Intel® Fortran Compiler
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28955 Discussions

ICE for procedure pointer with a size-dependent argument and interface block

New Contributor I


I found a compiler bug affecting ifx version 2025.0.4.
The bug is triggered under the following conditions:

  • A procedure pointer has a rank-1 argument whose size is specified based on the size of another argument.
  • This procedure pointer is used by another procedure defined in an interface block.

Here is a minimal working example (MWE) that reproduces the bug.


Module MyModule

  implicit none

  Abstract Interface
    Pure Function ProcedureInterface( InputArray ) result(Output)
      implicit none
      integer  ,intent(in)    ::  InputArray(:)
      ! Compiles fine if the returned variable is changed to a scalar
      ! logical                 ::  Output
      logical                 ::  Output(size(InputArray))
    End Function
  End Interface

  ! Compiles fine if this interface block is commented and the procedure is
  ! declared in the 'contains' scope without the 'Module' attribute.
    Module Subroutine MySub( Proc )
      procedure(ProcedureInterface) ,pointer  ,intent(in) ::  Proc
    End Subroutine
  End Interface


  ! Uncomment if the 'interface' block above is commented... and it compiles!
!   Subroutine MySub( Proc )
!     procedure(ProcedureInterface) ,pointer  ,intent(in) ::  Proc
!   End Subroutine

  ! This procedure specification generates an ICE.
  Module Procedure MySub
  End Procedure

  ! This procedure specification genetrates the following error:
  !   error #7257:  The characteristics of the procedure argument differ from
  !                 those specified in the separate interface body.   [PROC]
!   Module Subroutine MySub( Proc )
!     procedure(ProcedureInterface) ,pointer  ,intent(in) ::  Proc
!   End Subroutine

End Module


The code compiles successfully if:

  • The output (Output) of the procedure pointer is changed to a scalar, or
  • No interface block is declared for the procedure (MySub) using the procedure pointer.

The compilation fails if an interface block is used and:

  • The procedure is declared using the Module Procedure form, resulting in an Internal Compiler Error (ICE).
  • The procedure is declared using the Module Subroutine form, resulting in error #7257.


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