Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28947 Discussions

Need Intel Fortran Compiler 16.0.3 Linux


Hi Intel,


I am Xinchen, one university student. I am using Delft3d software to run the hydrodynamic and morphodynamic model. To fast the running speed, I am trying to compile the source code in Delft3d in our university's High-Performance Computing Platform. The platform is based on a Linux system and the compiling system needs to be Fortran version 16.0.3. I am wondering whether I can apply for and install the Intel Fortran Compiler in version 16.0.3 for Linux.





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1 Solution
Honored Contributor III

Sorry, no, Intel doesn't make old versions available unless you have a paid support contract. I very much doubt that this specific five-year-old version is the only one that will work.  Use the current (free) 2021 version instead - that's also how you will get the best performance.

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2 Replies
Valued Contributor III

Dear Xinchen:

DELT3d works with oneapi


You are best talking to your Supercomputer support people.  I would surprised that they do not have Intel Fortran on a supercomputer, I have never seen one without it installed and the support people are going to be wary of letting you install old programs.  

If still lost search google, but you are asking for a combination of programs that not many people use so you will likely need to hunt for them. 

I would take the easy route and just use Windows and VS and the video and accept the runs will take a while, but that is just me. 

Try the one-api then report the errors if you cannot get it to work. 

Honored Contributor III

Sorry, no, Intel doesn't make old versions available unless you have a paid support contract. I very much doubt that this specific five-year-old version is the only one that will work.  Use the current (free) 2021 version instead - that's also how you will get the best performance.

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