com/DtTipsStringManipulation.php#Snippets.Remove
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "_topargs=%topargs%"
set "_force=%force%"
if [%~1] == [--config] (
set "_config_arg_found=1"
if NOT ["%~2"] == [""] (
set "_configpath="%~2""
set "_tempconfigpath=%~2"
call set _topargs=%%_topargs:--config=%%
call set _topargs=%%_topargs:!_tempconfigpath!=%%
) else (
set _configpath=""
call set _topargs=%%_topargs:--config=%%
) else if [%~1] == [--force] (
set "_force=1"
set "_topargs=%_topargs:--force=%"
) else if [%~1] == [--ia32] (
set "_ia32=1"
set "_topargs=%_topargs:--ia32=%"
) else if [%~1] == [ia32] (
set "_ia32=1"
set "_topargs=%_topargs:ia32=%"
) else if [%~1] == [--help] (
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
) else if [%~1] == [-?] (
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
) else if [%~1] == [/?] (
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
if [%~1] neq [] (
goto :ParseParam
endlocal & set "topargs=%_topargs%" & set "config_arg_found=%_config_arg_found%" & set "configpath=%_configpath%" & set "force=%_force%" & set "ia32=%_ia32%"
rem Handle special case where "" are missing around %configpath% variable.
if [%configpath%] == [] (
set configpath=""
rem Setvars design only accommodates single word arguments.
rem Some of the env\vars.bat scripts choke on quoted arguments.
rem Remove any remaining " characters from passed argument array.
rem Removing " chars is touchy, removing "=" chars seems to be impossible.
rem First line (below) ensures that at least one " is found by second line.
set topargs=%topargs%"
set topargs=%topargs:"=%
if ["%ia32%"] == ["1"] (
echo :: ERROR: The oneAPI toolkits no longer support 32-bit libraries, starting with the 2025.0 toolkit release. See the oneAPI release notes for more details.
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
rem ===========================================================================
rem Override default 64-bit target if 32-bit Visual Studio env already exists.
rem Primarily affects "classic" compilers and some libraries (e.g., IPP, MKL).
if defined VSCMD_VER (
if /i [%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%] == [x86] (
echo :: ERROR: The oneAPI toolkits no longer support 32-bit libraries, starting with the 2025.0 toolkit release. See the oneAPI release notes for more details.
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
) else (
set TARGET_ARCH=intel64
set "topargs=%topargs% %TARGET_ARCH%"
rem ===========================================================================
rem Capture bad config files first helps prevent confusing error messages.
rem Especially when no config file was provided, potentially consuming a valid option.
if ["%config_arg_found%"] == ["1"] (
if [%configpath%] == [""] (
echo :: ERROR: --config option specified but no config filename provided.
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
if NOT EXIST %configpath% (
echo :: ERROR: --config file not found: %configpath%
call :Usage
goto :eofCleanup
rem ===========================================================================
if ["%SETVARS_COMPLETED%"] == ["1"] (
if [%force%] == [-1] (
echo :: WARNING: %script_name% has already been run. Skipping re-execution.
echo: To force a re-execution of %script_name%, use the '--force' option.
echo: Using '--force' can result in excessive use of your environment variables.
goto :eofCleanup
rem ===========================================================================
rem setup default configuration
set componentArray[default]=latest
rem load configuration from file
if ["%config_arg_found%"] == ["1"] (
for /F "usebackq tokens=1,2 delims==" %%i in (%configpath%) do call :BuildConfigList %%i %%j
goto :EndBuildConfigList
rem Creates componentArray members in the global environment space and
rem trims any whitespace from the component name and version name/value.
set "componentArray[%1]=%2"
set "componentName=%1"
set "componentVersion=%2"
exit /b
call :BuildConfigArray %1 %2
if "%componentName%" == "default" (
if NOT "%componentVersion%" == "exclude" (
if NOT "%componentVersion%" == "latest" (
echo :: ERROR: Bad "default=%componentVersion%" entry in %configpath% file.
echo: Only "default=latest" and "default=exclude" are supported.
call :eofCleanup
goto :nonExistentLabel || exit /b 1
) else (
echo :: NOTE: "default=exclude" entry found in %configpath% file.
echo: Only explicitly specified components will be processed by "%script_name%".
