Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Internal compiler error

Dear All!

It looks like I have fixed an internal compiler error using Intel Fortran compiler 8.0 and 8.1 which is connected with the passing arguments in the subroutines. And thus it is very interesting to get know if someone else has had such troubles before me.
The following code makes the Intel Fortran compiler 8.0 crashed:

module MTest
implicit none
type TTest
integer(4), pointer :: a(:) => null()
integer(4) :: field
real(8) :: r8
end type TTest
subroutine s2(k)
implicit none
type(TTest), intent(in) :: k(:)
call s1( k(1:10).field )
end subroutine s2
subroutine s1(i)
implicit none
integer(4), intent(in) :: i(:)
write(*,*) i
end subroutine s1
end module MTest
program Ptest
use MTest
integer(4), parameter :: n = 50000
type(TTest), pointer :: t(:) => null()
allocate( t(n) )
do i = 1, size(t)
allocate(t(i).a(10)); t(i).a = i; t(i).field = i
call s2( t )
end program Ptest

It is to note that (for exmple) Compaq Fortran compiler under Windows systems works fine in this case.
After that I tried to find out if this could be a problem with data transfer and wrong addressing.
The funny thing is that if I comment pointer array in the type declaration
type TTest
!!! integer(4), pointer :: a(:) => null()
integer(4) :: field
real(8) :: r8
end type TTest
then no errors are produced and the code works correctly.
So, it is very interesting and useful for me to find out how to avoid this problem, but without using assume size arrays for it is very difficult and time-consuming to rewrite my code (over 1 Mb of sources).
Also, I would like to note that 8.1 compiler has such problem too, but tells nothing when compiling.
Finally, I would be VERY thankful to everyone who provide me with information of how to fight with this problem and, if there is no way to avoid this, does Intel Fortran compiler 9.0 have such BUG?
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1 Reply
This compiles fine in 9.0.
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