Intel® Fortran Compiler
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IMSL libraries for Intel Parallel Studio XE Cluster Edition for Windows


Hi. I need to compile and link some legacy software which requires the dneqnf subroutine (which I understand is in the IMSL libraries). I tried to follow the guide on inlucing imsl libraries ( but I cannot find any download link. Does anyone know how to obtain one? Does my version of the intel compilers even include a license for the imsl libraries? 


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4 Replies
Honored Contributor III

At the top of the page that you gave a link for, we can read:

Rogue Wave* IMSL is no longer available directly from Intel. It can be obtained directly from Roguewave or Roguewave resellers.

If you have IMSL, please state which version, how obtained; also state state the compiler version. Then, it may be possible to guide you to get it working. 

If you do not have IMSL, you may obtain it directly from Roguewave and other vendors, but not from Intel.

There are a number of nonlinear equation solvers available from Netlib and other places that you may use instead of NEQNF -- unless your code needs other IMSL routines.

The MKL library contains the routines ?TRNLSP for solving the same problem, with or without bounds on the variables. See .

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Thanks for the reply. I was aware of that, but I also have read somewhere that an old version (I think it was 7.1) of the IMSL libraries were still available from Intel. Or maybe I just hoped.

To answer your questions: I do not have IMSL. I will look at the MKL libraries. 

I do not want to ask yet another question, so I will just leave this here: I get "access denied" (not authorized to access this page) when I click on the link you provided. I will try a direct search.  

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Honored Contributor III

The last version of IMSL that was available (for several years, until Intel stopped selling IMSL) was 7.0.1, not 7.1.

The "access denied" problem was not present when I posted yesterday. Indeed, a Google search for "MKL developer reference Fortran" gives that same link as the first result. That is also the same link provided on Intel's own Web page .

You may try the PDF version of the manual , page 3188, instead, for the time being.

INTEL ADMINS: Please fix the link or provide a new link for the MKL Developer Ref. Man. for Fortran.


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mecej4 wrote:

The last version of IMSL that was available (for several years, until Intel stopped selling IMSL) was 7.0.1, not 7.1.

Yep. I did read that a long time ago and I forgot. My bad.

mecej4 wrote:

The "access denied" problem was not present when I posted yesterday. Indeed, a Google search for "MKL developer reference Fortran" gives that same link as the first result. That is also the same link provided on Intel's own Web page .

You may try the PDF version of the manual , page 3188, instead, for the time being.

INTEL ADMINS: Please fix the link or provide a new link for the MKL Developer Ref. Man. for Fortran.


The link is now fine. Must've been fixed with your shout out to the admins! Thanks.

I ended up getting a student license for the imsl library, as initially I kept getting "access denied" whenever I tried looking into the MKL. So, my initial problem (where I needed the nonlinear equations solver) was solved once I was able to install the imsl fortran library and activate the license. I am now also perusing the mkl. This can now be closed.

Thanks for your help.

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