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Pointer array of pointer


Thanks for all. This is my first post.
I have a customized type such as

type dhd_particle  
     real (kind=8) :: postn(3)=0.D0  ! position 
     real (kind=8) :: veloc(3)=0.D0  ! velocity  
     real (kind=8) :: vorti(3)=0.D0  ! vorticity
     real (kind=8) :: force(3)=0.D0  ! force
     real (kind=8) :: torqu(3)=0.D0  ! torque
end type

 and make 10 of them

type (dhd_particle) :: sphere(10)

 Now I have pointer array such as

real(kind=8),pointer :: x(10),y(10),z(10),r(30)

then link them like

  x => sphere(:)%postn(1)
  y => sphere(:)%postn(2)
  z => sphere(:)%postn(3)

up to which I did not have any problem.  What I want to have is a pointer of "r", of which components are

r(1) = x(1)
r(2) = y(1)
r(3) = z(1)
r(4) = x(2)
r(30) = z(10)


How could I make the pointer array r either using x, y, and z or directly form sphere array?
I first would like to know this is possible or not. If possible, how do I write a code?

Any help will be highly appreciated.



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5 Replies
Honored Contributor I

You should realise that a declaration like:

real, dimension(:), pointer :: p

does not create an array of pointers, but a pointer to an array.

To get an array of pointers you will have to use a derived type like:

type some_pointer
     real, pointer :: p
end type some_pointer

type(some_pointer), dimension(10) :: p

Individual pointers are then accessed as: p(1)%p.

This might help build the sort of data structure you are looking for, but could you explain the purpose? It seems to me a trifle complicated - you may have a hard time trying to keep track of these things.

Alternative that comes to mind is the use of the ASSOCIATE construct. That allows the sort of things you are looking for directly. Well, I didn't check very carefully, but I am fairly positive.

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Dear Arjen:

Thank you so much.  I will definitely look at those.
The purpose is as follows.  I do particle dynamics simulation, similar to molecular dynamics, solving N-body, F=ma. That is why I have the above specific derived data type. But, when I include fluid-particle interaction, I need a vector (1D array) consisting of 3N components for position, velocity, force and so forth. The first three is for particle 1, the second three (4-6) is for particle 2, and so forth. Copying from individual object to a vector might take long time for mem_copy, so I thought pointer might save some running time.

Thanks a lot.



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Honored Contributor I

hm, it may actually be easier to turn it around:

real(kind=8), dimension(30) :: r

type dhd_particle
     real(kind=8), dimension(:), pointer :: postn
end type dhd_particle

sphere(i)%postn => r(3*(i-1)+1:3*i) ! loop over i
x => r(1::3)
y => r(2::3)
z => r(3::3)


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This is a genius concept!!
What I need the most is line 08.  I cannot thank enough. ^^

I did have any experience dealing with pointers in MPI (fortran) since I have to broadcast particles of data type "DHD_PARTICLE".  I hope it works. Anyway your suggestion is a real conceptual breakthrough to me.

I truly appreciate it.



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Honored Contributor I

You're welcome :).

As for MPI: MPI sends data, not pointers, so I do not think that will be a problem.

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