Intel® Fortran Compiler
Build applications that can scale for the future with optimized code designed for Intel® Xeon® and compatible processors.
28530 Discussions

OneAPI 2023 Fortran IDE integration problems



    I recently installed the previous 2022.2.1 versions of the C and Fortran compilers, standalone packages.  I had problems with VS2019,  due to previous installs, but integration worked fine with VS2022, so I could live with that.

   I then tried to install the latest 2023 compilers. Very strange behavior with Fortran. The C++ compiler integrations appear to work fine, but not for Fortran. No error messages were displayed during installation, and the install appeared to be successful. 

   However, the integrations don't work. There is no Fortran compilers listed under the Tools/Options menu for OneApi. The C++ compilers are there, but no Fortran. The "Fortran Expression Evaluator" extension is listed as installed. 

     VS 2022 will not recognize any Fortran projects. Uninstalling and going back to the 2022.2.1 integrations again works.

   Another problem is with the 2022.2.1 Fortran integrations. VS 2022 will not exit or close, once a Fortran project has been loaded. I have to kill VS2022 via Task Manager.  I then discovered I could used the "unload project" function to unload the Fortran project, and then VS 2022 would close/exit properly. 

   I have tried this with 3 different machines I have with VS 2022 installed, one a completely clean system with only VS 2022 installed, and no previous Intel compiler products ever installed. Same problem with the Fortran integrations. 

  This is the latest version of VS 2022, 17.4.3, and Windows 10 21H2 with all the updates so far. 


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26 Replies


Thank you for the clarifications. 

On the systems where you had older PSXE installed and then removed.   There is a known issue when VS 2022 is installed on such systems. The workaround is as follows.  

  1. Close any running Intel installers.
  2. Uninstall all Microsoft Visual Studio instances and Visual Studio installer. ( if needed -use Microsoft tool InstallCleanup.exe located under C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer
    Important: Make sure that C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\x86\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll does not exist anymore. If it was not removed with Microsoft Visual Studio for some reason, unregister the DLL using the
    REGSVR32 /U C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup\x86\Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll
    command in command prompt as administrator and rename the file to Backup_Microsoft.VisualStudio.Setup.Configuration.Native.dll, so that the Intel installer could not load it.
  3. Uninstall previous versions of Intel® Parallel Studio XE and Intel® oneAPI products. (including standalone products)
  4. Install the required Microsoft Visual Studio products back - VS 2022 in this case.
  5. Install Intel® oneAPI 2023. Do not try to install previous versions of Intel® oneAPI or Intel® Parallel Studio XE products.

See if that helps to clean things up.  I don't think you need to rebuild the whole system. I would follow the above steps and install VS 2022 only, followed by oneAPI HPC Toolkit 2023

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Valued Contributor III

I would do the above first.  There is a lot of issues with 2019, 2022 and the change to ONEAPI.  

Good hunting.  


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Valued Contributor III

As I was playing with the NUCS at the Smithsonian Institution, I noticed that VS 2022 Preview has removed the "update button" from the menus in VS 2022, you now have to specifically start the installer to update.  The preview did not pick up that an update was ready in a reasonable time.  



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I had and still have the same problem.  I restarted the installation so that I cleaned every related files from my computer, including a thorough uninstallation of all files related to Visual Studio (by command "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\InstallCleanup.exe" -f) and all versions of Intel oneApi files.  Afterward I selected a Visual Studio version from Intel's official compatibility list:  "VS 2019 16.11.27" and installed it with the options mentioned in this thread.  Still the problem persists.

PS: This was the error message: "Component id:, name: IDE Common for Visual Studio 2019, version: 2023.2.0-49074.  Error: Sequence execution failed."

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I found a proper solutions for my needs.
1. I removed all Intel oneApi versions and I installed only the latest standalone fortran package. Only this and nothing else. Because I have been using only the IFORT compiler and nothing else from the oneApi tools.
2. It failed to integrate with VS 2019 16.11.27.
3. Afterwards I reinstalled the latest Visual Studio, VS 2022 17.6.5. The standalone fortran package integrated smoothly with the latest Visual Studio, VS 2022 17.6.5
4. The latest IFORT compiler works well VS 2022 17.6.5 ; VS 2022 17.6.5 can compile and build my existing fortran projects (*.vfproj)

PS 1: VS 2019 16.11.27 (which did not work for me) occurs on Intel’s compatibility list. VS 2022 17.6.5 (which proved to be suitable) is a bit newer than the one in Intel’s compatibility list, VS 2022 17.6.4.
PS 2: I have been using Intel's IFORT compiler from a Microsoft Visual Studio since ca. 2007.VS 2022 17.6.5 works perfectly with Intel's IFORT compilerVS 2022 17.6.5 works perfectly with Intel's IFORT compiler

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I forget to mention in my reply above: This was the standalone Fortran package that integrated smoothly with the free ("community") version of Visual Studio 2022 17.6.5:
(It contains the latest IFX compiler and a bit older IFORT compiler.)

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