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I have a program that turns a very large stl file (4.11GB) into a pts file "stl_to_pts.f90". An example stl file:
solid ASCII STL file generated with VxScan by Creaform.
facet normal 0.284589 0.628278 -0.724069
outer loop
vertex -1166.990479 -277.309601 656.863098
vertex -1166.887573 -276.861084 657.292725
vertex -1166.407104 -277.144348 657.235779
facet normal 0.287695 0.632549 -0.719106
outer loop
vertex -1166.887573 -276.861084 657.292725
vertex -1166.523071 -276.255005 657.971680
vertex -1166.407104 -277.144348 657.235779
facet normal 0.408622 0.642011 -0.648730
outer loop
vertex -1166.527466 -276.258850 657.991821
vertex -1166.468018 -276.235260 658.052612
vertex -1166.257812 -276.307129 658.113892
facet normal 0.082224 0.975477 0.204167
outer loop
vertex -1166.523071 -276.255005 657.971680
vertex -1166.527466 -276.258850 657.991821
vertex -1166.257812 -276.307129 658.113892
facet normal 0.466552 0.599195 -0.650611
outer loop
vertex -1166.523071 -276.255005 657.971680
vertex -1166.257812 -276.307129 658.113892
vertex -1166.407104 -277.144348 657.235779
facet normal 0.302361 0.775017 -0.554911
outer loop
vertex -1166.468018 -276.235260 658.052612
vertex -1166.377808 -276.043121 658.370117
vertex -1166.155640 -276.129272 658.370850
facet normal 0.409470 0.665844 -0.623687
outer loop
vertex -1166.468018 -276.235260 658.052612
vertex -1166.155640 -276.129272 658.370850
vertex -1166.257812 -276.307129 658.113892
facet normal 0.316780 0.659006 -0.682174
outer loop
vertex -1166.407104 -277.144348 657.235779
vertex -1166.257812 -276.307129 658.113892
vertex -1165.399780 -277.246002 657.605347
Source code:
module read_fis
character *260 fisi
character(:), allocatable :: str
end module read_fis
subroutine read_file_to_string
use ifport
use read_fis
implicit none
integer *4 :: iunit, istat
integer *8 :: file_size
character(len=1) :: c
open(newunit = iunit, file = fisi, status = 'OLD', &
form = 'UNFORMATTED', access = 'STREAM', iostat = istat)
if (istat==0) then
inquire(file=fisi, size=file_size )
if (file_size > 0) then
allocate(character(len=file_size ) :: str)
read(iunit, pos=1, iostat = istat) str
if (istat==0) then
!make sure it was all read by trying to read more:
read(iunit, pos = file_size+1, iostat = istat) c
if (.not. IS_IOSTAT_END(istat)) then
write(*,*) 'Error: file was not completely read: ', trim(fisi)
end if
write(*,*) 'Error reading file: ', trim(fisi)
end if
close(iunit, iostat=istat)
write(*,*) 'Error getting file size: ', trim(fisi)
end if
write(*,*) 'Error opening file: ', trim(fisi)
end if
! Main program
use read_fis
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: a
character *260 fise
character *10 ext
character *1 cr
character *2 crlf
integer *8 i, j, m, i1, i2, k
integer *4 np, kp
integer *4 :: iunit, istat
cr = char(13)
crlf = cr//char(10)
call GETARG(1, fisi)
call GETARG(2, fise)
kp = index(fise, '.', back = .true.) + 1
ext = fise(kp:)
call read_file_to_string ! str = fisi
m = len(str) ! /2
allocate(character(len=m) :: a) ! a = fise
open(newunit = iunit, file = fise, status = 'NEW', &
form = 'UNFORMATTED', access = 'STREAM', iostat = istat)
if(istat == 0) then
write(*,*) 'Error opening file: ', trim(fise)
end if
i = 1
i1 = 1
if(trim(ext) == 'pts' .or. trim(ext) == 'PTS') then
np = 0
k = index(str(i:), 'vertex', kind = 8)
if(k > 0) then
np = np + 1
i = i + k + int8(6)
j = i + index(str(i:), cr, kind = - int8(2)
i2 = i1 + j - i + int8(4)
a(i1:i2) = str(i:j)//' 9'//crlf
i1 = i2 + int8(1)
write(99,'(i0,t11,i0)') k, i
write(iunit, pos = 1, iostat = istat) a(:i2-2)
end if
end do
k = index(str(i:), 'vertex')
if(k > 0) then
i = i + k + 6
j = i + index(str(i:), cr)
i2 = i1 + j - i
a(i1:i2) = str(i:j)
i1 = i2 + 1
write(iunit, pos = 1, iostat = istat) a(:i2-2)
end if
end do
end if
I checked the "str" variable and it stores the entire stl file.
