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Test 52 of the venerable SLATEC library (www.netlib.org/slatec) fits a piecewise polynomial to data. The Fortran 77 sources for this test are contained in about 40 files, with about 20,000 lines of code. When one of the source files (BNDACC.f) is compiled with the current version of IFX (2024.1.0) with options /Qmkl /MD /standard-semantics /Ot, the test program fails.
The following reproducer is a drastically shortened derivative from those 40 files, and is less than 200 lines long. It can be built using IFORT, IFX, Gfortran, etc., and uses some BLAS routines.
program tbndacc
implicit none
integer, parameter :: Mdg = 12, Nb = 4, Mt = 5, Jt =3
real :: G(Mdg,6) = 0.0
integer :: Ip = 2, Ir = 4
G(1,1:5) = (/ 0.2, 21.0, 40.8, 4.7, 1.7 /)
G(2,1:5) = (/ -3.1, -41.2, -30.9, -0.9, -4.6 /)
G(3,1:5) = (/ 0.5, 19.3, 33.3, 2.9, 8.0 /)
G(4,1:5) = (/ 11.1, 44.4, 11.1, 0.01, 18.0 /)
G(5,1:5) = (/ 6.8, 43.1, 16.7, 0.05, 24.7 /)
call BndAcc(G,Mdg,Nb,Ip,Ir,Mt,Jt)
subroutine bndacc(G,Mdg,Nb,Ip,Ir,Mt,Jt)
implicit none
integer Ip, Ir, Jt, Mdg, Mt, Nb
real G(Mdg,*), rho, zero
integer i, ie, ig, k, kh, l, lp1, mh, mu, nbp1
zero = 0.
nbp1 = Nb + 1
if ( Jt /= Ip ) then
if ( Jt > Ir ) then
do i = 1, Mt
G(Jt + Mt - i,1:nbp1) = G(Ir + Mt - i,1:nbp1)
end do
ie = Jt - Ir
do i = 1, ie
G(Ir + i - 1,1:nbp1) = zero
end do
Ir = Jt
end if
mu = min(Nb-1,Ir-Ip-1)
if ( mu /= 0 ) then
do l = 1, mu
k = min(L,Jt-Ip)
lp1 = l + 1
ig = Ip + l
do i = lp1, Nb
G(ig,i - k) = G(ig,i)
end do
do i = 1, k
G(ig,nbp1 - i) = zero
end do
end do
end if
Ip = Jt
end if
mh = Ir + Mt - Ip
kh = min(nbp1,mh)
do i = 1, kh
call h12(1,i,max(i+1,Ir-Ip+1),mh,G(Ip,i),1,rho,G(Ip,i+1),1,Mdg,nbp1-i)
end do
Ir = Ip + kh
if ( kh >= nbp1 ) G(Ir-1,i:Nb) = zero
print '(i3,4x,5es12.4)',(i,G(i,1:Nb+1), i = 3, 5)
end subroutine bndacc
subroutine h12(Mode,Lpivot,L1,M,U,Iue,Up,C,Ice,Icv,Ncv)
implicit none
integer Ice, Icv, Iue, L1, Lpivot, M, Mode, Ncv
real Up
real C(*), U(Iue,*)
real b, cl, clinv, one, sm, ul1m1
integer i, i2, i3, i4, incr, j, kl1, kl2, klp, l1m1, mml1p2
real, external :: sdot
external saxpy, sswap
one = 1.