) else if EXIST "%ONEAPI_ROOT%\%componentName%\" (
if NOT "exclude" == "%componentVersion%" (
if NOT EXIST "%ONEAPI_ROOT%\%componentName%\%componentVersion%\env\vars.bat" (
echo :: ERROR: Bad config file entry.
echo: Unrecognized version "%componentVersion%" for "%componentName%" component specified in %configpath% file.
call :eofCleanup
goto :nonExistentLabel || exit /b 1
) else (
echo :: NOTE: Exclude flag found for "%componentName%" component.
echo: The "%componentName%" env\vars.bat script will not be processed by "%script_name%".
) else (
echo :: ERROR: Bad config file entry.
echo: Unrecognized component "%componentName%" specified in %configpath% file.
call :eofCleanup
goto :nonExistentLabel || exit /b 1
exit /b
rem ===========================================================================
title Intel(r) oneAPI
echo :: initializing oneAPI environment...
rem ===========================================================================
rem Call Microsoft Visual Studio env scripts, if not already configured.
echo: Initializing Visual Studio command-line environment...
rem The check for an existing install of the Visual Studio command-line
rem environment is honored, even if this is a --force run. In other words, we will
rem always retain any prior init of the Visual Studio environment, which may be
rem due to a prior run of setvars.bat or because the end-user opened one of the
rem Visual Studio terminal sessions from the Windows Start Menu (in the Visual
rem Studio group) and then ran setvars.bat in that terminal session. This is done
rem because running the Visual Studio command-line environment scripts more then
rem once in the same session has been shown to result in unpredictable
rem side-effects, indicating that it is designed to only be run once in a terminal
rem session.
if not defined VSCMD_VER (
call "%ONEAPI_ROOT%\setvars-vcvarsall.bat" %topargs%
if defined VSCMD_VER (
echo: Visual Studio version %VSCMD_VER% environment configured.
echo: Visual Studio command-line environment initialized for: '%VSCMD_ARG_HOST_ARCH%_%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%'
) else (
echo: Visual Studio command-line environment initialized for: '%VSCMD_ARG_TGT_ARCH%'
) else (
echo: Visual Studio command-line environment was not configured.
rem ===========================================================================
rem loop thru component directories (see :DoIt), calling vars.bat for each one
rem see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/17113667/2914328 regarding the '^' character
for /f "delims=" %%d in ( 'dir /a:d /b "%ONEAPI_ROOT%" 2^>nul' ) do call :DoIt "%%d"
goto EndDoIt
set "componentpath=%ONEAPI_ROOT%\%~1"
set "cname=%~n1"
rem Grab component version from componentArray if specified by a config file.
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set version=!componentArray[%cname%]!
endlocal & set "version=%version%"
rem Else if not specified in a config file, use default version.
if "%version%" equ "" (
set version=%componentArray[default]%
if "exclude" == "%version%" (
rem echo: "excluding"
) else (
if EXIST "%componentpath%\%version%\env\vars.bat" (
echo : %cname% -- %version%
rem 'call' command is not properly handling special characters, even when quoted, use pushd/popd
pushd "%componentpath%\%version%\env"
call vars.bat %topargs%
) else (
rem echo: %cname% vars.bat file not found in "%componentpath%\%version%\env\vars.bat"
exit /b
echo :: oneAPI environment initialized ::
title Intel(r) oneAPI
goto :keepTitle
rem Call or jump to in order to insure a clean exit from this script.
rem see: https://ss64.com/nt/exit.html
title cmd
set "script_name="
set "topargs="
set "configpath="
set "config_arg_found="
set "force="
set "ia32="
set "componentpath="
set "cname="
set "version="
set "componentArray[default]="
set "componentName="
set "componentVersion="
for /f "delims=" %%d in ( 'dir /a:d /b "%ONEAPI_ROOT%"' ) do set "componentArray[%%d]="
Setvars is entirely old DOS, but the text component in the INTEL FORUM does not recognize the style? I feel sorry for the poor person who has to dig into 40 year old code.
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Immediately underneath the setvar.bat file is a file with the README sign named SUPPORT.TXT
It is interesting,
For support options please see: https://software.intel.com/en-us/oneapi/support
For user forum support please see: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forum
Forums are critical to a developing system. Luckily Intel has an excellent system, not true elsewhere.
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I'm not surprised that the support comment in that file hasn't been updated in years.
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That file is not owned by the compiler development team. It's part of the oneAPI files. I opened a bug report to get the Forum link fixed:
bug ID is ONEAPI-835

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