The program stops when k = 0 when it no longer finds the word "vertex". The last index found by the program is i = 121,513,698 although the last index in the stl file is 4,416,480,763. The question is: why does the index function return 0 after i = 121,513,698.
In "Project properties" it is set to "Default Integer kind": 8 (/ integer-size: 64), and in "Configuration Manager": x64, Release
I mention that I have:
I7-3770 processor, 16GB RAM, WINDOWS 10 Home / 64bit,
Intel Parallel Studio XE 2020 Update 4 Windows x64.
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I had a quick look at your program, and I didn't see the problem, it could be a compiler bug with >32bit character subscripts. If you think it is a bug make a minimal sample code that shows the problem that is easier all round.
There are some strange things in your code the text STL is a formatted file yet you open it as unformatted for example.
Functionally you could to what yo are doing in a much simpler way IMO. I made an ran a simple example below.
program txt_stl_2_pts
implicit none(type, external)
character(132) :: gin
integer :: iun1, iun2, ip, istat
character(*), parameter :: GA ='(A)'
open( newunit = iun1, file ='winder_bed_type_LH.stl', status = 'old', iostat = istat)
if( istat /= 0 ) goto 900
open( newunit = iun2, file ='output.txt', status = 'unknown', iostat = istat )
if( istat /= 0 ) goto 900
read( iun1, ga, iostat = istat ) gin
if( istat /= 0 ) goto 900
ip = index(gin,'vertex')
if ( ip > 0 ) write( iun2, ga) trim( gin(ip+6:) )
900 continue
close (iun1, iostat = istat )
close (iun2, iostat = istat )
end program txt_stl_2_pts
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Please test : https://we.tl/t-PGVsUr5zzZ
Filesize = 4.11 GB
Tell me time to run. Time to run is big. Tell me performances of your computer and OS.
Thx, J. Roy
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FWIW line 87 looks invalid. This should have produced a compilation error.
Jim Dempsey
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The correct line 87 is: j = i + index(str(i:), cr, kind=8) - int8(2)
For test there is file : https://we.tl/t-PGVsUr5zzZ
J. Roy
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The first problem is you have a test file so large that even VEDIT cannot open it to look at it. I have never seen a text file this large and I deal with huge FEM models. I am not aware of a better editor than vedit for very large files.
The file is created as text numbers, often you run into a problem that the format statement that created the number is incorrect for the number, which happens a lot. But I cannot read your file to look for errors in the text.
I suggest you write a simple program that reads and checks each line for correctness, this is a common thing for DXF files for industrial applications in some locations.
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! call GETARG(1, fisi)
!call GETARG(2, fise)
fisi = "Test.stl"
fise = "Test.out"
kp = index(fise, '.', back = .true.) + 1
ext = fise(kp:)
call read_file_to_string ! str = fisi
m = len(str) ! /2
allocate(character(len=m) :: a) ! a = fise
open(newunit = iunit, file = fise, status = 'UNKNOWN', &
form = 'UNFORMATTED', access = 'STREAM', iostat = istat)
Now I can run it in VS 2019 - see unknown, old means you have to delete the file to run it.
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it is 99 per year, not going to spend the money.