if ( 0 >= Lpivot .or. Lpivot >= L1 .or. L1 > M ) return
cl = abs(U(1,Lpivot))
do j = L1, M
cl = max(abs(U(1,j)),cl)
end do
if ( cl <= 0 ) return
clinv = one/cl
sm = (U(1,Lpivot)*clinv)**2
do j = L1, M
sm = sm + (U(1,j)*clinv)**2
end do
cl = cl*sqrt(sm)
if ( U(1,Lpivot) > 0 ) cl = -cl
Up = U(1,Lpivot) - cl
U(1,Lpivot) = cl
if ( Ncv <= 0 ) return
b = Up*U(1,Lpivot)
if ( b < 0 ) then
b = one/b
mml1p2 = M - L1 + 2
if ( mml1p2 > 20 ) then
l1m1 = L1 - 1
kl1 = 1 + (l1m1-1)*Ice
kl2 = kl1
klp = 1 + (Lpivot-1)*Ice
ul1m1 = U(1,l1m1)
U(1,l1m1) = Up
if ( Lpivot /= l1m1 ) call sswap(Ncv,C(kl1),Icv,C(klp),Icv)
do j = 1, Ncv
sm = sdot(mml1p2,U(1,l1m1),Iue,C(kl1),Ice) + b
call saxpy(mml1p2,sm,U(1,l1m1),Iue,C(kl1),Ice)
kl1 = kl1 + Icv
end do
U(1,l1m1) = ul1m1
if ( Lpivot == l1m1 ) return
kl1 = kl2
call sswap(Ncv,C(kl1),Icv,C(klp),Icv)
i2 = 1 - Icv + Ice*(Lpivot-1)
incr = Ice*(L1-Lpivot)
do j = 1, Ncv
i2 = i2 + Icv
i3 = i2 + incr
i4 = i3
sm = C(i2)*Up
do i = L1, M
sm = sm + C(i3)*U(1,i)
i3 = i3 + Ice
end do
if ( sm /= 0 ) then
sm = sm*b
C(i2) = C(i2) + sm*Up
do i = L1, M
C(i4) = C(i4) + sm*U(1,i)
i4 = i4 + Ice
end do
end if
end do
end if
end if
end subroutine h12
end program
The incorrect results, from IFX with some level of optimization enabled:
ifx /Qmkl /standard-semantics /nologo /Ot tbndacc.f90 & tbndacc
3 -1.3336E+01 -5.9561E+01 -1.8384E+01 -3.3817E-02 -2.9315E+01
4 1.1100E+01 -1.7026E+01 -7.4028E+00 -3.4349E-02 -8.2774E+00
5 6.8000E+00 1.6941E+01 -4.2105E+00 -1.6629E-02 -8.3781E+00
The correct results from IFX (no optimization), Gfortran, etc.:
ifx /Qmkl /standard-semantics /Od /nologo tbndacc.f90 & tbndacc
3 -2.3280E+01 -6.1367E+01 -1.2575E+01 -1.9373E-02 -2.2430E+01
4 1.1100E+01 -3.4233E+01 -1.5701E+01 -4.1192E-02 -2.2017E+01
5 6.8000E+00 2.7982E+01 -2.4215E+00 -2.2976E-02 -3.2010E+00
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I reduced this down considerably. And found the DO loop that was unrolled improperly and causes the error. Again, turning off unrolling OR using the DIR$ NOUNROLL directive on this 1 loop will work around it while I get a bug report going and get us a fix.
I also got MKL out of the free variables, so compilation is quite simple
program tbndacc
implicit none
integer, parameter :: Nb = 4, Jt =3
real :: G(12,6) = 0.0
integer :: Ip = 2, Ir = 4
G(1,1:5) = (/ 0.2, 21.0, 40.8, 4.7, 1.7 /)
G(2,1:5) = (/ -3.1, -41.2, -30.9, -0.9, -4.6 /)
G(3,1:5) = (/ 0.5, 19.3, 33.3, 2.9, 8.0 /)
G(4,1:5) = (/ 11.1, 44.4, 11.1, 0.01, 18.0 /)
G(5,1:5) = (/ 6.8, 43.1, 16.7, 0.05, 24.7 /)
call BndAcc(G,Nb,Ip,Ir,Jt)
subroutine bndacc(G,Nb,Ip,Ir,Jt)
implicit none
integer Ip, Ir, Jt, Nb
real :: G(12,*), zero
integer i,ig, k, l, lp1, mu, nbp1
integer :: temp_max
zero = 0.
