Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.

Misleading Error Message


Good day,

I received the following error messages while trying to compile a program:

Description:                                File:

Severe: Invalid Argument             fortcom

Compilation aborted (code 1)       FilterX.f90


The real problem was accessing FilterX.f90.  (The file is in ClearCase and a directory list indicates the file exists, but no application is able to access it.  I am now trying to get this resolved.)  However, I spent about 90 minutes looking through my source for fortcom (not found) and then searching your website for "fortcom", "invalid argument", etc.  Can you just skip that misleading message and indicate that you are not able to access the file?


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7 Replies
Valued Contributor I

fortcom is the fortran compiler.

With the latest version of the compiler, the standard error for file not found is:

fortcom: Severe: No such file or directory

... file is 'ffo.f90' compilation aborted for ffo.f90 (code 1)


What version of the compiler are you using and have you been able to diagnose the issue with accessing the file yet?

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I like the error message and I'm glad to hear that it's in the latest version!!!  (Hopefully we can get to that version soon.)

I'm using Intel(R) Visual Fortran Composer XE 2011 Integration for Microsoft Visual Studio* 2010, 12.0.3471.2010, Copyright (C) 2002-2011 Intel Corporation
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.

My ClearCase expert was not able to recover the file.  I'll be recreating the file :-(((

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As it turns out, my version of Fortran provides the good error message (see Annalee's post above) when the file does not exist.  It provides the misleading error message when the file appears to exist (i.e. is listed in a directory listing or found in an Explorer window and is not hidden), but cannot be accessed.

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Honored Contributor III

Windows Explorer generally will not show the file type, rather it shows the interpretation of the file type e.g. "Fortran Source". On earler versions of Windows you could force the display of the file type (.f90), but on Windows 7 and later you may have problems doing so. With your version, when you Right-click (or Left-Click if you use left handed mouse) on file and select Properties | Details, does the Name property have file name with .f90?

IOW you may have "FilterX.f" Which will also show up as Fortran Source

Jim Dempsey

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Valued Contributor I

If I just turn of read permissions, it still provides a good error message. Do you know how your file got into the state you described? I would like to reproduce.

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I have set the Windows Explorer default to display the file types since I often copy filenames from there into an application (usually after I have copied the address bar).  The filename was correct.  (For the record, none of our files have ever been named FilterX.f; the only other name used was FilterX.for and it was changed about ten years ago.)

As I mentioned in the most recent post, when the file does not exist (e.g., FilterX.f), I get the good error message (see  the second post in this thread from Annalee).

It is when the file is corrupt that I get the misleading error message (in the original post).  When I tried to open the suspect file with other applications (TextPad and ClearCase), it demonstrated similar corruption issues.  The file "corruption" was not just a problem with Visual Fortran.  My complaint is with the Visual Fortran error message when the file is corrupt.  For the record, I don't know how I generated the corrupt file or how to generate a corrupt file.

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As mentioned in my previous post, I don't know how I generated the "corrupt" file.  My ClearCase expert said the following: "This condition can sometimes happen if you checked out the file while it was open for editing."  That said, I don't believe that I opened the file for editing and then checked it out.  I can get more details on what my ClearCase expert meant if you would like.  You may also want to contact the ClearCase vendor directly.

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