module read_fis
character *260 fisi
character(:), allocatable :: str
end module read_fis
subroutine read_file_to_string
use ifport
use read_fis
implicit none
integer *4 :: iunit, istat, ilog
integer *8 :: file_size, I,k,m,n
character(len=1) :: c
open(newunit = iunit, file = fisi, status = 'OLD', &
form = 'UNFORMATTED', access = 'STREAM', iostat = istat)
if (istat==0) then
inquire(file=fisi, size=file_size )
100 Format("File size is :: ",i10)
101 Format("File size is > :: ",i10," billion characters")
! write(*,100)file_size/1000
! write(*,100)file_size/1000000
if (file_size > 0) then
allocate(character(len=file_size ) :: str)
read(iunit, pos=1, iostat = istat) str
if (istat==0) then
!make sure it was all read by trying to read more:
read(iunit, pos = file_size+1, iostat = istat) c
if (.not. IS_IOSTAT_END(istat)) then
write(*,*) 'Error: file was not completely read: ', trim(fisi)
end if
write(*,*) 'Error reading file: ', trim(fisi)
end if
k = 1
open(newunit = ilog, file = "ab.log", status = 'unknown')
do i = 1,200
if(mod(1000,1) .eq. 0 ) then
! open(newunit = ilog, file = "ab1.log", status = 'unknown')
end if
if(i .eq. 1) then
m = k
n = k + 56
m = n + 1
n = n + 46
m = m + 47
n = m + 15
m = m + 16
n = m + 49
m = m + 50
n = m + 49
m = m + 50
n = m + 49
m = m + 50
n = m + 11
m = m + 12
n = m + 11
m = m + 12
n = m + 43
m = n + 1
n = n + 46
m = m + 16
n = m + 49
m = m + 50
n = m + 49
m = m + 50
n = m + 49
m = m + 50
n = m + 11
m = m + 12
n = m + 11
m = m + 12
n = m + 43
end if
1001 Format(I10," Line :: ", A57,\)
1002 Format(I10," Line :: ", A42)
1003 Format(I10," Line :: ", A15,\)
1004 Format(I8," Line :: ", A43)
1005 Format(I10," Line :: ", A44)
1006 Format(I10," Line :: ", A45)
1007 Format(I10," Line :: ", (A),\)
1008 Format(I8," Line :: ", (A)/)
end do
close(iunit, iostat=istat)
write(*,*) 'Error getting file size: ', trim(fisi)
end if
write(*,*) 'Error opening file: ', trim(fisi)
end if
! Main program
use read_fis
implicit none
character(:), allocatable :: a
character *260 fise
character *10 ext
character *1 cr
character *2 crlf
integer *8 i, j, m, i1, i2, k
integer *4 np, kp
integer *4 :: iunit, istat
cr = char(13)
crlf = cr//char(10)
! call GETARG(1, fisi)
!call GETARG(2, fise)
fisi = "Test.stl"
fise = "Test.out"
kp = index(fise, '.', back = .true.) + 1
ext = fise(kp:)
call read_file_to_string ! str = fisi
m = len(str) ! /2
allocate(character(len=m) :: a) ! a = fise
open(newunit = iunit, file = fise, status = 'UNKNOWN', &
form = 'UNFORMATTED', access = 'STREAM', iostat = istat)
if(istat == 0) then
write(*,*) 'Error opening file: ', trim(fise)
end if
i = 1
i1 = 1
if(trim(ext) == 'pts' .or. trim(ext) == 'PTS') then
np = 0
k = index(str(i:), 'vertex', kind = 8)
if(k > 0) then
np = np + 1
i = i + k + int8(6)
j = i + index(str(i:), cr, kind=8) - int8(2)
! j = i + index(str(i:), cr, kind = - int8(2)
i2 = i1 + j - i + int8(4)
a(i1:i2) = str(i:j)//' 9'//crlf
i1 = i2 + int8(1)
write(99,'(i0,t11,i0)') k, i
write(iunit, pos = 1, iostat = istat) a(:i2-2)
end if
end do
k = index(str(i:), 'vertex')
if(k > 0) then
i = i + k + 6
j = i + index(str(i:), cr)
i2 = i1 + j - i
a(i1:i2) = str(i:j)
i1 = i2 + 1
write(iunit, pos = 1, iostat = istat) a(:i2-2)
end if
end do
end if
I played with your code, str is very hard to take apart and even print.
Read one line at a time, find what you want and throw it away. That you should be able to write in an hour.
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I solved the problem, removed kind=8 and replaced index(str(i:) with index(str(i:i200) where i200=200. Execution time 11.70 sec. Thanks to everyone for the advice.
I7-3770, 16GB RAM, W10/64bit and ssd.
J. Roy
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11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11850H @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz
turn off the write to the file out and it runs in less than a second on 32 GB Win 11 and SAmsung SSD.
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