nbp1 = Nb + 1
mu = min(Nb-1,Ir-Ip-1) !..mu will equal 1
do l = 1, mu
k = min(L,Jt-Ip)
lp1 = l + 1
ig = Ip + l
! dir NOUNROLL will prevent unroll error dir$ NOUNROLL
do i = lp1, Nb
G(ig,i - k) = G(ig,i)
end do
do i = 1, k
G(ig,nbp1 - i) = zero
end do
end do
print*, 'G(3,1:5)'
print*, G(3,1:5)
print*, "Should be"
print*, " 19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000"
end subroutine bndacc
end program
and here is the build/run at O2 to show the error
rm a.out ; ifx -O2 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
2.900000 2.900000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
and no error at O1
rm a.out ; ifx -O1 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
and no error at O2 if -unroll0
rm a.out ; ifx -O2 -unroll0 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
and no error if I use DIR$ NOUNROLL on that loop
do i = lp1, Nb
G(ig,i - k) = G(ig,i)
end do
rm a.out ; ifx -O2 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
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If the argument lists are removed from the CALL to and the first line of subroutine BNDACC, and the corresponding local variable declarations in BNDACC are removed, the bug is no longer seen. All the current arguments are then available through host association.
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using llvm opt-bisect-limit I found the error is tied to loop unrolling optimization. Now it could be that @mecej4 has found an error in our references to the arguments. Try this,
On my linux system when I disabled loop unrolling to 2 or less then I didn't see the error.
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I reduced this down considerably. And found the DO loop that was unrolled improperly and causes the error. Again, turning off unrolling OR using the DIR$ NOUNROLL directive on this 1 loop will work around it while I get a bug report going and get us a fix.
I also got MKL out of the free variables, so compilation is quite simple
program tbndacc
implicit none
integer, parameter :: Nb = 4, Jt =3
real :: G(12,6) = 0.0
integer :: Ip = 2, Ir = 4
G(1,1:5) = (/ 0.2, 21.0, 40.8, 4.7, 1.7 /)
G(2,1:5) = (/ -3.1, -41.2, -30.9, -0.9, -4.6 /)
G(3,1:5) = (/ 0.5, 19.3, 33.3, 2.9, 8.0 /)
G(4,1:5) = (/ 11.1, 44.4, 11.1, 0.01, 18.0 /)
G(5,1:5) = (/ 6.8, 43.1, 16.7, 0.05, 24.7 /)
call BndAcc(G,Nb,Ip,Ir,Jt)
subroutine bndacc(G,Nb,Ip,Ir,Jt)
implicit none
integer Ip, Ir, Jt, Nb
real :: G(12,*), zero
integer i,ig, k, l, lp1, mu, nbp1
integer :: temp_max
zero = 0.
nbp1 = Nb + 1
mu = min(Nb-1,Ir-Ip-1) !..mu will equal 1
do l = 1, mu
k = min(L,Jt-Ip)
lp1 = l + 1
ig = Ip + l
! dir NOUNROLL will prevent unroll error dir$ NOUNROLL
do i = lp1, Nb
G(ig,i - k) = G(ig,i)
end do
do i = 1, k
G(ig,nbp1 - i) = zero
end do
end do
print*, 'G(3,1:5)'
print*, G(3,1:5)
print*, "Should be"
print*, " 19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000"
end subroutine bndacc
end program
and here is the build/run at O2 to show the error
rm a.out ; ifx -O2 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
2.900000 2.900000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
and no error at O1
rm a.out ; ifx -O1 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
and no error at O2 if -unroll0
rm a.out ; ifx -O2 -unroll0 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
and no error if I use DIR$ NOUNROLL on that loop
do i = lp1, Nb
G(ig,i - k) = G(ig,i)
end do
rm a.out ; ifx -O2 repro.f90 ; ./a.out
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
Should be
19.30000 33.30000 2.900000 0.0000000E+00 8.000000
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Bug ID is CMPLRLLVM-57523. Thank you for isolating this to a short reproducer. I helped me to quickly get to the root cause.
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Test 52 of SLATEC runs and reports "passed" if bndacc.f is compiled with IFX /Qunroll:2 . Similarly, Test 53 (the double precision version of Test52) runs correctly if dbndac.f is compiled with /Qunroll:2.
Thanks for preparing and filing the IFX compiler error report.
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This issue has been fixed in the recently released Intel Fortran Compiler, available for download as part of Intel HPC Toolkit 2024.2.1

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