Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Libraries again - v9.1 vs 9.0


Hello, Group

I have been wrestling with a mysterious problem that only seems to appear in release mode, not while using the IDE/debugger.

I think that I now can see at least part of the problem. Although I am compiling with the IDE option set to verison 9.1, my DLLs are referencing the v9.0 run-time libraries. Since the installer is installing the v9.1 libraries, this seems to cause a conflict. In my environment path setting the v9.0 folders come first, so I suppose this is why I don't see the problem in development mode. Perhaps it is also why the v9.0 libraries get referenced when I build my DLLs.

I'm guessing that this may be another aspect of the problems of v9.1 not integrating with the VS-2003 IDE correctly. Is there an easy fix here that will ensure that my DLLs will reference the v9.1 libraries when I build? Is there some trick that will allow the path to be automatically modified when I change the Fortran version in the IDE options? (Is modifying the path sufficient, or are other changes required as well?)

Any guidanceor insights will be gratefully received.


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1 Reply

The problem is, as you note, that the 9.0 DLLs are first in PATH. This will make them the ones Windows finds when your program runs. I suggest changing PATH to reference the 9.1 BIN folder. For compiling, if you do it in VS or use the "Build Environment" shortcut to start a command session, you'll get the right files.

What problem are you having with the IDE integration?

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